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Jason Owen

Subject classification with DITA and SKOS - 4 views

  • In a topic-oriented architecture such as DITA, content is authored in small, independent units that are assembled to provide help systems, books, courses, and other deliverables. Each unit of information answers a single question for a specific purpose. That is, each topic has specific, independent subject matter
  • Because each topic has a specific meaning, DITA topics are tailor-made for semantic processing. However, current semantic processors can't read the text of a topic to find out what it means. What's missing is a formal declaration of the topic's subject matter that a semantic processor can understand
  • Simple Knowledge Organization System (SKOS) provides a standard for indicating the subject matter of content. SKOS lets you define the subjects for a particular subject matter area (organizing these subjects as a taxonomy if desired) and then classify each piece of content to indicate its subject. For instance, using SKOS, you could define configuration and security as subjects, and classify the three example topics that relate to those subjects so that users could browse the subjects to find the content regardless of whether the words "configuration" or "security" actually appear in the text.
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  • SKOS is expressed with Resource Description Framework (RDF), the fundamental language of the Semantic Web.
  • DITA has a natural fit with SKOS in solutions where DITA topics are classified with subjects that are expressed in SKOS for runtime processing.
  • Formal subjects are often defined by glossary topics or other topics that already exist within the published information set.
  • Even if you don't include the subject definitions in your published information, you can use your standard content tools for your subject definitions. For instance, you can author the subject definitions with your XML editor, and archive and version the subject definitions along with your content in your content management or version control system.
  • Subject classification is as much a part of the information architecture of your content as the navigational organization.
  • The DITA topic specifies the subject with a specialized section element that includes the following kinds of information:Default labels, including synonyms and denotative imagesNotes on the definition and on the scope of coverage for the subjectListing 1 shows an example of the definition for the Configuring subject:
  • Because the meaning of a formal topic should never vary based on its use, these fields should be part of the topic.
  • You can have multiple schemes for the same subjects. For instance, different audiences might be interested in a different subset of the taxonomy.This approach of imposing alternative organizational structures on subjects fits well with the standard use of DITA maps for separating context from content, allowing different organizations to be imposed on the same content. That is, the scheme can be considered a special kind of context for subject definition topics.
  • Schemes can use non-DITA subject definitions (such as publicly-defined SKOS, OWL, or TopicMaps subjects). You cite the public identifier of the subject with the subjectdef element and identify the subject definition format with the format attribute. This allows you to incorporate publicly-defined subjects into your schemes, or to integrate a formal ontology maintained by your organization with concepts that are specific to your content.
  • To classify content, another map specialization associates formal subjects with topics (see Figure 4).
  • Inside the topicref element that references and contains references to the classified content, you nest a topicsubject element to specify the subjects of the content. You can identify a primary subject with the href attribute of the topicsubject element, which also contains subjectref elements for the secondary subjects. If no subject is primary, the topicsubject element should be a container without the href attribute.
  • In the same way that subject schemes can cite public non-DITA subjects, you can classify DITA content with SKOS, OWL, or TopicMaps subjects by citing the public URI identifiers with the subjectref element and setting the format attribute.
  • The central circle represents a conceptual topic (such as Security), which:Has a broader relationship to a subject (perhaps System Concerns) within a schemeIs classified by two other subjects (perhaps the Background type and the Novice User role)Contributes to the classification of one topic (such as Web Security)Occupies the second position in a navigation sequence (perhaps under a Glossary heading)
  • Because subjects are defined by special topics, you can include the subject definition in the content and use it for classification. For instance, the subject topic for Security can both classify content about security and describe security within the Web site or help system content. Figure 5 illustrates this scenario:
  • Because the classification map is distinct from the scheme map, you can apply multiple schemes to the same classification without requiring changes to the classification. To combine the scheme and classification maps for a deliverable, a higher-level map can refer to both maps using a DITA map reference (see Figure 6).
  • You might process a single map to generate both an HTML representation of the content and a SKOS representation of the subjects and classification.
    Use a DITA specialization to manage the subject matter of your document content -- that is, identify and process your content based on what each topic is about. With the approach outlined in this article, you can take advantage of the technologies of the
Jason Owen

Survey: Semantics in Information Standards for Technical Communication - 2 views

You are invited to participate in a survey study about the importance of semantics in information standards for technical communication. Participation in this study should take about five minutes o...

dita xml docbook s1000d standards

started by Jason Owen on 01 Nov 10 no follow-up yet
Jason Owen

DITA Constraints Presentation · DITA Writer - 2 views

  • This is where constraints in the upcoming DITA 1.2 spec comes to the rescue, as it provides a means to specialize without specialization, not by creating new elements, but by constraining your usage of DITA elements to those you actually use. This results in a writing team needing less than the full standard, usefully constraining what tags a writer can use in order have them better focus on the job that they are supposed to do. His take on using them was to start with the most constrained condition, and then loosen the constraints as required as needs evolve.
Jason Owen

DITA's New Keys and the 80/20 Rule - 1 views

  • Keys provide a way for authors to create addresses to resources through the use of a named identifier rather thanto a specific URI pointer. In other words, I can create an easy-to-remember key, like “ms-word-functions” that actually resolves to a URL “” and link to this URL using the key name in my DITA topic.
  • Any time a topic makes use of a key reference, that topic is explicitly binding itself to a map (or many maps), meaning that a topic is no longer a unit of information that is completely independent of any particular context in which it is assembled into. You could make the argument that any reference defined in a topic to an external resource (e.g., an image or a cross-reference to another topic) by definition creates a dependency on that topic. And arguably, the referenced (the endpoint) resource is unaware of the object that is referencing it, regardless of whether it's a topic reference or a cross-reference. But there is an additional dependency in the case of keys: Any map that references a topic with a key reference must define the key. So in a sense, not only does the map (or an ancestor map) need to know about the topic, it needs to discover what the topic is about, specifically related to any key references it points to. Consequently, somewhere along the line, at least one map must define the keys used by a topic.  Did you get all that?  Imagine what your XML authoring tools, CMS systems, and rendering platforms will need to do to manage this.
  • there are potential downsides too.  Keys and key references add another layer of complexity to planning the authoring, deployment and management of DITA content.  
Jason Owen

The Web Does Minimalism | Every Page is Page One - 1 views

  • is not about less content, it is about the reader spending less time on the content.
    A good summary of minimalist content that looks at the Web as a cohesive collection of content. The article also provides an interesting spin on minimalism, saying that minimalist "is not about less content, it is about the reader spending less time on the content. "
Jason Owen

A Task is Not a Procedure | Every Page is Page One - 0 views

  • A task is something a user has to do, a goal they want to attain. A procedure is a set of instructions for manipulating a machine. Manipulating the machine is never the user’s goal in itself. Manipulating the machine may be one of the things the user has to do to accomplish their task, but it is not the task itself. A procedure, therefore, may be part of a task topic, but it is not a task topic in itself.
    • Jason Owen
      i.e., a task is user-oriented while a procedure is product-oriented.
  • This is what topic-based writing and task topic types should be about, therefore: creating topics that function for the user by consistently and reliably enabling them to accomplish the whole of their real-world tasks. This is about a great deal more than procedures, and there is a great deal more at stake than reuse.
Jason Owen

dita xml - SlideFinder slide search - Page 1 - 0 views

    Search results on slidefinder for presentations containing info about DITA
Jason Owen

dita-users : dita-users - 0 views

    dita-users: dita-users
Jason Owen

Do we need a content strategy? | DITA - 0 views

  • What is a content strategy? A content strategy reveals who the end users are, the goals they are pursuing and what tasks they must do to reach the goals. The content strategy explicitly describes what type of information end users need to do the tasks, which gives us the content to include and not include in a manual and how to organize it to make content searchable. A content strategy shall answer a number of questions (for example, open the document via link "information design questions" On The answers are sometimes referred to as the information model.
  • The content strategy shall also deal with areas such as metadata, reuse strategy, creation and release processes, publishing mechanisms, content ownership and responsibility, tools etc.
  • Let us elaborate two types of content creation organizations within the technical communication domain: Explicit and implicit organizations.  In the implicit organization there are no content strategy written down. Each member (technical writer, SME etc) has their own view on what content they believe end users need. In the best of worlds these views are aligned without the members having discussed it. In other implicit organizations an information designer has taken the role to plan and design the content (together with the team or not). But the strategy and principle that the information designer is following may not be communicated or understood by the technical writers or SMEs. So the information designer has to be consulted every time a new manual is developed or a macro content change is proposed in an existing manual. In explicit organizations the strategy and principles are written down and communicated.
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  • What benefits is possible to see from having a content strategy? Content creation teams are spending less time or planning and developing the content specifications, which helps team be more efficient which allows the company to launch the new products faster on more markets. The writing process is likely to improve since it is clear who the end user is and what type of information is needed. The content strategy also reveals the requirements and expectations a company imposes on the content creation team.
Jason Owen

Encoding context-sensitive help information in DITA reltables | Scriptorium Publishing - 0 views

  • If a help ID should provide a list of related topics, those topics are shown as separate <relcell> entries in the corresponding <relrow>:
  • <relrow id=”h4444444″>
  • This encoding approach takes care of the DITA source side of the context-sensitive help. You’ll need to build a DITA Open Toolkit plugin that processes the relationship table and creates the appropriate mapping files.
Jason Owen

Survey: Information resources about DITA - 0 views

You are invited to participate in a survey study about the selection of information resources for information about DITA. Participation in this study should take about five minutes of your time. Pa...

started by Jason Owen on 25 Jul 11 no follow-up yet
Jason Owen

What is the purpose of sorting and organizing topics that goes into a map? | DITA - 0 views

    A user finds answers on how to use a product in various ways; by searching the internet, by using the traditional manual, in paper or electronic format etc. A certain user in a certain situation need answers and we, as technical communicators, carefully arrange many answers (topics) in a deliverable (map). The answers in the map are sorted and organized according to some principle. But, why do we sort and organize the topics we have referenced in the map?
Jason Owen

DITA Proposed Feature #12031 - 0 views

    Manage and validate the enumerations for attributes as controlled content.
Jason Owen - 0 views

Jason Owen

DITA World - Comprehensive List of DITA Resources - 0 views

    Full list of DITA (Darwin Information Typing Architecture) resources including official documents, articles, XML / DITA editors user groups
Jason Owen

Metadata Principle 3 | - 0 views

shared by Jason Owen on 21 Apr 10 - Cached
  • Attributes of distributed objects should be expressed using standard controlled terms whenever possible.
  • Factors to consider include:
  • Tools to support the use of the vocabulary. Is there an online thesaurus? Can it be incorporated into the collection’s search system? Are there cross-references and related terms?
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • To enable the most effective end-user access, the implementation of local, collection-specific authorities and vocabularies in addition to the use of terms and names from standard published authorities is often the best strategy.
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