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Free eBook: Updated eLearning Trends in 2019 | EI Design - 0 views

    This free eBook, Updated eLearning Trends in 2019 - Packed with Ideas You Can Use to Enhance Your Learning Strategy, provides an analysis and mid-year updates on the current eLearning Trends and is packed with ideas and tips that you can use.

A 5-Step Plan To Create A Captivating Scenario-Based Corporate Training - 0 views

    Scenario-Based Learning (SBL) is a popular strategy that can checkpoint learning and help learners improve their decision-making skills. In this article, I outline a 5-step plan you can use to create a captivating scenario-based corporate training.

7 Gamification Techniques For Corporate Training That Work - EIDesign - 0 views

    While gamification has been in use for corporate training for several years, there is still a lingering doubt on its impact. In this article, I share 7 gamification techniques for corporate training that work!

8 Examples Of Video-Based Learning That Will Help You Deliver High-Impact mLearning - E... - 0 views

    Video-based learning is an important component of online training delivery today. In this article, I showcase 8 examples of video-based learning that will help you create high-impact mLearning solutions.

Adopting Personalized Learning for Employee Training | EI Design - 0 views

    We know that "one size does not fit all." Even in training, there is a demand to offer custom and more relevant content to learners (vis-a-vis a generic content). This mandate can be achieved by offering Personalized learning for employee training.

Why Adopt Mobile Learning For Online Training - 10 Questions Answered - EIDesign - 0 views

    If you are new to mLearning or are seeking ways to enhance its impact, e.g. by using mobile learning for online training, you would have several questions about it. In this article, I answer 10 questions that range from its definition, application, and how you can maximize its impact.

Cesens® / Agricultura 4.0 - 1 views

shared by AmbientaTIC on 05 May 18 - No Cached
    Cesens es un sistema de información agroclimática para la toma de decisiones en agricultura. Son estaciones que recogen datos de los cultivos para obtener información de valor añadido, como el riesgo de infección o la necesidad de riego.

Cropti | Mejora tu rentabilidad con Cropti Profesional - 2 views

    ¡Mejora tu rentabilidad! Con Cropti conocerás qué cultivos y parcelas tienen mayor rentabilidad. Esta es otra de las aplicaciones que facilitarán tu día a día.

RiegoApp Demonstration - YouTube - 1 views

shared by AmbientaTIC on 07 May 18 - No Cached
    RIEGOAPP, la primera apliación que ahorra agua de riego agrícola. Aquí os dejamos una demostración de su funcionamiento.
Juanmi Muñoz

M-Learning: educación móvil en el aula - EVirtualplus - 1 views

    "Según Brazuelo y Gallego, podemos definir el M-Learning (Mobile Learning) o aprendizaje móvil como: Una modalidad educativa que facilita la construcción del conocimiento, la resolución de problemas de aprendizaje y el desarrollo de destrezas o habilidades diversas de forma autónoma y ubicua gracias a la mediación de dispositivos móviles portables."
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