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Vincent Tsao

GSeeker: 极酷的Google Phone设计图 - 0 views

  • Google Phone离我们越来越近,但到目前为止,我们还没有看到了它的真面目。之前也曾流传过不少图片,比如:一,二。既然官方图片没有出现,我们为何不设计一些以自娱?我自己没这个功力,但我们国内的设计高手们有。下面就是"DogOrGod"所设计的Google Phone图片,非常的酷!
    • Vincent Tsao
      really cool, i like that
  • 在这个设计里,Google Phone并没有像iPhone那样采用全触控屏设计,而是使用传统的按钮+控杆设计。不过整体风格和Google非常相近,尤其是蓝色的按钮,很炫。
Vincent Tsao

Google 黑板报 -- Google 中国的博客网志: Google 的工程师文化 -- 幽默篇 - 0 views

  • 这里我来谈谈工程师们的幽默 (geek humor)
  • 特别提的是,这里的英文用词非常独特,有些词 GRE 考试里都未必见过。a puny code review (一丁丁...)a gargantuan code review (超大的)a month-long code review (看,我写了这么多代码,你恐怕要看个把月吧!)the mother of all code reviews (哎呀,妈呀,这么多代码要看啊?)为了避免工程师们的审美疲劳,定期会有工程师改动成另外一套词汇。看看这套是不是更好?a wee code review (一丁丁点儿...)an unassuming code review (少量的)a jupiterian code review (木星级的) (注:木星是九大行星中最大的)the grandmother of all code reviews (这里已经到了祖母级了)又有一次,一位同事发来电子邮件,签名档上赫然写着:“世界上总共有 10 种人,一种懂得什么是二进制 ,一种不懂。” 不禁让人又一次忍俊不禁。这些虽然只是日常工作中的点点滴滴,却不时给大家带来淡淡的惊喜。不知哪位工程师现在正在给同事们准备下一个小幽默?
Jason Bao

减肥论坛-漂漂不胖胖 - 0 views

shared by Jason Bao on 24 Mar 07 - Cached
Jason Bao

Yasly插画作品--apparel(一)-视觉中国 - 0 views

Jason Bao

cnBeta.COM - 印度一流大学晚上断网 强制学生回归现实 - 0 views

  • 印度一流大学晚上断网 强制学生回归现实 3月13日消息, 印度一所著名理工学院最近对学生在宿舍的上网时间加以限制, 称沉迷网络、游戏和博客导致学生成绩下降, 并助长了他们的孤独感和自杀倾向. 据路透社报道, 印度精英大学孟买理工学院 (Indian Institute of Technology in Mumbai) 的领导们称, 现在的学生已懒怠进行社交活动, 而且许多学生上午要么上课迟到, 要么就干脆睡过去了.
    • Jason Bao
    • eric_fantasy
jincheng li

铂程斋--54部经典国外动画片-送给70-80年代的朋友(大型图文) - 0 views

    • eric_fantasy
    • eric_fantasy
  • ...5 more annotations...
    • eric_fantasy
    • eric_fantasy
      ha ,everybody know that, 聪明的一休哥
    • eric_fantasy
    • eric_fantasy
Jason Bao

歌词误听 -- 265另类娱乐 - 0 views

  • 得米老鼠和唐老鸭吗?片头说,“啊,演出开始了!”我听了好久,一直以为他说,“啊,野猪拉屎了!”
  • 孟庭苇的《你究竟有几个好妹妹》,里面有一句“为何每个妹妹都嫁给眼泪”,我怎么听,都是“为何每个妹妹都嫁给人类”
  • 《济公》里唱:“哪里有不平哪有我。”太对了,地上哪里不平,当然会有“窝”了
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • “千年等一回,等一回——”有人听成:“千年的女鬼,的女鬼——”
  • “……我们的祖国是花园,花园的花朵真鲜艳,和暖的阳光照耀着我们,每个人脸上都笑开颜……”后两句小时候听成“河南的阳光照耀着我们,美国人脸上笑开颜”,郁闷了好些年……
lei zhou

ChaCha Search - Connect and search with a live ChaCha Guide | Home - 0 views

shared by lei zhou on 07 Mar 07 - Cached
Vincent Tsao

《Business 2.0》评出2007年25大网络新锐 - - 0 views

  • 06年成为了主流,这使评选2007年网络新锐变得更加艰难。August Capital公司合伙人大卫·霍尼克(David Hornik)表示:“对于Web2.0公司而言,2007年是至关重要的一年,要么获得成功,要么以失败告终。毫无疑问,很多公司都将退
Vincent Tsao

Core team behind Ruby on Rails - 0 views

  • David Heinemeier Hansson (nextangle) extracted Ruby on Rails from his work on Basecamp. He released the framework as open source in July of 2004, but didn't share the commit rights until February of 2005. Among the core team, he's infamous for his ruthless delegation, which is often executed as a request to "Please Do Investigate". He's a partner at 37signals and an opinionated blogger.
  • ...19 more annotations...
  • Jamis Buck (minam) is a repentant Java programmer who never really enjoyed Java, but who finally found web-programming joy in Rails. He is an avid Ruby programmer, having contributed several packages to the community (including Net::SSH, Net::SFTP, Syntax, sqlite-ruby, sqlite3-ruby, SwitchTower and others). He is currently employed at 37signals, working from his home in Provo, Utah. He and his wife Tarasine have been married for 8 years. They have two children.
  • Nicholas Seckar (ulysses) is a student and software engineer living in Toronto, Canada. Nicholas has been contributing to Ruby and Rails since Fall 2004, with numerous bug fixes and new features such as Routing. He has been a developer on Measure Map since August 2005. He is currently completing his undergraduate degree at the University of Toronto, while also working for Google in their Toronto engineering department.
  • Florian Weber (csshsh) lives and works in Hamburg, Germany. He discovered Rails back in May 2004 and then decided to develop a CMS and Shop for Bellybutton with it.
  • Marcel Molina Jr. (noradio) is a language enthusiast who went from being a literature major to a programmer. In his transition from natural language to machine language he found Ruby an elegant balance of dynamic, pragmatic and “humane”. And then came along Rails…. Marcel tumblelogs on Projectionist and tries to help keep your apps running smoothly as a developer at FiveRuns.
  • Michael Koziarski (nzkoz) is a software consultant based in Wellington, New Zealand. After a successful stint as an enterprise Java developer, he switched to rails shortly after the first public release. He’s a contributor to The Rails Way and maintains a personal blog.
  • Sam Stephenson (sam-) is a fan of dynamic languages who found Ruby just six months before Rails’ first release. In February of 2005, he released the Prototype JavaScript library, which provides the foundation for Ajax support in Rails. Sam lives in Chicago, works for 37signals, and tumblelogs on Projectionist.
  • Scott Barron (htonl) was set to swear off computers forever and become a plumber when Rails was released. He immediately found salvation in the warm embrace of Ruby and has never looked back. He currently practices Rails by working for Joyent.
  • Thomas Fuchs (madrobby) is a software architect from Vienna, Austria. He is the author of, a cross-browser JavaScript framework featuring advanced Ajax UI controls, visual effects and other niceties. Thomas wrote the “Web 2.0” chapter in the Agile Web Development with Rails book. As a member of wollzelle, he is busy making fluxiom the next big thing in Digital Asset Management.  
  • Tobias Lütke (xal) encountered Rails while struggling to find technology for his new company. Once found, he quickly ported the bits and pieces of his code over to Ruby which later became the first rails based e-commerce store “Snowdevil”. Tobi is a partner at JadedPixel and is frantically working on Shopify which is the continuation of the Snowdevil code base. Over time, Tobi released many open source projects such as Typo, Hieraki, and Liquid.  
    • Vincent Tsao
      Rick? really like Rick Fan , but more handsome, what do you think? :)
  • Rick Olson (technoweenie) > blames Ruby on Rails for > destroying his ASP.Net career. After tinkering in the framework for nearly a > year, he decided to start full-time freelancing on Rails projects in January of > 2006 and couldn't be happier. He's behind the > Rails Weenie > community help site, and > has released the open source weblog > Mephisto > along with > numerous plugins > . >
Jason Bao

Flickr: Photos from .melissa. - 0 views

Vincent Tsao

可爱的老头 精力旺盛的互联网之父Cerf-无聊布棉的blog - 0 views

    • Vincent Tsao
  • 这老头最牛的地方,就是精力旺盛。在昨天,从早上到下午,至少有4、5场专访,滔滔不绝,几乎不拒绝所有的问题。我当时就问跟踪的凯锋,你疯了吗?他说接近崩溃了。哈哈。王乐问了个问题,你加入Google,又研究火星互联网,又是ICANN的主席等等,哪有那么多精力,Cerf说,首先我认为睡觉是浪费时间,所以我睡觉的时间是尽可能地短,第二,我认为一个人如果已经进入了一种高速前进的状态就不应该减速,应该以同样的速度继续地前进下去,也就是说当时速达到每小时900英里的时候,一旦减速就会发生事故。
Jason Bao

YouTube - CHENGDU TIME Launch Video - 0 views

shared by Jason Bao on 03 Mar 07 - Cached
  • CHENGDU TIME Launch Video >
    好瓜的歌~~ 关于成都
Jason Bao

NeoKeys - A New Way to do Everything. - 0 views

Vincent Tsao - 0 views

lei zhou / A showroom of nice looking simple downloadable DHTML and AJAX scripts - 0 views

shared by lei zhou on 28 Feb 07 - Cached
Jason Bao

生活时尚,穿的起名牌也要懂名牌 - 陶瓷娃娃 - 和讯个人门户 - 0 views

shared by Jason Bao on 27 Feb 07 - Cached
Vincent Tsao

PunBB - 0 views

shared by Vincent Tsao on 27 Feb 07 - Cached
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