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BLOG USING GR8 WEB 2.0 TOOLS AND APPS IN XXI CENTURY EDUCATION by Lucian #curation is #socialmedia king . Top 10 #edtech20 tools who will change research this year - 12 views

    #curation is #socialmedia king . Top 10 #edtech20 tools who will change research in #education20 this year . I invite you to subscribe free to our monthly newstelller . This post was made after 1 year research in #edtech20 #socialmedia #curation project . If you are agree that #curation is #socialmedia king leave a comment and share with #PLN . Also I invite to read every week on this blog about  gr8 tools . Also all my blog post are now on scoopit

Buy Negative Google Reviews - SmmTopMarket - 0 views

    Buy Negative Google Reviews Assuming you are looking to buy negative Google reviews in an effort to improve your business's online reputation, there are a few things you should keep in mind. First and foremost, it is important to remember that when you buy negative Google reviews, you are essentially paying someone to lie about your business. As such, it is important to be very careful about who you purchase these reviews from. There are a lot of scam artists out there who will take your money and then either never deliver the promised reviews or deliver reviews that are so obviously fake that they do little to help your business. When looking for a company to buy negative Google reviews from, be sure to do your research. Read online reviews of the company you are considering using and look for any red flags. You should also make sure that the company offers a money-back guarantee in case you are not satisfied with the reviews they provide. Another thing to keep in mind when buying negative Google reviews is that you need to be realistic about the number of positive reviews your business has. If your business has a ton of positive reviews, then a few negative reviews are not going to have a huge impact on your overall rating. However, if your business has very few positive reviews, then even a few negative reviews can have a significant impact. As such, it is important to only purchase a few negative reviews if your business has a relatively good online reputation. If your business has a poor online reputation, you may want to purchase more negative reviews in an effort to offset the positive reviews. At the end of the day, buying negative Google reviews is a bit of a gamble. There is no guarantee that the reviews you purchase will be realistic or helpful. However, if you do your research and purchase from a reputable company, you should be able to get some negative reviews that will improve your business's online reputation. The world of online revie
  • ...1 more comment...
    Buy Negative Google Reviews Assuming you are looking to buy negative Google reviews in an effort to improve your business's online reputation, there are a few things you should keep in mind. First and foremost, it is important to remember that when you buy negative Google reviews, you are essentially paying someone to lie about your business. As such, it is important to be very careful about who you purchase these reviews from. There are a lot of scam artists out there who will take your money and then either never deliver the promised reviews or deliver reviews that are so obviously fake that they do little to help your business. When looking for a company to buy negative Google reviews from, be sure to do your research. Read online reviews of the company you are considering using and look for any red flags. You should also make sure that the company offers a money-back guarantee in case you are not satisfied with the reviews they provide. Another thing to keep in mind when buying negative Google reviews is that you need to be realistic about the number of positive reviews your business has. If your business has a ton of positive reviews, then a few negative reviews are not going to have a huge impact on your overall rating. However, if your business has very few positive reviews, then even a few negative reviews can have a significant impact. As such, it is important to only purchase a few negative reviews if your business has a relatively good online reputation. If your business has a poor online reputation, you may want to purchase more negative reviews in an effort to offset the positive reviews. At the end of the day, buying negative Google reviews is a bit of a gamble. There is no guarantee that the reviews you purchase will be realistic or helpful. However, if you do your research and purchase from a reputable company, you should be able to get some negative reviews that will improve your business's online reputation. The world of online revie
    Buy Negative Google Reviews Assuming you are looking to buy negative Google reviews in an effort to improve your business's online reputation, there are a few things you should keep in mind. First and foremost, it is important to remember that when you buy negative Google reviews, you are essentially paying someone to lie about your business. As such, it is important to be very careful about who you purchase these reviews from. There are a lot of scam artists out there who will take your money and then either never deliver the promised reviews or deliver reviews that are so obviously fake that they do little to help your business. When looking for a company to buy negative Google reviews from, be sure to do your research. Read online reviews of the company you are considering using and look for any red flags. You should also make sure that the company offers a money-back guarantee in case you are not satisfied with the reviews they provide. Another thing to keep in mind when buying negative Google reviews is that you need to be realistic about the number of positive reviews your business has. If your business has a ton of positive reviews, then a few negative reviews are not going to have a huge impact on your overall rating. However, if your business has very few positive reviews, then even a few negative reviews can have a significant impact. As such, it is important to only purchase a few negative reviews if your business has a relatively good online reputation. If your business has a poor online reputation, you may want to purchase more negative reviews in an effort to offset the positive reviews. At the end of the day, buying negative Google reviews is a bit of a gamble. There is no guarantee that the reviews you purchase will be realistic or helpful. However, if you do your research and purchase from a reputable company, you should be able to get some negative reviews that will improve your business's online reputation. The world of online revie
    Buy Negative Google Reviews Assuming you are looking to buy negative Google reviews in an effort to improve your business's online reputation, there are a few things you should keep in mind. First and foremost, it is important to remember that when you buy negative Google reviews, you are essentially paying someone to lie about your business. As such, it is important to be very careful about who you purchase these reviews from. There are a lot of scam artists out there who will take your money and then either never deliver the promised reviews or deliver reviews that are so obviously fake that they do little to help your business. When looking for a company to buy negative Google reviews from, be sure to do your research. Read online reviews of the company you are considering using and look for any red flags. You should also make sure that the company offers a money-back guarantee in case you are not satisfied with the reviews they provide. Another thing to keep in mind when buying negative Google reviews is that you need to be realistic about the number of positive reviews your business has. If your business has a ton of positive reviews, then a few negative reviews are not going to have a huge impact on your overall rating. However, if your business has very few positive reviews, then even a few negative reviews can have a significant impact. As such, it is important to only purchase a few negative reviews if your business has a relatively good online reputation. If your business has a poor online reputation, you may want to purchase more negative reviews in an effort to offset the positive reviews. At the end of the day, buying negative Google reviews is a bit of a gamble. There is no guarantee that the reviews you purchase will be realistic or helpful. However, if you do your research and purchase from a reputable company, you should be able to get some negative reviews that will improve your business's online reputation. The world of online revie
Fred Delventhal

History Engine: Tools for Collaborative Education and Research | Home - 15 views

    "The History Engine is an educational tool that gives students the opportunity to learn history by doing the work-researching, writing, and publishing-of a historian. The result is an ever-growing collection of historical articles or "episodes" that paints a wide-ranging portrait of life in the United States throughout its history and that is available to scholars, teachers, and the general public in our online database." Via
Helmut Reo

Conquer Your Next Research Project The Easy Way With These Tools - 0 views

    Great overview article. Includes tool overview and a especially a lot of free options.
Dean Mantz

10 Creative Ways To Use Google Tools To Maximize Learning | Edudemic - 25 views

    3 of my favorite Google tools:, Voice Comments, and Research tool. 
  • Most quality online stores.New Solution for home gym, cool skateboard, Monsterbeats headphone and much more on the real bargain. Highly recommended.This is one of the trusted online store in the world. View now
Jennifer Dorman

21 Online Student Tools to Help with Research, Communication, and Organization | - 0 views

    This is a terrific list of online applications.
Fred Delventhal

Smithsonian Wild - 17 views

    Welcome to Smithsonian WILD! This site is designed to showcase some of the exciting research conducted by the Smithsonian Institution and its collaborators around the world, and to highlight the incredible diversity of wildlife that exists in a range of habitats across the globe.  The use of motion-triggered 'camera traps' has become an incredibly useful tool for scientists to answer an enormous range of conservation and ecological questions. Researchers attach these unique cameras to posts or trees, often along forest trails, and when a camera's sensor registers an animal's body heat and movement, a photograph is taken. The studies highlighted here demonstrate the range of applications of this method, and how these cameras give us a glimpse into an animal world that is rarely seen by anyone. You can search the site by following the trail of interesting animals or the lure of diverse sites around the world.
Mary Phillips

Sweet Search - 15 views

    Every Web site in SweetSearch has been evaluated by our research experts.
    Great search engine that has weeded out a lot of the junk (and advertising) found in a plain Google search. Cool tool! Also will link to your Google Docs account and add your research to a document.

Find The Best Keyword Search For Your Blogs - 0 views

    Keyword search engines can help you get valuable keywords for your content marketing. Therefore, choosing the best keyword research tool is critical to your SEO success.
    Keyword search engines can help you get valuable keywords for your content marketing. Therefore, choosing the best keyword research tool is critical to your SEO success.
Roger Zuidema

Top News - New search tool gives pause to some - 0 views

  • A new search tool that is set to launch formally May 18 allows users to input queries and receive answers to fact-based questions. If it works as advertised, the web site, called WolframAlpha, could be another useful tool for students and researchers -- though some educators say they are skeptical about the search tool.
  • Champaign, Ill.-based Wolfram Research develops the advanced math and analysis software Mathematica, and because the software includes data that have been "curated"--found and verified--by more than 100 Wolfram employees, over the years the company has built a wide knowledge base. Now, WolframAlpha lets the wider world have a crack at it--something that gives pause to some in education.
Dean Mantz

WizFolio - 12 views

  • WizFolio is a web based reference manager for researchers and scientists to efficiently manage their research and academic papers. An intelligent locate PDF engine easily retrieves PDFs from more than 500 top open access journals. The performance can be enhanced by linking the engine to your library resources.Cite as you write your scholarly work is easy when you can manage bibliography and organize references with a powerful citation tool. You can format bibliography and customize the citation style on-the-fly.
Dean Mantz

Teachers' Domain: Biotechnology - 2 views

  • uses research tools from biology and chemistr
  • uses research tools from biology and chemistry
  • resources explore common laboratory techniques used for treating disease and improving diagnosis, and examine the ethical debate over such research
Aly Kenee

Xtranormal | You Can't Just Google It! - 2 views

    A cute 2-minute critique of relying on Google as the only search and research tool. 

MY RESEARCH AND TOP 10 WEB 2.0 TOOLS IN XXI CENTURY EDUCATION with founders of #makr #startup make today from #diaspora #socialmedia tool next #facebook a community project #edtech20 #pln - 11 views

    founders of #makr #startup make today from #diaspora next facebook a #socialmedia community project . I add Diaspora to Top 10 PLN tools

MY RESEARCH AND TOP 10 WEB 2.0 TOOLS IN XXI CENTURY EDUCATION with Proud to be leader in Smile EUN Project COP2 and to present my top 10 tools to build #edtech20 #PLN - 13 views

    Proud to be Leader in Cop2 organized in SMILE :) project  managed by European Schoolnet . I tried to describe here my top 10 Social Media Curation tools to develop a PLN . Please add your feed-back and add comments with your  favorite startups to build a PLN here
Tom McHale

Kids Create -- and Critique on -- Social Networks | Edutopia - 1 views

  • "With Web 2.0, there's a strong impetus to make connections," says University of Minnesota researcher Christine Greenhow, who studies how people learn and teach with social networking. "It's not just creating content. It's creating content to share."
  • And once they share their creations, kids can access one of the richest parts of this learning cycle: the exchange that follows. "While the ability to publish and to share is powerful in and of itself, most of the learning occurs in the connections and conversation that occur after we publish," argues education blogger Will Richardson (a member of The George Lucas Educational Foundation's National Advisory Council).
  • In this online exchange, students can learn from their peers and simultaneously practice important soft skills -- namely, how to accept feedback and to usefully critique others" work.
  • ...3 more annotations...
  • "I learn how to take in constructive criticism," says thirteen-year-old Tiranne
  • image quality, audio, editing, and content
  • Using tools such as the social-network-creation site Ning, teachers can easily develop their own networks, Mosea says. "It is better to create your own," he argues. "If a teacher creates his or her own network, students will post as if their teacher is watching them, and they'll tend to be more safe. "You can build social networks around the curriculum," Mosea adds, "so you can use them as a teaching resource or another tool." An online social network is another tool -- but it's a tool with an advantage: It wasn't just imposed by teachers; the students have chosen it.
    "Self-Directed Learning When students are motivated to create work that they share online, it ignites an independent learning cycle driven by their ideas and energized by responses from peers."
    Self-Directed Learning "When students are motivated to create work that they share online, it ignites an independent learning cycle driven by their ideas and energized by responses from peers."
Dean Mantz

Online College Blog and School Reviews | 100 Powerful Web Tools to Organize Your Thoughts and Ideas - 1 views

    Wide selection of web based resources fro organizing yourself and thoughts throughout the day.
John Evans

Warning! Plagiarism Is On The Rise! - 16 views

    "EasyBib, an information literacy platform that provides citation, note taking, and research tools have created this helpful infographic on plagiarism. "Plagiarism, source attribution and critical thinking are among some of the real problems that our educators and students face. We put together this infographic to shed light on the matter, to underscore why librarians are needed more than ever, and to show what EasyBib is doing about it.""
    Good infographic ! Perfect text: "Plagiarism, source attribution and critical thinking are among some of the real problems that our educators and students face" no mas 900
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