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Lintbos | Agentschap voor Natuur en Bos - 0 views

    "Deze verbinding komt oa langs de groendomeinen Lintbos, Prinsenbos, Tangebeekbos, Park Drie Fonteinen, Gedempte Zenne en het Hanssenspark."

Overzicht deelnemende instellingen - - 0 views

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Mons2015 - 0 views

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50 reasons to be proud of Brussels | Brussels - 0 views

  • Each and every inhabitant of Brussels, the old and the new, is proud of this city (even if it takes them a second to admit it.) Sometimes we like to make fun of Brussels, but we won’t let anyone attack her! To boost your pride in this city, we have come up with 50 arguments you can revert to when the occasion presents itself. Obviously, we could have included dozens of other reasons, but our gut told us these 50 gems were just right…

The Bernissart Iguanodon1 : Abstract : Nature - 0 views

  • THE wonderful discovery of remains of Iguanodons made at Bernissart in 1878 caused quite a sensation amongst naturalists at the time, and the publication of the scientific results of that grand find have been awaited ever since with eager expectation. Nevertheless? as five years have elapsed since the discovery was announced, it is well that the memory should be refreshed by a few brief details as to the circumstances of the find itself before the results as to the nature of the Iguanodons themselves, lately made public, are referred to. Bernissart is in Belgium, situate between Mons and Tournai, close to the French frontier. In the spring of 1878, in one of the galleries of a coal mine there, were discovered in Wealden clays a large number of bones. Specimens of these bones were forwarded to Professor P. J. van Beneden, who at once recognised them as belonging to Iguanodon.

This is Belgium: Brugge by Carla and Natasha - 0 views

  • Totally thrilled to share these gorgeous pictures with This is Belgium. "Carla loves photography"  is the absolutely wonderful blog of Australian- living in Paris- photographer,  Carla, who is also a published author, fashion lover and blog-friend, not necessarily in this order. On my first day as a blogger, it was merely by accident that I stumbled upon "Carla loves photography". I have been an extremely dedicated follower ever since. As Carla would say, these Bruges pictures took my breath away.

Helkijn, burcht en residentie van de bisschoppen van Doornik | ArcheoNet Vlaanderen - 0 views

    De vzw Archeologie Zuid-West-Vlaanderen stelde onlangs haar 81ste monografie voor. Het boek 'Helkijn, burcht en residentie van de bisschoppen van Doornik', onder redactie van Philippe Despriet, vormt de neerslag van het onderzoek naar het bisschoppelijk castrum van Helkijn. De in 1978-1983 opgegraven burcht van de bisschoppen in Helkijn gaat terug tot een reeks bezittingen, verworven tijdens de 10de eeuw. Gelegen op de grens van Vlaanderen en Frans koninklijk gebied ontstond tijdens de tweede helft van de 12de eeuw een enorme burcht, die werd voltooid op het einde van de 13de eeuw.

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shared by Hans De Keulenaer on 15 Dec 12 - No Cached
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