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Martin Burrett

Masquerade - 12 views

    "This app adds augmented reality mask layers to videos allowing users to wear virtual costumes or masks. Great for character acting or allowing shy students to appear on camera as someone or something else."
Deborah Baillesderr

Coronavirus: Deaconess asks public to sew medical face masks - 7 views

    I just wanted to have this and post it in case our/your state needs facemasks during this health crisis. It's a way to support our brave doctors, nurses and supporting staff in the hospitals without leaving your home.
Monica Williams-Mitchell

30 Habits Of Highly Effective Teachers - 201 views

  • Teachers who are stuck in their outdated methods may boast consistency, when in fact it is cleverly-masked stubbornness.
    • Monica Williams-Mitchell
      Or not so cleverly masked stubbornness.
Steve Ransom

How Not to Use Computers to Teach Kids on Vimeo - 107 views

    Watch this very typical example of how computer technologies are often used to trivialize learning and mask poor teaching.

Photoshop free tutorial - Using Curves - 46 views

    How to improve contrast in Photoshop. Make those muddy black and white pictures come to life using curve adjustment layers and the quick mask tool.
Fran Bullington

Easily Remove Image Backgrounds Online - Clipping Magic - 63 views

    Easily remove the background from your photos to create masks, cutouts, or clipping paths, all done instantly online with
    Wow. This is good. Very easy to use and you can see the results as you clip, crop and remove.
Mr. Carver

Education Week: Research Shows Evolving Picture of E-Education - 0 views

  • Research shows that virtual schooling can be as good as, or better than, classes taught in person in brick-and-mortar schools
  • But that broad conclusion, which comes mainly from a couple of research syntheses published in 2001 and 2004, masks a lot of variation in the designs of online classes and in who takes them
  • to figure out under what conditions, what scenarios, in what content areas, and with what students.”
  • ...8 more annotations...
  • draw students at the extremes of the academic spectrum
  • high-performing students tend to be younger,
  • the best academic records in online classes tend to be in that high-ability group
  • adaptive-intelligence technology
  • “more a matter of learning style.”
  • “Whether that’s 24-hour technical support, tutorial support, parental vigilance, or face-to-face site coordinators or mentors,”
    • Mr. Carver
      Probably the most important thought in the whole aritcle. Technology (as with anything) is useless on its own. Support needs to be there.
  • “You pay attention to what’s going on,” she says, “and you respond to them as individuals.”
    • Mr. Carver
      Isn't that a standard practice of good teaching?
  • But research has far to go to identify exactly what factors make an online course effective.
Beth Panitz

Creative Drama Lesson Plans - 96 views

  • my fourth-graders and I wrote and produced a play about the Oregon Trail. For older Elementary and up.
  • supports a Social Studies curriculum in world cultures
  • importance of ritual to early (and modern) cultures
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • using masks to teach body language
    Lesson ideas using creative drama in the classroom
June Griffin

Google Tips - 123 views

    Great way to set up email accounts for young students who may not have their own -- this will allow you to use services that require email accounts.
    Thank you. Sure beats everyone using my dummy account or a mask temp email. I was never comfortable teaching them to use the temp address for fear they'd use it at home.
Deborah Baillesderr - 6 views

    If you are interested in helping during this health crisis without leaving your home,hese are the pdf instructions for making facemasks. Please refer to the video, also posted on this site, to visually see how they are made.
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