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David Hilton

YouTube - No More "Learners" - 1 views

  • The instructor/learner relationship needs re-thinking. We've got to be learning from one another, not shoveling learning at "learners." We are all learners, all the time, and we can get better at it.
  • The instructor/learner relationship needs re-thinking. We've got to be learning from one another, not shoveling learning at "learners." We are all learners, all the time, and we can get better at it.
    • David Hilton
      Rubbish. Teachers need to teach. These vacuous ideas that students know as much as teachers and we all teach each other have led to a dangerous decline in educational standards in the West. People do not process in a vacuum; they need to know the content before they can engage in that 'higher-order thinking' Blooms gunk. These theories are an excuse for teachers who don't know their subjects to feel less shamed at their ignorance.
  • The instructor/learner relationship needs re-thinking. We've got to be learning from one another, not shoveling learning at "learners." We are all learners, all the time, and we can get better at it. The instructor/learner relationship needs re-thinking. We've got to be learning from one another, not shoveling learning at "learners." We are all learners, all the time, and we can get b... Category:  Education Tags:  informl 
  • ...3 more annotations...
  • The instructor/learner relationship needs re-thinking. We've got to be learning from one another, not shoveling learning at "learners." We are all learners, all the time, and we can get better at it. The instructor/learner relationship needs re-thinking. We've got to be learning from one another, not shoveling learning at "learners." We are all learners, all the time, and we can get b... Category:  Education Tags:  informl 
  • The instructor/learner relationship needs re-thinking. We've got to be learning from one another, not shoveling learning at "learners." We are all learners, all the time, and we can get b...
  • The instructor/learner relationship needs re-thinking. We've got to be learning from one another, not shoveling learning at "learners." We are all learners, all the time, and we can get b...
    The instructor/learner relationship needs re-thinking. We've got to be learning from one another, not shoveling learning at "learners." We are all learners, all the time, and we can get b...
    Do you speak/teach from a pulpit? Take a look at "No More Learners" What was your first thought(s) when viewing this? Does 'talking down' to learners go on? Perhaps it goes on some; but, I don't think a great deal today. Who out there thinks they are or were ever in the pulpit? I was in the 70's and changed in 80's. There are too many smarter learners out there. Please consider leaving your IMHO comment as a note.
    The instructor/learner relationship needs re-thinking. We've got to be learning from one another, not shoveling learning at "learners." We are all learners, all the time, and we can get b...
Jeff Andersen

Four Stats That Will Impact Higher Ed in 2017 | Academic Impressions - 22 views

    2017 has the potential to be a volatile year in higher education, and that was the case even before Donald Trump took office. Regulatory uncertainty, continued economic and demographic headwinds, and shifts in both domestic and international student enrollment trends are just a few of the rapids that higher-ed leaders will need to navigate. At Academic Impressions, as we review current research and much of the best current thinking on paths forward for colleges and institutions, we want to draw your attention to four stats that are likely to have an immediate impact in 2017-but that not many are paying heed to.

stats - 43 views

    good resource for stats
Gerald Carey

Maths and Stats by Email activity archive - 1 views

    A reasonable number of Maths activities developed by the children's arm of the Australian group, CSIRO. You can get them delivered regularly by email if you subscribe.
Kate Pok

A Guide to Teaching Statistics: Innovations and Best Practices - Chapter 4 Additional Content - 46 views

    Great suggestions for teaching stats...I'm going to add more activities to my classes.

QELP Data Math Topics - 1 views

    scientific real stats that can be looked at and presented by groups explaining what the data means
Brianna Crowley

20 Surprising Social Media Stats For 2012 - Edudemic - 123 views

    Accessible, relevant and great for teaching the concept of drawing conclusions or making inferences from data
Stephen Bright

What Happens Each Minute on the Internet [Infographic] | Fluency21 - Committed Sardine Blog - 114 views

    some interesting stats on what happens in 60 seconds on the Internet, with some growth projections

Summary of Findings | Pew Internet & American Life Project - 0 views

    2006 report by Pew institute on blogging. Interesting stat: more than 54% of bloggers surveyed were under the age of 30.
Ed Webb

Weblogg-ed » Stat O' the Day: Teachers Scared to Teach - 0 views

  • So where to start
    Where to start, indeed?
Tony Baldasaro

Why Teens Don't Tweet - 0 views

  • that 84% of Twitter users are over 24 years old, and that 90% of TweetDeckTweetDeck users are over that age as well.
  • that 84% of Twitter users are over 24 years old, and that 90% of TweetDeckTweetDeck users are over that age as well.
  • that 84% of Twitter users are over 24 years old, and that 90% of TweetDeckTweetDeck users are over that age as well.
  • ...5 more annotations...
  • that 84% of Twitter users are over 24 years old, and that 90% of TweetDeckTweetDeck users are over that age as well.
  • that 84% of Twitter users are over 24 years old, and that 90% of TweetDeckTweetDeck users are over that age as well.
  • is not about your friends
  • Teenagers are notorious for being terrible at social engagement,
  • A lot of the value comes from following interesting people and celebrities.
    We struck a nerve with a lot of people this morning with our article Stats Confirm It: Teens Don't Tweet. In it, we explained how a recent Nielsen report shows that only 16 percent of TwitterTwitterTwitter users are under 25. The response was overwhelming - especially from teenagers who currently use Twitter. While the entire debate is a healthy one, there's been a lack of focus on the most important question of all: Why aren't teens using Twitter? The answer to this question is essential to not only understanding why Generation Y has not embraced microblogging, but to the very future of the medium. Let's take a look at the statistics and the thoughts of my fellow under 25-ers to understand just why there's a shortage of teen tweeters:
Holly Barlaam

ARKive - 76 views

    "A vast treasury of wildlife images has been steadily accumulating over the past century, yet no one has known its full extent - or indeed its gaps - and no one has had a comprehensive way of gaining access to it. ARKive will put that right, and it will be an invaluable tool for all concerned with the well-being of the natural world." Sir David Attenborough Wildscreen Patron
    Information and wonderful photography on endangered species. Information includes stats about each species, such as its classification, range, habitat, threats, current endangered status, conservation efforts, etc. The photos/videos are amazing.
Martin Burrett

Planet Makeover - 139 views

    A great space science flash site where you can make your own planet and look at stats for some real planets. Click the camera icon to download your planet for an instant piece of science work that is out of this world.
H DeWaard

Social Media Use in Schools - 47 views

    Infographic outlines benefits of using social media in schools - stats; benefits for educators, parents, students; examples - FB, Pinterest, Blogger, Twitter; results from pilot program in Portland, Oregon.
Martin Burrett

Babadum - 16 views

    "This is a fab HTML5 language learning site which tests your language skills through a series of games with 1500 words. The site collects stats on your performance. The current 21 languages include English, Spanish, German, French, Chinese, Japan, Italian, Russian, Polish and many more."
Jeff Andersen

35 Podcast Stats That Advertisers Need to Know in 2020 - 1 views

    If you're trying to connect with younger audiences, like millennials or Gen Z, odds are you've thought about creating a podcast for your brand. I probably don't need to tell you that podcasting takes time and effort. Not only do you have to figure out which topics will intrigue and captivate audiences, but you'll also have to take time to book guests, record interviews, and build a solid recording space where you can create high-quality audio content.
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