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Contents contributed and discussions participated by Oscar Tapara


Statemnent:Your Employment in a Job Not Covered by Social Security - 21 views

    Dallas ISD's Job not covered by SS.SS

Stocks, Bonds, and Investing: Oh, My! - 30 views

  • However, that is not the case with ETFs.
    • Oscar Tapara
      ETFs doesn't has fees?, just 1.5 of your investment?
    • Oscar Tapara
      No, just fro .18% NAV. So. you are trading mutual fund for very cheap
  • The good news is your costs.
  • ETFs are created by companies for the specific purpose of low management costs, estimated to be around .18% of your NAV.
  • ...18 more annotations...
  • But Wait! There's More.Again
  • There is yet another advantage ETFs have over mutual funds
  • and that is their tax benefit
  • However, unlike mutual funds, ETFs do not sell stocks to pay for redemptions
  • As people withdraw their money from a mutual fund, the mutual fund must sell securities to cover those redemptions. So, every time the mutual fund sells a stock, you have to pay capital gains tax on it.
  • This being the case, the capital gains that you must pay on an ETF are much less than that of a mutual fund because of the lack of capital gains.
  • Danger, Will Robinson!
  • However, be careful not to confuse
  • an ETF
  • ith an Indexed Mutual Fund
  • Indexed Mutual Funds are mutual funds provided by a mutual fund company
  • But, just like any other mutual fund, you have to pay fees
  • Vanguard will charge you managerial fees to set up and manage the fund.
  • The ETF's Potential Disadvantage
  • they do have a potential drawback
  • What it really depends upon is how much you are going to invest and how frequently you are going to invest.
  • If you're only going to invest $200 a month in an ETF, the $20 commission results in an immediate 10% loss,
  • Just something to think about before you jump into ETFs.

Apps in Education: Can you really use Twitter in your Classroom? - 68 views

    How can we use twitter in the classroom?
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