Contents contributed and discussions participated by Martha Hickson
Free Technology for Teachers: A Simple Tool for Finding SAT & ACT Vocabulary Words on A... - 4 views
Professor Word operates as a browser bookmarklet in Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer, and Safari. When you're reading a webpage click on the Professor Word bookmarklet to quickly identify SAT and ACT vocabulary words on that page. You can also use Professor Word to get definitions for any unfamiliar word on a webpage. To get a definition just highlight the word a small dialogue box containing the definition will appear.
Google Magazines - 121 views
Share huge files in seconds with JUST BEAM IT. - HOME - Edgalaxy: Where Educa... - 81 views
Quality Rubrics / Home - 11 views
inkle » inklewriter - 29 views
5 Things Every Teacher Should be Doing to Meet the Common Core State Standards - 40 views
The Common Core State Standards highlight five shifts that should be happening in every classroom. Teachers should: * Lead High-Level, Text-Based Discussions * Focus on Process, Not Just Content * Create Assignments for Real Audiences and with Real Purpose * Teach Argument, Not Persuasion * Increase Text Complexity
35 Sources for Curated Educational Videos - 12 views
How to Use Twitter for Class Communication | Pursuing Edumacation - 12 views
The Literacy Web at The University of Connecticut Homepage - 8 views
15 Habits For Learning In The 21st Century | Edudemic - 14 views
while learning will likely always have as its foundation the ability to read, write, and think, in the fast-paced, information-rich, socialized digital world of 2012, new currencies are emerging for learners to master-new skills, concepts, and thinking habits that are crucial to a consistent ability to absorb, process, and redistribute data and original thinking as a global citizen
Six Vintage-Inspired Animations on Critical Thinking | Brain Pickings - 8 views
two-minute animations on various aspects of critical thinking, aimed at school ages 8 to 10, or kids between the ages of 13 and 15, but also designed to resonate with grown-ups. Inspired by the animation style of the 1950s, most recognizably Saul Bass, the films are designed to promote a set of educational resources on critical thinking by TechNYou, an emerging technologies public information project funded by the Australian government.
Teachers Guide on The Use of Graphic Organizers in The Classroom - 5 views
How To Track Topics On The Web - 6 views
Parents' Guide to Protecting Kids' Privacy Online | Common Sense Media - 30 views
7 Great Tools to Annotate Webpages and Documents - 6 views
JogNog helps teachers create learning games for their students | eSchool News - 4 views
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