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Contents contributed and discussions participated by Lauren Rosen

Lauren Rosen

Easy guide to Creative Commons Attribution and additional resources - 86 views

    Great easy to understand explanation and embedded infographic describing CC licensing.
Lauren Rosen

ZaidLearn: A Juicy Collection of Bloom's Digital Taxonomies! - 97 views

    A nice list of the many renditions of Bloom's with apps to support the various levels of the taxonomy.
Lauren Rosen

Foreign Language Teaching Methods - 50 views

    A great resource for refreshing pedagogical skills. Choose which modules you find most useful and focus on those or do the whole course. Go at your own pace.
Lauren Rosen

Modern Lessons - 68 views

    BYOD, ipad, and many other common technologies with detailed guides for their educational use. Free lessons on tech integration for educators. Beginner to advanced.
Lauren Rosen

Sophia : Tools for your classroom - 76 views

    Use existing content or create your own including uploading videos, recording screencasts, and embedding objects for your flipped class lessons.
Lauren Rosen

What Is A Flipped Classroom? (Updated For 2013) - Edudemic - Edudemic - 94 views

    Infographic and basic explanation of the flipped classroom.
Lauren Rosen

iPads in Education - Exploring the use of iPads and mobile devices in education. - 187 views

    Lists of apps for k-6, teachers and parents
Lauren Rosen

How Search Works - The Story - Inside Search - Google - 59 views

    How search works. Inside Google search
Lauren Rosen

Subtext - 52 views

    social reading. sharing texts and annotations. chapter quizzes
Lauren Rosen

To Get Students Invested, Involve Them in Decisions Big and Small | MindShift - 60 views

    Great article on learning in a more facilitated environment and teaching students to ask questions and think deeply. It isn't about the technology. That is just the vehicle.
Lauren Rosen

Why Tablets Are Important for Educating Our Children | GeekDad | - 94 views

  • hese teachers are not just championing the technology, they are celebrating a new way of teaching and learning.
  • Something about these devices has helped many teachers to see the classroom very differently. That should be encouraged, supported and most thoroughly welcomed.
  • the number one reason
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • teachers believed it was the way to go. And, we should back them.
  • hey talked about teaching collaboration, creativity and communication. They were energetic, they were passionate, and they were sincere.
    Nice article on why to support tablets. It's not about the technology its about the skills students develop using the technology and the engagement of both students and teachers when given the opportunity.
Lauren Rosen

Beautiful web-based timeline software - 252 views

    Timeline option for digital stories. 
Lauren Rosen

Flow Chart Maker & Online Diagram Software | Lucidchart - 10 views

    Great tool for all sorts of charts and diagrams built collaboratively. Free for K-12 educators. Integrates with google drive.
Lauren Rosen

Flip This: Bloom's Taxonomy Should Start with Creating | MindShift - 7 views

    Flipping Blooms Taxonomy. Great article. Every time we ask students to use a new structure to talk about themselves and then let them figure out why the sentence order is what it is, we arepracticing this. We see greater results as they move to higher levels of production making more errors but experimenting and learning from their mistakes in production.
Lauren Rosen

15 iPad Skills Every Teacher and Student should Have ~ Educational Technology and Mobil... - 28 views

    Nice list to get you started on iPad apps based on function, what students can do with it. 
Lauren Rosen

eTools for Language Teachers: How to use Social Media in the Foreign Language Class: A ... - 90 views

    More of a "what is" than a "how to" but this post offers several links to more information all of which is geared towards language educators and learners. 
Lauren Rosen

C. M. Rubin: The Global Search for Education: More Technology, Please! - 0 views

  • Rotation model is any time students rotate on a fixed schedule between online learning and other modalities for any given course. In the Flex model, student schedules are more fluid and content and instruction are delivered primarily by the Internet. The Self-Blend model is any time students take one or more courses entirely online to supplement their traditional courses. The Enriched-Virtual model involves students dividing their time within each course between attending campus and learning remotely online.
    • Lauren Rosen
      Models for Blended learning
  • the teacher was no longer there to "punish them" or "grade them down". Instead the teacher was there to help them reach their goal. This is much more of an environment built around success and motivation versus failure.
  • The attraction of blending online learning into schools is that online learning allows for modularity
  • ...3 more annotations...
  • unfair that a huge percentage of what teachers have been taught is irrelevant in this learning environment
  • computers are able to do what computers do well. Humans are freed up to do what humans do best.
  • Assessment needs to be based on where each individual child started and then grew to and finally ended up in a particular year, versus a snapshot once a year view of an entire school
    Models for blended learning and how it changes the learning environment for students and educators. Discusses what works and what needs to change in our system.
Lauren Rosen

The Ultimate Guide to The Use of Facebook in Education - 82 views

    • Lauren Rosen
      Check these FB apps for education
  • Calendar : Teachers can use it to keep their classes on track with upcoming assignments, test, due dates and many more Courses : They can use it to create instructor page and manage their courses Webinaria : This helps teachers record their class lectures and post them on Facebook for the class to review. To-do-list ; Easily create a reminder list Worldcat : easily search for material available at libraries around the world to help in with your research Check out this List of Facebook Learning Apps to explore more.
Lauren Rosen

Apps and Ideas for Literature Circles on iPads -- THE Journal - 10 views

    Lit circles and ipads. Page 2 gives a list of useful apps too.
Lauren Rosen

Chile : - 80 views

    Sample of simplebook. A nice way to tell a digital story.
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