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Contents contributed and discussions participated by Lauren Rosen


Historypin - Activities and Downloadable Resources - 40 views

    Ideas for integrating HistoryPin

A Step by Step Guide on How to Create Interactive Presentations Using The New Google Sl... - 146 views

    Good step by step on the new interactive options available for presentations in google slides that allow for audience backchannel and voting.

Unhangout - 68 views

    Combines with google hangouts to create small groups within a larger class session. Ability to start session with a presentation, move participants into groups, and then broadcast a message for everyone to return to the large class session area. Meant for all students to be on their own devices.

Why Growth Mindsets Are Necessary to Save Math Class - The Atlantic - 36 views

  • Students with a “growth” mindset are those who believe that their ability is not “fixed” and that failure is a natural part of learning. These are the students who perform at higher levels in math and in life. But students don’t get the opportunity to see math as a growth subject if they mainly work on short, closed questions accompanied by frequent tests that communicate to them that math is all about performance and there is no room for failure.
    Looking at math as reasoning and not just answering questions builds a growth mindset

Dotstorming - 90 views

    Create a pinterest-like board, participants can add their own ideas, youtube videos, images, etc. Vote on the ones that you like the best. It's like combining padlet, pinterest, and the now defunct Google moderator. 

Pear Deck - 34 views

    Great tool for distance learning if you want to have students responding as you are presenting. Also good for in class 1-1 settings. That's what it is designed for however, it becomes a question of whether or not you gain what you want by having a silent class simply responding on their screens. Google for login is required but integrates with Google apps, upload ppt. or create your own within pear deck

Siftr - 55 views

shared by Lauren Rosen on 27 Apr 15 - No Cached
    Teacher created photo sharing site for students to post, tag and describe their surroundings based on a teacher directed prompt or activity.

A Must See Video: What Will Revolutionize Education? - The Edublogger - 100 views

    A great video on the evolution/revolution of technology in education, the role of the teacher and where the learning really happens.

The Flipped Class Demystified - 62 views

    Great series of pages on flipped lessons

Growth Mindset: Personal Accountability and Reflection | User Generated Education - 65 views

    Jackie Gerstein's growth mindset infographic with reflective questions for students.

Blending Face-to-Face and Flipping -- THE Journal - 54 views

    In depth article including advantages and disadvantages of flipped lessons and combining flipped with traditional.

The New Doctopus & Add-ons Gallery - YouTube - 66 views

    "" Using doctopus and goobric to grade student work and increase communication with them about their work. Must be using google docs for student submissions and chrome browser.

Flipping your classroom to meet the common core and other standards - 44 views

    Flipping in a standards or outcome based curriculum.

Screenmailer for Mac - Screen Recording and Screencasting made easy - 46 views

    Record your screen and your voice. Great for creating flip lesson videos

How to Make the Most of the Flipped Classroom -- Campus Technology - 50 views

    Focuses on University adaptation. While it isn't about language course flipping there are some good ideas of using class time and understanding effective and ineffective flipped approaches.

What Students Think About Using iPads in School | MindShift - 55 views

    Candid good and bad from the students on the adoption of iPads in their 1to1 school. No surprises but it reinforces the lack of freedom teachers have to use the most current/best app for the job if the district has to approve it and do all the loading on the devices. Also hits the idea of use it for what it is best at and not just because you have one.

Know Your Copy Rights :: Frequently Asked Questions - 95 views

    A nice resource with questions to ask yourself with respect to what you can and can't use and how much in your courses.

Facebook's so uncool, but it's morphing into a different beast - 124 views

    Where kids are turning today as they move away from Facebook.

Flipping Your Classroom - Doug Holton - Resources - 74 views

    Great page of resources, explanations and ideas with regard to flipping your classroom.
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