"Students and faculty have to have this sense that they can truly connect with each other," he concludes. "Only through that sense of connection do you have this sense of community."
Contents contributed and discussions participated by Kate Pok
Born to Learn ~ You are Born to Learn - 93 views
Learning with 'e's: Bear pit pedagogy - 6 views
Six Great Ways to Publish Student Work « History Tech - 13 views
How teachers can use diigo: a prezi - 289 views
Paperless - How I Teach From The Cloud « Mister Norris - 169 views
I utilized the stack feature so that I have two main stacks in Evernote, private notebooks and work related notebooks. In the work stack I have two notebooks, one for school related notes (to do lists, things to share in future meetings, substitute plans, etc.) and another that I have named lessons. In the lessons notebook, I have one note per week of the school year. Inside that I have a list of all of the classes I teach in age order. Underneath each class I write my lesson in. This is constantly updated, usually straight after a class so I know what to teach the follow week. So when I show up to a class, I can open up my computer or get out my iPhone, go to the lessons notebook, click the week we are in and I have my lesson plan outlined. I’ve been doing this for fifteen weeks now and I find this an excellent way to stay organized. I have a searchable list of all of the lessons that I have taught. I can copy and paste if a class is cancelled or if it carries on for longer than expected. I can adapt my lesson plan straight away to add what was actually taught in the lesson as opposed to what I planned to teach. I can plan weeks in advance without worrying about having to cross something out. It is the ultimate organization tool.
FinAid | Loans | Public Service Loan Forgiveness - 67 views
Employment: The borrower must be employed full-time in a public service job for each of the 120 monthly payments. Public service jobs include, among other positions, emergency management, government (excluding time served as a member of Congress), military service, public safety and law enforcement (police and fire), public health (including nurses, nurse practitioners, nurses in a clinical setting, and full-time professionals engaged in health care practitioner occupations and health care support occupations), public education, early childhood education (including licensed or regulated childcare, Head Start, and State-funded prekindergarten), social work in a public child or family service agency, public services for individuals with disabilities or the elderly, public interest legal services (including prosecutors, public defenders and legal advocacy on behalf of low-income communities at a nonprofit organization), public librarians, school librarians and other school-based services, and employees of tax exempt 501(c)(3) organizations. Full-time faculty at tribal colleges and universities, as well as faculty teaching in high-need subject areas and shortage areas (including nurse faculty, foreign language faculty, and part-time faculty at community colleges), also qualify.
5 free online services that store, sync and share your files - Computerworld - 105 views
Dropbox, OpenDrive and ZumoDrive represent best the concept of cloud-based file storage, syncing and sharing: Their desktop programs embed a virtual drive within the file structure of your operating system. Their premise is to work as invisibly as possible by functioning like a normal drive.
Pinning Tip: A Simpler, Friendlier Pin Form - Oh, How Pinteresting! - 68 views
You can add meta data by typing right into the pin form. Before, you could add price by typing $, but now you can tag a person who might enjoy seeing the pin or add #hashtags just like Twitter. @Mentions - Have you ever been pinning and wanted to send that pin to a friend you know would love it? With the new pin form, you can type @ and notify a friend about a pin. This is perfect for quickly sending that perfect product, recipe, or piece of art to someone you know. #Tags - Tags are useful, but we thought clicking into a new tag field was just too much work. With the new form, add #tags just like Twitter. Two word tags should be written like this: #two_words. $Price - Price is useful and now we’re happy to support Dollars, Pounds and Euros. Type $, €, or £ and Pinterest will add that data to your pin
iCyte - Updates - 60 views
Dec 1, 2010 The newest release of iCyte’s groundbreaking research management service lets you save and annotate PDFs (even from your local drive), create, name, search and sort your Cytes more easily, and even backup your projects offline! For a free online training session, contact training@icyte.com.
Workflowy, example of bad productivity app and 7 features that would make it awesome - 3 views
Here is the list of things that every productivity application should have: Integration with iCal / Google Calendar - for those who rely on Google SMS texts as reminders Powerful search – so I don’t have to waste time looking for the things that I need Available on all platforms (Mac, PC, Android, iOS, Black Berry…) – so if I change the device, I don’t need to be left apart Sharing options (Facebook, Twitter, @mail) – so I can share my thoughts with my friends without writing it twice and copy pasting Tagging – so we can organize ourselves better Reminders – so we can setup alarms without finding the native app Offline access – so we don’t have to rely on internet in order for our system to work.
Student-Led Discussion Manual - 8 views
2) Formulate and write down four or five discussion questions based upon the assigned reading. 3) On the assumption that you will lead the day's discussion, write a brief (less than 5-minute) opening statement about the assignment. Your statement should set the stage for, and end by raising, one or more of your discussion questions.
Skillshare - 57 views
8 Online Noticeboards - Wallwisher and more | The Whiteboard Blog - 45 views
Wolfram Alpha - 1 views
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