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Contents contributed and discussions participated by Kathleen N


Windows SteadyState - 30 views

    Great for Schools!

Climate Change Wildlife and Wildlands Toolkit Home - 0 views

    US Global Change Research Program Resources for middle and high school study. Mostly offline activities but there is a 12 minute intro video which can be downloaded.

Wordle Blog: How to make Wordle safe for classroom use. - 0 views

    FROM the Creator/Owner of WORDLE: "I'm happy to announce that from now on, the Wordle front page will never feature images or links that are inappropriate for classroom use. It's now possible to configure an institution's "site-blocking" software to keep Wordle safe for classroom use." Simply have your networking administrator block the following base URLs1: * * *

Responsive Classroom: "Good Morning, Learners!" - 1 views

    How to structure morning messages

A Snapshot of Differentiated Instruction - Lesson Plans | Show and Tell - 6 views

    "Activities for Differentiated Instruction Addressing All Levels of Bloom's Taxonomy and Eight Multiple Intelligences." This title, by Audrey C. Rule and Linda Hurley Lord sounds too good to be true. This document is an 83-page gold mine. In the first eight pages, the introduction reviews the basics of both Bloom's and Gardner's work. Then it explains the qualities of differentiated instruction, referring to Tomlinson, as well as making the connections to Bloom and Gardner.

TabUp - Keep Tabs. - 1 views

    This is a fantastic start page option for teachers and students. It has everything teachers want (widgets, privacy controls, booksmarks, calendar, RSS, mini blog(journal), notes, to-do, video, and more). The file upload is a big bonus. Students and teachers can personalize the designs and add/share tabs. You can make each tab public or private and grant specific privileges for the tools (widgets).invitIe students individually or bulk upload from a file.

FamilyandConsumerSciencesFINAL9-20-07.pdf (application/pdf Object) - 2 views

    Direct link to the curriculum document (PDF) From Delaware's DOE. Very helpful for Family and Consumer Science teachers updating curriculum in the UbD Framework

A Week of Word Generation - Claire White - 0 views

    Word Generation is a novel approach to vocabulary teaching and academic language development that comprises 15-minute daily activities organized in a five-day cycle.

Gale - Widgets - 0 views

    If you subscribe to Gale Databases ... Gale's new customizable widgets are simple but powerful tools that generate short HTML code to be placed directly into any page on yur Web site. Most widgets also provide an option for adding to your facebook profile and iGoogle pages

charity: water - 0 views

    There is a great service learning opportunity here. The founder was profiled in the NYTimes today by Kristof

Lifehacker - Kideo Player Makes YouTube Safe for the Kids - YouTube - 2 views

    Kideo is a simple front-end for letting your kids off the leash on YouTube, with an extensive white list of kid-friendly videos that can be refreshed via the space bar.

State of the Art - With a Private MiFi Hot Spot, Be Online Wherever You Like - - 0 views

    Personal WiFi to go. Available via Verizon 3G network. Can use in lieu of home router. What happens when students start showing up to schools where personal laptops are banned?

Vimeo, Video Sharing For You - 1 views

    This is a great video sharing site. I love the features, especially the ability to password protect AND embed else. The pricing is incredible and well worth it for classrooms that produce a lot of video. Check Vimeo out! Excellent community and some neat movie challenges that could be used at the high school level
    Vimeo is a respectful community of creative people who are passionate about sharing the videos they make. We provide the best tools and highest quality video in the universe.

the.Planet | the.News | YOU.edit |You.Report - 0 views

    Site for MS-HS students ;lesson plans for teachers YOU.edit will go online in the spring of 2009. Students will be able to create their own interactive videos through the YOU.edit online editing tool that will be available in early 2009. This tool will allow students to create online reports drawn from the digital files that comprise a completed the.News segment. These component parts include video, music, graphics, interviews, and narration. YOU.edit will go online in the spring of 2009. Students will be able to create their own interactive videos through the YOU.edit online editing tool that will be available in early 2009. This tool will allow students to create online reports drawn from the digital files that comprise a completed the.News segment. These component parts include video, music, graphics, interviews, and narration.

The Breakfast Club: Utilizing Popular Film to Teach Adolescent Development -- L. Kaye a... - 1 views

    In this article, we have described an approach to teaching adolescent development through the use of popular film. We focus on The Breakfast Club, an extraordinarily rich and contemporary film, and highlight some of the many developmental issues portrayed. Although identity-formation and the role of the peer group are central, myriad other discussions can be generated from this film. Residents and faculty have enjoyed this approach to teaching and learning. In a future article, we will discuss the use of other films, such as Boyz in the Hood and The Wonder Years, to teach about other aspects of adolescent development.

Home | PBS Video - 0 views

    video -programming--full length shows

School Change Consulting - The Global Achievement Gap - Tony's new book is now availabl... - 0 views

    A bold new plan to teach and test the competencies that matter most for the 21st Century-and to motivate the "net" generation to excellence The Global Achievement Gap: Why Even Our Best Schools Don't Teach The New Survival Skills Our Children Need--and What We Can Do About It

Web 2.0 Guru - 1 views

    Great resource for planning PD for teachers for web2.0 and 21st Century skillsGreat resource for planning PD for teachers for web2.0 and 21st Century skills
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