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Contents contributed and discussions participated by Christian King

Christian King

Language Perfect - World Championships! - 60 views

    A Web 3.0 teaching tool for a wide variety of languages includes student progress achievements and pratice drills. The free trial is definately worth checking out with your students if you teach languages.
Christian King

Teach with Portals - 1 views

    Valve, a game developer has released their hit game Portal for free with a series of educational resources targeted at teaching Senior Physics and Maths. Will be checking this one out over the holidays, but so far looks excellent.
Christian King

How to Do What You Love - 35 views

    An interesting essay on the topic of career choices. Well argued and inspired by the changing approaches to work in society.
Christian King

Student Project Planning - 11 views

    We have all been there. Whether it was when we were 6, 16 or 26 we have all had a school project, or a school assignment to do and left it to the last minute. Stress and panic followed.
    Project Planning resources for students
Christian King

Technology Explained - ABC Technology and Games (Australian Broadcasting Corporation) - 3 views

    Short animated videos on the changes to social media and technology from Australia's ABC.
Christian King

incubate pictures: home - 50 views

    A half hour animated documentary that covers the science of oil production, resource deletion and growth. Perfect for discussions and lessons about sustainability.
Christian King

Activities | Computer Science Unplugged - 24 views

  • Each Unplugged activity is available to download in PDF format, with full instructions and worksheets. Background sections explain the significance of each activity to computer science, and answers are provided for all problems. All you need for most of these activities are curiousity and enthusiasm. There are photos and videos showing some of the activities in action, and we've collected links to other useful resources
    Great IT ideas for when the school network inevitably goes down..
Christian King

TechNyou - 3 views

    Funded by the Australia Government a great way for students to explore and research the ethics of current science and technology issues.
    Check out the resources section for a link where you can find resources aligned to the Australian National Science Curriculum. There is some great stuff there if you have a good dig around.
Christian King

Creativity Games - Brain Training for Creativity and Creative Thinking - 12 views

    A blog full of classroom ideas that encourage creative thinking.
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