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Gayle Cole

Coexist-Documentary Film Outreach Project - 22 views

  • Teachers were also eager to explore how to make the connection between genocide and bullying. Former nun and author Barbara Coloroso says the common denominator between genocide and bullying is contempt. “When institutional and situational factors combine with a murderous racial, ethnic, or religious ideology rooted in contempt for a group of people, then bullying is taken to its extreme. The bullies are now well on their way to setting the stage for the dress rehearsals that precede a genocide.”[1]
    I don't think it is contempt, it is dehumanization. If you can believe someone doesn't deserve respect as a fellow human being, then you set the table for both genocide and bullying. Another aspect of this is that the bully and the social group or society that surrounds the victim must also feel that the victim deserves to be victimized because they won't act against that victimization. "Blaming the victim" is the halmark of both bullying and genocide.
Jessica Hallonqvist

Obama Islamic State speech (text, video) - POLITICO Staff - - 8 views

Lee-Anne Patterson


    A bi-weekly audio series and podcast service, hosted by Committee on Conscience Project Director Bridget Conley-Zilkic, that brings you the voices of human rights defenders, experts, advocates, and government officials. Vital voices addressing one of humanity's most vital issues. The opinions expressed in these interviews do not necessarily represent those of the Museum.
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