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The Sad Reality Of Education Technology | Edudemic - 100 views

  • This technological revolution is different; it has the potential to fundamentally change the way we teach and the way students learn.
  • The sad reality is that most schools still believe that they are “teaching with technology” because they have a computer lab where they teach students important skills like word processing and how to create Power Point presentations.
  • we need to teach them how to find information and more importantly what to do with the information that they find
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  • It’s no longer about who has the most information in their heads, it’s about who can find that information the fastest and who can do something with the information that they find.
  • The only way to do this is to make the fundamental change from teaching how to use technology to using technology to learn.
  • This model is fundamentally flawed because it teaches our students to be passive participants in the learning process.
  • With the advent of personal technology devices, we have the best opportunity of our careers to help students become more active participants in the learning process.
    I actually think this is way over-hyped. A textbook is a great source of information, the web is a great source of information. Unless you can comprehend what is being said the method of delivery of the information is not very important. As was mentioned above - being able to do something with the information has always been the important point. There are times when I am sure that we could do better with a piece of chalk at the blackboard - I learn a lot from making demos in Mathematica and using PHET active java apps for chemistry and physics - the students enjoy them, but how much do they learn? There is plenty of evidence that until you sit down and work out the problems in a course you haven't learned much. I suspect much of this is driven by the prospect of sales of electronics - there is nothing you can do on a tablet that you shouldn't be able to do on a laptop. Especially with Win 8 coming and laptops with touch screens....

3 Ways the Internet Is Changing Education Right Now | Edudemic - 86 views

  • The world has shrunk considerably and the speed of life has increased dramatically.
  • Democratizing Education
  • a single laptop and a satellite internet connection can provide a classroom, school, or village with access to any content they wish
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  • Lowered Costs
  • Online education means that one teacher can instruct countless students
  • Improved Learning
  • Knowledge can be transferred over time and space endlessly
  • Not only can the internet provide education to more people at a lower cost, it can also offer better quality.
  • Interactive learning is more effective for retention that lectures.
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    A quick overview of how the Internet is changing education, and how educators can take advantage of it.
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