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Theresa Allen

A Must Have List of Resources on Digital Citizenship for Teachers ~ Educational Technology and Mobile Learning - 1 views

    Great resources to learn more about digital citizenship.
Valerie B.

Steps to Copyright (Taking the Mystery Out of Copyright) (Library of Congress) - 1 views

    Taking the Mystery Out Of Copyright
Vicki Davis

Totally Free Commercial Use Images ✔ The Ultimate Photo Resource Guide - 1 views

    As students work on projects, permissions for photos is important, this website lists 50 of the top places to get free photos.
 Lisa Durff

On Rheingold's essential book and a couple others not to miss « NeverEndingSearch - 2 views

    Use social media mindfully.
Abi W

ACLU, 12-Year Old Sue Minnesota School Over Facebook Incident - Technology News - redOrbit - 1 views

    A 12 year old student at a school in Minnewaska was forced to give up her password and username in order for her school to view comments made about the student. The ACLU filed a suit on behalf of the student against the Minnewaska Area Schools.  
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    A girl in Minnesota had her passwords and usernames forcefully taken from her by a school. The school said it was cyberbulling, but many people disagree. A rights group took up the case for the girl and i suing on the 4th amendment search and seizure and the 1st amendment right to free speech.
    Girl posts something about a hall monitor hating her on Facebook, school demands she gives them her username and password. The students parents were not present. No warrant was issued by the police. The student filed a law suit with the ACLU against the school.
    This article is about a 12 year old girl (R.S.) that had to give her Facebook username and password to her school because of a hall monitor she didn't like. The school didn't notify her parents, and her parents never said the school to take that action. The ACLU is suing the school under the first amendment law (Unlawful search and seizure). 
    This article is about a girl who was forced to give her username and password for her Facebook account, to her school. The school didn't have a warrant or permission of any kind to take her information, which violates her constitutional rights. The American Civil Liberties Union is suing the school for this violation.
    The article "ACLU, 12-Year Old Sue Minnesota School Over Facebook Incident" was about a 12-year old girl. The girl in this article was refered as R.S. Issues starting coming up when R.S. had something on Facebook that said the school's hall monitor hated her. The school forced her to give them her username and password then searched her page. After, a son's mom complained to the school that R.S. and her son were talking about sex online. Once the school demanded to go through her account again, the ACLU charged them for not giving her the freedom of speech and unreasonably searching though her stuff. This was violating the First and Fourth Amendment since the two incidents. In the end R.S. didn't get in trouble but the school did.
mercades c

Daily Kos: Minnesota middle school snoops on student's Facebook posts - 3 views

    a student in minnesota is sueing the school and school board over taking he Facebook username and password the school did this in the name of protecting the learning enviorment. yet the post made by the student was made outside of school and not using the schools network
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    This article is about how a 12 year old girl was punished for statements she made on Facebook. School officials pressured her to give up her login username and password.School did this to protect the learning environment, but the post were posted outside of school.
    A student in minnesota is suing the school and school board over taking her Facebook username and password. the school did  this in the name of protecting the learning envirment. Yet the made by the student
    A student in Minnesota is suing the the school and school board over taking her Facebook username and password. The school did this in the name of protecting the learning enviroment. yet the post was made by the student occurred outside of school and not using the schools network. 

Nude Heather Morris pictures - hacker blamed | Naked Security - 0 views

    Another celebrity has there personal information hacked.  Shows how we need to be more responsible for what we take photos and video of as more people are having their emails and phones hacked. 
Iyanna W

Netiquette: Rules of Behavior on the Internet | - 0 views

    Being nice, and respectful on the Internet is something that everyone should do. There are many people who don't fallow netiquette rules, and it may be hurtful to people who don't understand our humor. These guidelines are just a set of rules that make the Internet a safe and happy place for everyone to use.
Emma S

International and Foreign Copyright - University of North Texas Libraries - 0 views

    This is a great website that covers a few basic international agencies and what they do to help protect copyright. It also included a few international treaties that have had a major impact on international copyright. 
Emma S

U.S. Underwrites Internet Detour Around Censors Abroad - - 0 views

    The content of the web site is informing, the more interesting part is the map graphic on the left side of the page its the third picture down if you start with the head line picture. The picture shows countries and their restrictions on internet searches and how the government controls what a person views on the internet.
Peter J

Understanding Culture and Cultural Differences - 1 views

    This article describes the basics of what culture is and how there are differences in different cultures. It also gives some examples of how cultures can be different. 
Iyanna W

Cell Phone Etiquette: 15 Rules To Follow (PICTURE) - 4 views

    Cell phone etiquette is just as important as important as internet etiquette. Being respectful is important, especially when on the internet because you never know how your words could affect someone else.
    Iyanna, I really like this link it has a lot of good information on it about Cell Phone Etiquette. :)
Brianna W

Steve Harvey's ex-wife blasts comedian in YouTube videos - CNN - 2 views

    This is about a comedian's ex wife putting videos of their marriage falling apart on youtube. She is being sued for not having rights to post stuff about him on youtube. She posted 3 26 minute videos on it.
Robert S

How Should We Raise Global Awareness of New gTLDs? Engage the ICANN Community. | ICANN - 0 views

    New stuff coming inn to internet
Brianna W

Facebook: The encyclopedia of beauty? - CNN - 2 views

    Its about how these girls are trying to help other kids get their work done when they are really stressed about the social networking sites. They say they are not good enough for anything and that they are too stressed out when its only one thing thats disturbing them. Those websites with social accounts.
Brianna W

Myspace gains 1 million users, touts more music than Spotify - CNN - 1 views

    Its about how myspace is getting over 1 million users over the past month. They also raised a lot more money from those users. Justin Timberlake is the owner of the Music department of myspace and he has made tons of money. Like 580 million since 2005.
Caitlin Roberts

Social Media Etiquette and Awareness | Moving Today - 2 views

    This website explains etiquette on different social networks. Each social network is different so the etiquette for each site will be different. This site explains how to use the different social networks, blogs and new sites and be respectful and responsible while doing so.
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