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Contents contributed and discussions participated by Johnny H


Fair Use - Columbia Copyright Advisory Office - 1 views

    " When do you need to think about fair use? Some example situations: Uploading materials to CourseWorks or another server. Clipping and copying materials into innovative teaching tools. Posting materials for distance learning. Developing databases of copyrighted works for research. Sharing articles and other materials with colleagues. Developing digital libraries. Placing copies on library reserves." this tells you about when you need to think about fair use while doing something for school, work, or a project.

Fair Use Teaching Tools | Center for Social Media - 0 views

    "The Center for Social Media has created a set of teaching tools for professors who are interested in teaching their students about fair use. The tools include power points with lecture notes, guidelines for in-class discussions and exercises, assignments and grading rubrics." the center of social media has created a set of teaching tools for teacher to teach their students about fair use.

Copyright Website - 0 views

    "Copyright protects creative expression that has been reduced to a tangible form, such as a book, piece of recorded music, computer program, screenplay, painting, photograph, or motion picture." this website tells what copyright is and what it protects and tells the difference between copyright, trademark, and patent by using a Vin diagram

Copyright Education: Copyright Law - Copyright Clearance Center - 0 views

    "Why Copyright Matters Information is everything. It points the way to advances in science and medicine, innovations in business and technology and achievements in education and the arts. The cost of research, writing and editing is substantial and the efforts often Herculean. Some books are the result of years of individual effort; others are the product of ground-breaking collaboration. Either way, without the protections guaranteed by our copyright laws, many of the works we enjoy and rely upon today would never exist" this shows why copyright is important, and people should look at this.

Copyright Law and Fair Use - 1 views

    "What is a copyright? A copyright is the set of exclusive legal rights authors have over their works for a limited period of time. These rights include copying the works (including parts of the works), making derivative works, distributing the works, and performing the works (this means showing a movie or playing an audio recording, as well as performing a dramatic work). Currently, the author's rights begin when a work is created. A work does not have to bear a copyright notice or be registered to be copyrighted. " the web site tells me all about what copyright laws and others are. I think that it is very useful to people, because it can help them learn more about copyrighting.

Fair use and theft | Kris Straub | humor scientist - 0 views

    "The reason why eBaumsworld gets away with so many video thefts is that there's no way to search for a video or picture if it doesn't have associated text you could search for." I think that every video and picture should have associated words so no they could not take the video and take credit for it.
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