A learning environment in which students make most decisions
Osmo - 0 views
Great iPap Apps for Students to Show What They Have Learned ~ Educational Technology an... - 5 views
SpeEdChange: If school isn't for collaborating, why does anyone come? - 5 views
Classroom design and collaboration are intertwined. How does your environment promote student-centered learning and collaboration?
Some teachers on my campus are allowing kids to construct knowledge through projects, but not nearly enough. Plus, I don't think we are truly doing Project Based Learning in the strictest sense.
Every place they go, people will be using a flood of differing devices. Every place they work people will be Skyping, Twittering, Chatting, Texting, working together in Google Docs, translating, searching for information and data, and building social networks
How are you teaching/supporting the use of these (age-appropriate) skills/tools within your curriculum?
We have a blended ecosystem of iPads, Chromebooks, Macs, PC laptops , PC labs, language labs, and ActivExpression devices. However, it seems a minority of teachers are using these in a limited way. A few teachers are using Twitter follow, texting answers using ActivExpressions, and my personal favorite- GAFE!!! GAFE has been a game changer in terms of collaboration and assessment and the light bulb is starting to go off for some teachers.
Free Technology for Teachers: Google Keep for iOS - Organize Ideas and Task Lists - 1 views
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