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Kasey Bell

Osmo - 0 views

shared by Kasey Bell on 26 Jun 14 - No Cached
Laura Gatlin Reinhart

SpeEdChange: If school isn't for collaborating, why does anyone come? - 5 views

  • A learning environment in which students make most decisions
    • ashley gilliam
      Classroom design and collaboration are intertwined. How does your environment promote student-centered learning and collaboration?
    • Laura Gatlin Reinhart
      Some teachers on my campus are allowing kids to construct knowledge through projects, but not nearly enough.  Plus, I don't think we are truly doing Project Based Learning in the strictest sense.
  • Every place they go, people will be using a flood of differing devices. Every place they work people will be Skyping, Twittering, Chatting, Texting, working together in Google Docs, translating, searching for information and data, and building social networks
    • ashley gilliam
      How are you teaching/supporting the use of these (age-appropriate) skills/tools within your curriculum?
    • Laura Gatlin Reinhart
      We have a blended ecosystem of iPads, Chromebooks, Macs, PC laptops , PC labs, language labs, and ActivExpression devices.  However, it seems a minority of teachers are using these in a limited way.  A few teachers are using Twitter follow, texting answers using ActivExpressions, and my personal favorite- GAFE!!!  GAFE has been a game changer in terms of collaboration and assessment and the light bulb is starting to go off for some teachers. 

Free Technology for Teachers: Google Keep for iOS - Organize Ideas and Task Lists - 1 views

    Google Keep is one of my favorite Android apps. I use it for setting reminders and creating task lists on my phone. Occasionally, I'll even use it to organize my thoughts in a series of sticky notes. This week Google made Keep available as an iOS app.
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