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Could social media bridge the divide between business and education? | Higher Education... - 0 views

    Educational institutions have begun to innovate to keep up with the demands of students with virtual learning environments, platforms like and the much-feted Moocs.

Education Week: Educators Evaluate Learning Benefits of iPad - 0 views

    This page is explaining how schools are implementing technology into its curriculum and how it is changing how students learn and also become more socially adaptable. 

Adolescent Literacy: What's Technology Got to Do With It? | LD Topics | LD OnLine - 0 views

    National Center for Technology Innovation and Center for Implementing Technology in Education Breaks down many of the tools that we may take for granted that actually are designed for those with learning disabilities and learners in general benefit from.

E-Mail as a tool for improving writing skills - 0 views

  • The term " Online technology" refers to reading, writing, and communication via INTERNET. Writing via Internet to date has been proved to be useful in getting students to practice their writing assignments
  • Nowadays, writing instructors have their students write their projects while surfing the net, rather than old-fashioned writing styles.
  • email may give the students better chances to improve their writing skill
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  • e-mail may help instructors make their students more interested in writing assignments

Impact of Technology on Learning - 0 views

  • technology can enhance literacy development, impact language acquisition, provide greater access to information, support learning, motivate students, and enhance their self-esteem
  • computer technology provides abundant opportunities for students to build or modify their personal knowledge through the rich experiences that technology affords.
  • One study, The Reporter Project, used multimedia technology to enhance sixth-grade students’ information gathering and writing skills
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  • showed that students made statistically significant improvement in their recognition and use of elements such as main ideas, supporting details, and cause and effect relationships
  • Their writing was also more cohesive than their control-group peers who were taught using similar materials and sequences but without the use of technology
    Students are able to use technology more quickly and efficiently, than traditional methods, to advance their education and personal knowledge.

8 Ways Technology Is Improving Education - 0 views

    he Education Tech Series is supported by Dell The Power To Do More, where you'll find perspectives, trends and stories that inspire Dell to create technology solutions that work harder for its customers so they can do and achieve more. Don Knezek, the CEO of the International Society for Technology in Education, compares education without technology to the medical profession without technology. "If in 1970 you had knee surgery, you got a huge scar," he says. "Now, if you have knee surgery you have two little dots."

- How technology can help improve education. - 0 views

    Improving education is a huge issue (and always has been). Test scores, our perceived performance against other countries, and other factors have pushed education to the forefront of national politics, right behind healthcare reform. Technology can be used to improve teaching and learning and help our students be successful. While smaller schools and class sizes are always desired, technology can not do that physically. However, technology can be a "force multiplier" for the teacher. Instead of the teacher being the only source of help in a classroom, students can access web sites, online tutorials, and more to assist them. Education doesn't stop at the end of the school day because students have access to teachers, resources, and assignments via the web and access these resources at any time. Students can also get help and tutoring at any time, whether from the teacher via email or online collaboration, or from a help web site. Parental involvement is another factor that can increase student achievement. Most parents these days have extremely busy schedules, work different hours, and can't always help their child with homework or come to school for conferences. Technology can help. Parents can go to a class website and see what their child is working on, they can contact teachers
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