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AltaVista - 0 views

    AltaVista provides the most comprehensive search experience on the Web!

Gollum, the Wikipedia Browser - 0 views

    Gollum is a Wikipedia Browser for the fast and eyefriendly browsing throw the free encyclopedia Wikipedia

Reader (100+) - 0 views

  • Nick Carr on the why Google makes the compliments to its core business free
  • The reality is that you can’t control social marketing, you can only participate in the conversation and participating frequently means starting the conversation. Provide value and amazing customer service and people will talk about your company. You can then use web-based social marketing channels to monitor the spread of your brand and help magnify the signal by interacting directly with your customers. Do you think it’s possible to control social marketing?
    • anonymous
      that's my temporary problem. i had to sustain to cultivate to support the dradual spread of mouth words.
  • As long as there is someone willing to post information for free it is very hard for anyone to charge.
    • anonymous
      the claim is clear, and informative.
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benzrad - 0 views


Causes | China Democracy - 0 views

    cause of China Democracy on facebook, i build it.

God saves. my full work load in 2 days. - 0 views

    proxy working strangely last afternoon. so launched to refine new blogger blogs and google sites. ema came over to send me living expense of ¥300 after work time. i then penniless. this morning arranged to finish many delayed task since the fatally dead China surveillance a month ago, adding group profile onto family posterous blogs. lagged heavily by slow traffic, but narrowly done. it drizzled in early night yesteray, when i left office later than 8pm. in the night it continued to snow and shallowly covered ground with white. now its spring, so it soon melt, just like a miracle. its now pale in sky. praying God pardon me lingering in office all work time in this week. i really have a full load of works. praying God guard my works against spying dog, the China surveillance. visit family new member sites: http://zhucj.warozhu.comfor full list of my family web assets, visit here: or or

Masheng, my crowned Japanese Queen, present me a new snow after second drizzle. - 0 views

    1/4/2010 a mild snow after second drizzle in lunar 2010.^yesterday i stayed in office over time. the sky later turns gloomy&yellow, likely sandstorm in air. i prayed God for his mightiness and bliss for i lingering in office all day, not retreated to dorm as usual. the facing evil absent all work day, while the monitor, a criminal, was arranged to accompany tourism from the company to Anhui Prov. in the wellfare policy of labor union. i enjoyed surfing non-stop so much, and the only pain is sometimes my ass. last night when i returned to dorm, a cat asking my feeding. it was hurt, a long wound on its back, very brutal. i bought 2 sausage for it, and fed it manually, but it didn't ate much. the owner of the cat in the dorm said he don't know who hurt the cat, but the cat likely fear the young man in th dorm. Masheng, last night i again reviewed our golden moment in Nankai Univ, thank u for the white&saint gift, the snow, pl join me sooner. God, saves the kitty, even u tells me i shouldn't raise pets, and cats don't align with my world in ur shine, in righteous and beautiful and fit. thx. From first rain in lunar 2010 From http:/

China wasting its labor by replicate and steal. - 0 views

    Chinese most software&web service will die in the same way, just for their featureless. The dogged mined China authority nowadays driving lots of social energy wasting in the same way: duplicate poor quality product parallel to advanced product in Christian world, just feeds its dictator's sick will to feel inferior again and again to the world leader in US in hundred years since the fall of Ming dynasty on the scary land, to assure the totalitarian that he still owns some cheap labors from the stealth of state power, in the lent fake cause of state security. they steal and copy, but all of them just a waste of dog shits. China, had to learn to stand up on the shoulder of giant like America, not the cheap locksmith it beholds in its history that's not short and time to arouse. for the resource of this digest missing in Chinese media's copy and hide the original, i failed to find trackback. like this article related: .all China media report on technology like just a case of mocking after translation from the western counterpart, a case of stealth.

new cyberspace assets with help from Taiwan friend. - 0 views

    family added new member sites&blogs from google, via Taiwanese friend's help. world opener for me now, in the hatred of spying dark factor. visit new site ,all my valuable space of expression in freedom. its a gloomy day since yesterday's rain. God sees how the rain productively. i can't wait for the budding of trees' branches and flowers.

a wet morning in balance. - 0 views

    a pale morning but the drizzle blesses. blogged weather of change for holy. read latest blog

end of socialism China mainland. - 0 views

    all shits of Chinese most notorious hungry predator, bureaucracy. common Chinese live in danger of being eaten everyday for thousands years, that's why Chinese grossly so docile and shabbily cheap&cheating. but in this century, the people of China will see its light under God's shine, secure and free, for God sees the innocent among sinful Chinese, for the coming improved modern society, for the glory of freedom of western culture esp. in America. for the endangered spice of handicapped Chinese in enduring and hard working, like Chinese peasants.

Chinese lost in the failure of its traditional&native belief. - 0 views

    without religion's help, Chinese hard to live with modern culture, in which Chinese traditional faith nothing but a failure. world belongs to Christian. without the Christian culture and social structural changes, world, esp. China, no way to stand in the merit of modern era. China, had to shift to new land of belief. that's its fate in new millennium.

blogging after threats from dark sector. - 0 views

    a bright new workday morng. God lets me post my life again. see more freedom in balance. read latest blog about last week's reuniting with baby son.

the rotten core of China nowadays. - 0 views

    Chinese social system full scale bankrupted. no credit among Chinese, nor among Chinese enterprise, which even worse than individual for the heavier shell of group. China as a society under current social political structure only a way leads out: total collapse.

benzrad's comment on Hu, tiger,fox,dog,Guan,Ru on Mar 25,2010 - 0 views

    RT @tuotoo 古有五胡乱华,现今五毛乱华 RT @Arctosia 极为深刻,胡毛一家清。quite insightful, fox and hair originally akin with Siberia tiger, all hungry predators, like Confucianist or its students, bureaucracy.

dark China&Chinese - 0 views

    anyone talking about China now in no obligation to refer Chinese traditional dogma, its indeed died since Ming Dynasty, after Chinese with real insight saw its false&harms to China since its birth. Chinese Confucian in fact a terror response upon terrorist, by self-destruction. Chinese live in dark for thousand years in fears. only God's shine saves Chinese who had to align with Christian. China in its best, is a fake chaos. only clear and strong discipline makes it right.

not easy a full user experience in decades with sns, but this is. - 0 views

    not easy all one got full experience as a heavy user of digital social media online, but this one has his consolidate insight. that assures me, the future not on facebook, which closer cooperates with microsoft for easy money, but google, who with a dearer or cuter sense of civilian publication. the world belongs more to sharing and opening, belongs to democracy worldwide. the world belongs to education, non-profit, and common wealth. the world belongs to google which summon the peripherals in one goal: let information easy accessible, that's God's will&bliss for the world in troubles.

strong conclusion, insightful view. - 0 views

    the formative assertion: even formative the rule of conservation. world should listen the voice, less evade the trouble of China.

born theft Chinese on mainland. - 0 views

    Chinese native religion, Tsao, the same syllabus as theft, indicating its culture. Chinese these years' progress, no one don't based the resource of the open world, while its authority hated&tried its best to uncover the fact. now it besieged by due date it repent, and tumor of swallowing fruits un-nature, but its authority, the biggest and most brutal theft in the peaceful world, tried its best to kick on western corps in China&spilt dirty water on the painted scapegoat.

healthy grows google, apart from China nowadays, the sinful land. - 0 views

    not down with google China, but China down without google. that's never surer than since now. with google, the world of democracy&human right assured, without google, China shut down with its all business supporting puffing Chinese sooner than the sandstorm, the threat Beijing encountered. without the world google leads, China like the dying dynasty it lost hundreds ago again, like a real paper tiger which survives now in cage of its zoo. without world of western, China sin&sick, and sinks into abnormal&suicide sooner than opium war brought a century ago. China, essentially in a fate to repent.
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