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stéphane koch

Cyber-jihad group implicated in massive virus attack earlier this week - Jihad Watch - 0 views

    The security vendor SecureWorks has traced the virus to a cyber-jihad group called Tariq ibn Ziyad, named after an 8th-century Muslim conquerer of Spain (also the name of the "Minnesota Madrassa" we have covered here, if the name seems familiar). The symbolism of the name is indeed telling
stéphane koch

Professional hacker - Website hacking - Private exploits - Hacked accounts and many more! - 0 views

    Exemple d'un site offrant des services de piratage contre rémunération (source Pierre Caron, expert en sécurité) Article complémentaire sur ce site (anglais): Major government websites hacked with access for sale
stéphane koch

Vidéo: La lutte contre le cyber terrorisme s'intensifie - TF1 - 0 views

    "Résumé : La menace terroriste est très présente en ce moment, notamment depuis internet. La Grande-Bretagne parle même de la nécessité d'une "force de dissuasion" pour contrer les pirates. "
stéphane koch

Critical briefing on attacks against Industrial Control Systems especially SCADA systems - 0 views

    Over the past few weeks Stuxnet created large amount of hype in the mainstream media. Some agents are exploiting this hype and filling newspapers and blogs with speculation. Of course the Stuxnet story involves different countries, cyberspace, infected power plants and Iran who would not report about this? People are excited to hear how fiction becomes reality. This relatively short paper maps severe cyber-incidents from as early as 1985 onwards and adds some critical perspective to the mainstream hype around Stuxnet. (Florian Grunert & Sebastian Kautz, MA - - 11/23/2010)
stéphane koch

Summarizing 3 Years of Research Into Cyber Jihad - 0 views

    Dancho Danchev est un des meilleurs analyste des modèles cyber-criminles ou cyber-terroristes...
stéphane koch

Cyber Attacks Target Human Rights Groups - - 0 views

    A Harvard University study has found that hackers are increasingly attacking the web sites of human rights and independent media groups.
stéphane koch

Information on "Cyberterrorism" - 0 views

    Ressources composées de divers articles et publications (en partie gratuites), mises à disposition par The International Relations and Security Network (ISN) Plus d'information:
stéphane koch


    BACKGROUND: In the last two years, various nation states and unidentified attackers have shown that relatively low-cost cyber attacks can disrupt a nation's economy and threaten its critical infrastructure. That ability and threat is attractive to foreign terrorist organizations that increasingly seek to conduct asymmetric attacks on the U.S. from abroad. In 2010, over 30% of all malware ever created was released on the internet, China was able to divert 15% of internet traffic to its servers, and the Stuxnet virus showed that a nation's critical infrastructure could be disabled through technological means. Al-Qaeda also launched Inspire Magazine online, which served to radicalize terrorists using the internet as a means to distribute terrorist propaganda, and to inspire physical attacks on the homeland. As cyber attacks become more prevalent and sophisticated, the military, law enforcement and the greater government must become more knowledgeable and engaged in the fight against them. Foundry would like to enhance the nation's ability to counter these threats by educating law enforcement, intelligence analysts, critical infrastructure personnel, the military and policy makers
stéphane koch

Cyber Risk (OECD) - 0 views

    "This report is part of a broader OECD study into "Future Global Shocks", examples of which could include a further failure of the global financial system, large-scale pandemics, escape of toxic substances resulting in wide-spread long-term pollution, and long-term weather or volcanic conditions inhibiting transport links across key intercontinental routes." Complément; Internet 'kill switch' could cause chaos, OECD report warns OECD's Cyber Report Misses Key Facts
stéphane koch

Stuxnet, l'ombre du cyber-terrorisme - Vu sur le web - - 0 views

    "Stuxnet. Un ver informatique qui fait aujourd'hui frémir tous les services de renseignements à travers le monde. Autonome, ce ver se propage et se met à jour d'ordinateur à ordinateur via Internet, mais aussi via les clefs USB, les accès Wi-Fi ou les réseaux d'imprimantes. Capable d'infecter et de se répliquer sur tous les systèmes Windows, Stuxnet ne vise pourtant que les systèmes SCADA, une technologie qui équipe la plupart des centrales électriques, hydrauliques, chimiques, nucléaires, etc."
stéphane koch

Cyber-terrorisme en Iran (article de fond sur Stuxnet) - 0 views

    ""Les tensions diplomatiques liées au développement du nucléaire civil en Iran viennent peut-être de connaître un nouvel épisode... cybernétique. Depuis plusieurs jours, un code malicieux, le ver Stuxnet, infecte les ordinateurs iraniens et cible en particulier un logiciel de contrôle, développé par Siemens, installé dans les centrales nucléaires iraniennes. Plus de 30.000 ordinateurs seraient concernés, même si le gouvernement iranien dément tout "dommage sérieux" infligé par le ver.""
stéphane koch

Cybercapacités, cyberrésilience, cyberwarfare : quelles réalités ? (PDF) - 0 views

    Avant d'entrer dans l'analyse des menaces proprement dites, il me semblait intéressant de commencer en soulignant que le contexte cyber avait profondément changé ces dernières années et qu'on était entré, qu'on le veuille ou non, dans une période d'instabilité croissante pour plusieurs raisons
stéphane koch

Cybercrime and Espionage: An Analysis of Subversive Multi-vector Threats - 0 views

    ybercrime and Espionage provides a wealth of knowledge related to the realities seen in the execution of advanced attacks, their success from the perspective of exploitation and their presence within all industry. This book will educate you on realities of advanced, next generation threats, which take form in a variety ways. The authors, working in conjunction with strategic technology partners have key insights into the realm of what these new threats, dubbed "Subversive Multi-Vector Threats" or 'SMT's. Whether the goal is to acquire and subsequently sell intellectual property from one organization to a competitor or the international black markets, to compromise financial data and systems, or undermine the security posture of a nation state by another nation state or sub-national entity, these threats are real and growing at an alarming pace.
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