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Curriculum Mapping - 1 views

    "Where are we with curriculum mapping, seven years on? Teachers have documented 269 courses. The map is publicly available on our website. Curriculum map pages receive approximately 100 page views per day."

Crock Pot Curriculum Development - Hillsborough, NC, United States, ASCD EDge Blog post - 1 views

    " "Do educators in your school prefer microwave curriculum development or crock pot curriculum development? Most Americans have entered their home on a weekend to enjoy a slow cooked roast, potatoes and vegetables. While there are several good meals that can be made within five minutes in a microwave it is difficult to compare fast food with a slow cooked meal. Americans have become spoiled with fast food, fast forward, email, Skype, movies on-demand, ebay, iTunes and other tools or services which deliver a product or service within seconds. It seems like a one - five year curriculum development timeline is an inconvenience when life offers so many options your way, right away (Burger King)."

Text Support? - 1 views

    I wholeheartedly agree with the modeling Mr. Scully displayed to his students in his classroom and with Mr. Fisher's explanation that textbooks are a resource, not "the" curriculum.

Witty title: Coming to a Consensus - 0 views

    "Ever since reading the articles on curriculum mapping, I have been obsessed with consensus and alignment. I feel that I have a pretty good handle on my curriculum guide, which plots out the sequence of standards to be covered for the year. But when it comes down to addressing the "scope" part of the assignment, where I detail to what degree these standards need to be met, I realize that I have no idea."

Would I Want My Child In This Classroom? - Hillsborough, NC, United States, ASCD EDge B... - 0 views

    "A guiding question for educators should be, "Would I want my child in this classroom?" Educators should constantly reflect on curriculum and instruction, while attempting to answer this important question. If college readiness is the goal, then all students should receive a quality curriculum which prepares them for the next level of learning. The recently released Common Core State Standards for Mathematics assert that "It is time to recognize that standards are not just promises to our children, but promises we intend to keep" (2010, p. 5). "

Curriculum Development Matters - Hillsborough, NC, United States, ASCD EDge Blog post - 0 views

    ""In the absence of a learning plan with clear goals, how likely is it that students will develop shared understandings on which future lessons might build" (p. 21)? - Grant Wiggins and Jay McTighe Curriculum development plays a significant role in teaching and learning. Most educators will admit that planning is an essential part of their profession. Wiles (2009) wrote, "Curriculum development is the essential function of school leadership. Whether this role is carried out by a principal, an assistant principal, for curriculum, a team leader, a department head, or by leading classroom teachers, the curriculum defines all other roles in a school" (p. 2)."

College Readiness - ASCD EDge Blog post - 0 views

    "College Readiness High schools that are designed to prepare large numbers of students for college success look dramatically different from those that prepare only a small proportion of their students for college success. - College Knowledge: Getting In is Only Half the Battle David Conley"

Opportunity to Learn - ASCD EDge Blog post - 0 views

    "How do school systems guarantee that the same skills and concepts are taught from one classroom to the next? Teachers and administrators understand the importance of aligning curriculum, instruction, and assessment. However, "curriculum design and delivery face one fundamental problem in schools. When the door is shut and nobody else is around, the classroom teacher can select and teach just about any curriculum he or she decides is appropriate" (English, 2000, p. 1). If education becomes dependent on a three-legged stool (curriculum, instruction, and assessment), then students may not receive the opportunity to learn a 'guaranteed' curriculum. Opportunity to learn, a concept introduced by John Carroll (1963), is controlled by classroom teachers."

La Profesora Loca: teaching is hard to put on paper - 0 views

    I agree with this teacher's comments. One must realize that horizontally and vertically articulated curriculum maps are ~90% curriculum design and ~10% curriculum practice. A teacher's daily lessons plans are the opposite: ~90% curriculum practice and ~10% curriculum design. Teachers' daily practices are the reason most of us get into this profession! While we are genuinely concerned with what we want students to know (content) and be able to do (skills), which is curriculum design, we are inspired and motivated by the planning and implementation of the "how" to make the knowing/doing learning expectations come alive as we interact with our students (curriculum practice). Oftentimes, the most memorable teaching moments happen in an instant in real time. These best-practice moments can be recorded in a Projected/Diary Map as an Activities/Strategies summary or as an attached Lesson Plan that is intra-aligned to the appropriate content/skills learning expectations. When such moments are incorporated into the ongoing Projected/Diary Maps, which this blogger refers to as looking "very flat and lifeless," the maps naturally transform into three-dimensional living histories of the "gift" of teaching, which the next "artists" will definitely enjoy viewing.

The Prescription: Curriculum Mapping Software: Finding Harmony in Education - 0 views

    Scott Blades does an excellent job in summarizing curriculum mapping as well as sharing personal insights into its use on his college campus.

One Student's Thoughts: Curriculum Mapping - 0 views

    Note: While I agree with much of what Randy shares in his blog, regarding his recap points: 1) Dr. Doug Reeves addresses myths about change and a learning organization cannot wait until 100% are "on board." Statistically this will never happen in a social organization; 2) Curriculum mapping is not a program, it is a systemic-change model. Therefore, I agree with Randy that it will take time--and longer than thought--to fully implement and sustain the model to the point wherein mapping becomes "normal business"; 3) Yes, Grilled Stuffed Burritos are awesome!

DigiGogy: Conversations Around Curriculum Mapping - 0 views

    The second-to-last-paragraph says it all! Curriculum mapping is truly about an ongoing process wherein curriculum maps become the by-products of collegial dialogues and decision-makings of teachers both horizontally and vertically in a school and throughout a learning organization.

Stephen R. Covey Involve People in Problems and Work Out Solutions Together - 0 views

    "Organizations from all sectors, of all sizes, all over the world are facing very tough challenges. We are in the midst of a crisis. Most managers and professionals, whether in business, government, educational, or non-profit organizations are facing enormous pressure to produce more with less, much less. This requires tough, decisive action and the risks are high."
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