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Dominic W.

9th set of remains recovered, all from 1 serial killer. - 0 views

    In Long Island, New York a human skull was found on the outside of a bird sanctuary. This is the ninth set of human remains that have been found remotely close to the area. The skull was found Monday around 3:30 pm in Oyster Bay. Somewhere around four hours earlier a police dog found another set of remains about a mile away. Cops weren't sure wether the remains were human or not. Police are going to continue their search on Tuesday. Since December eight sets of human parts have been discovered. These remains were in Suffolk County, about five miles from the sites of Mondays discoveries.
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    Some people are so sick to be able to kill anyone, especially up to 9 people.
    In New York, another set of bones was recovered. It can potentially be from the same serial killer of the other 8 sets. They were found on the outskirts of Long Island, New York. Authorities will not release any information on the remains or the condition of them. The remains may possibly belong to 24 year old Shannan Gilbert. Police say she was an escort visiting a client's home, and she ran from his house and called 911 claiming someone is trying to hurt her. Police responded to her call only 30 minutes later, but she was nowhere to be found. Her call led to the other 8 bodies being found, which her family is happy about.
    I think someone should start keeping a lookout for guys with garbage bags and shovels around that area.
Kristen D.

Air planes hit eachother - 1 views

    if two planes get close enough to hit each other there is something wrong with the air control station, someone was not performing there job well.
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    The Air France Airbus 380 hit the smaller plane while taxiing to the runway for takeoff. The smaller plane then caught on fire. Emergency crews eventually put the fire out.The passangers remained calm as they were alerted to what happened. After a few hours the plane was evacuated and everyone was safe. Their luggage was also ok. This happened because the smaller plane was landing when the other was getting ready for take off. Everyone was safe.
    I think that if your trained to fly then you should have to watch where your going just like in a car unless you cant see where your going or in this case flying.
    well apparently someone wasnt doing their job if planes hit each other unless there was communication mix ups. thats bad though how cant you notice 2 planes aboyt too hit.
    I agree. It takes a lot more than just being awake to control an airport. Someone wasnt doing their job.
    Someone should be fired.
    I do not understand how this happened. How could someone at the airport let the planes in the same area at the same time!
    The people flying this plane are not to blame, the people in the control towers should be able to maintain control of these kind of things. I wouldn't be too happy about this because of somebody else being careless.
Robert k

Reporter detained - 1 views

    A reporter was covering a story on protest in Bahrain. When the Bahrain goverment came up to them and pointed machine guns at them. The reporter was arrested and the goverment erased all the footage. They were at the police station for 6 hours before being released.
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    That is very sad. They cant even speak what they think.
    How can people do something like that. what is the need to shoot someone let them be
    Its unbelievable the risks people take just to do their job.
    True it is amazing that this reporter went there all of this for just a story. But hey go big or go home, right!
john c.

3-D Avatars Could Put You in Two Places at Once - 1 views

    Probably within the next five years, we will have the luxury of being in two places at one time using 3-D avatars. Instead of getting up early, getting dressed, and changing your schedule around for a meeting, you could just open up your laptop and within the matter of two minutes, you can be in a virtual conference room. The program will allow you to move your head to look around the room at the other people and while your avatar is wide awake and taking notes for you, you could be sleeping.
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    If technology does get this advanced i'm going to be not too suprised. Things are changing very quickly in our world and nothing suprises me anymore.
    That's actually crazy. Technology is getting so advanced.
    I personally do not like that idea. America is already making a big deal of people not doing anything like not working and people being over weight. This is just another chance for people in the world to sit at home and do nothing.
    That would be awesome, it's like facetime but 3-D.
    This sounds like it could be a bad idea. it would just make people lazier than what they are. I wouldnt do this.
nicholas t

Florida receives a $30 million grant from BP - 0 views

    See what had happen was a tourism from florida received 30 million dollars from BP. This money was granted to test waters and seafood around the gulf to make sure it was up to standards. The money will also be used to clean up the area and make sure that it is safe for all tourisms once again. This will take place over a three year period. Florida has already received $82 million dollars since april 20, 2010 for these efforts.
    I think it's a good idea that they gave money to fix the water and make sure everything is back or normal or at least close to being back to normal. The fact that Florida has recieved $82 million dollars is not good beause it's so much money, but it's morely BP's fault because of the spill.
    Florida gets a grant from BP that is more than $30 million dollars to help clean up the giant oil spill in it's ocean.
brett p

12 people dead in a subway bomibing - 0 views

    There was a subway bombing that left 12 people dead. It also left more than 200 wounded in Belarus. The interior minister says it was a radio-controlled bomb that was used. The bomb was placed under a bench at a busy subway station. He also says, police have created composite pictures of two male suspects using testimony from witnesses. Another official says several people have been detained in the investigation. It's not clear if those people are considered suspects. Earlier, the domestic security agency in the former Soviet nation said it had identified the likely attacker.
    That is horrible. Twelve innocent people died for most likely no reason.
nate w

Supercar price cut in half - 1 views

    McLaren cuts the price of its carbon fiber menu. The MP4-12C one of Mclarens elite supercar is now more affordable. The MP4-12C has 592 horsepower twin-turbo V8. The car is capable of reaching over 205MPH. The car used to cost over $500,000.00. Now the super car cost lest then $250,000.00. What made the car so expensive before was the use of all carbon.
    Yeah the supercar may be more affordable now from its old retail price but really who has a quarter mill to be spending on a car. unless you're rich of course.
    People should just wait to buy the car because the price will just keep on dropping overtime.
tyler k

Serial killer probe finds what could 9th set of human remains - 0 views

    In New York the police may have found a 9th body to what they think is a serial killers work. They started finding bodies in December and continue to keep finding bodies. they have also started using K-9 and dive teams to try and find more. But they are still looking for one missing woman.
Stephanie A

shale gas ' worse then coal' for climate - 0 views

    There are researcher that think this New Shale gas is bad for our global warming, greenhouse effects, and also the climate. This is happen in Cornell University in Ithaca, US. They found this Shale gas underground and there are some on the walls they building by the school. Compared to coal, the footprint of shale gas is at least 20% greater and perhaps more than twice as great on the 20-year horizon, and is comparable over 100 years.
    If we used this it might make our economy better.
    I feel like it would help us in the future. I do not think it will be bad i think its good for us in the long run.
Corey N

Mubarak Hospitalized - 0 views

    Former Egyptian President Mubarak hospitalized. He is being treated at the Sharm el-Sheikh International Hospital. No information is given on his recent visit at the hospital, but there is plenty of operations he had in the past.
Corey N

American detained in North Korea. - 0 views

    Not much information given although there is an American citizen being detained in North Korea. The United States is working extremely hard to negotiate the Americans release. This wouldn't be the first time North Korea has captured and held an American citizen hostage. North Korea has detained several Americans in recent years, increasing tension levels between the two countries.
    They shouldn't do that to Americans. We should have our rights in other countries too.
    Just because we are americas it shouldn't give people the right in other countries to treat us like dirt.
ryan p

Serial killer gone wild? - 1 views

shared by ryan p on 12 Apr 11 - No Cached
    In Long Island, New York a serial killer is on the loose. Police officers said they found remains which could be up to 9 bodies. They found their first remains in December. Four of the victims were on craigslist. The police are looking for more evidence that can tie someone up to these murders. They have everyone including the K-9 unit looking.If they don't catch this guy he is just going to murder more people. Hopefully, one day justice will be served.
    I hope they find this serial killer. For the peoples in Long Island, New York. Hope there are no more people found died there. Hope everyone stays safe
mikael h

Burden of College Loans on Graduates Grows - 0 views

    Student loans debt surpassed credit card debt for the first time ever in 2010. It is predicted that the debt will top a trillion dollars this year. In 2008 two-thirds of students who graduated with a bachelor's degree were in debt after school. The average amount of debt for students in college for the 2011 school year was $24,000. There have been many predictions that the debt will increase because of budget-slashing. Economists say "while debt may be a bad thing it is a healthy investment."
luke h

School bans bagged lunches - 0 views

    A school in chicago bans kids form taking in bagged lunches to protect them from them their own unhealthly choices. So then that they will eat better and eat healthy and watch their weight. But is it really better for kids to eat the school are they safe and healthy. Students must eat lunch or not some of them both but most of it was thrown away in the trash. Some kids parents think that it is a good idea but others think that its bad. Because what if you are picky and dont like the school linch or what they are severing then what do u do. Also plus what if you have allregys to some foods then what do you do. What would you do.
rachel t

American detained in North Korea - 0 views

    The United States, with help from Sweden, is trying to get North Korea to release the man on humanitarian grounds. Sweden is representing the US because of the poor diplomatic relations with North Korea. The Swedes visited the man and are asking for regular visits. Because of recent detainments by the North Koreans, relationships are continuing to get worse. Citizens have recently been released in 2009 and 2010. Conditions continue to get worse because of concerns of nuclear development in North Korea also. The US and South Korea joined forces on drills despite the norths warnings. Without Sweden, chances of getting the man back would be slim.
jon k

teen saves friend from ice - 7 views

    13 year old boy rescues his friend from falling trough ice and gets award.
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    Thats a great story. There needs to be more kids like that in this world. Most kids would just call for help but he actually jumped in himself.
    Good for him for doing that being so young that's amazing.
    This teen is very brave and should be honored for what he did.
    The boy should be noticed for his courage not many kids would even know what to do.
    This boy should be honored for his actions.
    This kid risked his life to save his friend. Now that is what i call a Best friend ya know what i mean.
    It takes a true friend to risk their life for another friend.
    He is obviously a good friend and he should be awarded for that good thing he did. This child is brave and smart and did the right thing.
    this way a really moving story ... how a 13 year old boy rescuse his friend from ice and he got honor for saving his life
    Agree with everyone. This was a great story to pick out, Jon! We see, hear, read so much about bullying and cyber-bullying in today's world. We need to focus, too, on students who make it a point to do the right thing. This should certainly serve as motivation for us all!
luke h

Shamokin fire bureau to honor firefighters - 0 views

    Shamokin fire bureau will be holding it's annual banquet for firefighters. The honoring of firefighters started in 1911 and this year marks the 100th consecutive banquet
    I think it is really good that they have an annual banquet to honor firefighters. They risk their life every time they go out to fight a fire and really are so brave. They deserved to be praised
    Absolutely, Kayleen! Good point! We can make the world just a little better by thanking those that do great things and firefighters certainly qualify!
Joe Derr

Murderer out on bail. - 0 views

    Seth Matthew Hornberger is accused of killing Alan Andrew Martin by stabbing him to death, and the mother and father of Martin are not happy. Hornberger faces arraignment at 8 a.m. May 18 in the Court of Common Pleas, Snyder County.
    People like that shouldn't have bail. Murderers are dangerous people and deserve their sentence.
    Joe ~ see the comment I posted above on Jared's article.
jared p

accused killer out on bail - 0 views

    Seth Mathew Hornburger is out on bail after being accused of killing Alan Martin of Windfield.
    Any more details? Do you know any of these folks? What makes this a viable news story? We can always make things more interesting when we find something that is relevant to us, our real world, or relative to the society in which we live.
Angela S

Hispanics taking over. - 0 views

    U.S. Census Bureau data that is going to be released Thursday are expected to show that the Hispanic population in the United States- has reached a new high, getting up to 50 million people. Demographers told CNN. The results the Demographers are going to show is said that Hispanics accounted for more then half of the nation's growth since 2000. The white population is staying the same, when the Hispanic and Asain populations are quickly getting larger. Out of the 50 states, 48 of them got Demographs. Nearly 47 million Hispanics were counted in the 48 states, & the Hispanic population of New York is estimated to put the number past the 50 million mark and as high as 50.5 million.
    People have no care about anybody else which is why they keep hopping the border. Little do they know that every person that enters our country illegally, could be the person who takes your job in a year or two. Its hard to stop all of this but our country needs to devote even more attention to the border and all of the problems with it.
    Lucas ~ reread your post and think about better ways you could have said some of the things above to be less offensive. Sometimes, we can better convey our views and get our point across when we speak more appropriately. Think about it. If you want to convince someone or persuade someone to think as you do, you'll never get the chance if you turn them off by offending them. Does that make sense?
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