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mikael h

College student working on project to turn food waste into energy - 1 views

    College student working on project to turn food waste into energy. He is studying was to converting biomass waste into liquid fuel known as butanol.
    This topic is one of the most discussed alternet energy resolutions today, but hardly funded. Its possible that this college student will get somewhere, but also nowhere without funding to back up his research.
luke h

Donation jar stolen - 1 views

    Police are looking for three people who took a donation jar from julf gas filled with $20
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    Luke, in the future, you will have the ability to choose between different kinds of media to bookmark for this purpose. For this assignment, it needed to be an article that your classmates could read and comment. Nice job with the tagging ~ accurate.
    It is sad that some people have to resort to stealing money from a donation jar. The fact that they got only $20 out of the jar just makes them look even worse.
    It is very sad that someone would have to resort to something that low.
    I agree with Tyler. It's horrible that people will do anything just for money. Taking money from a donation jar is really inconsiderate, and not to mention, illegal.
    That sad that someone would steal donations.
    This is the stupidest thing I have ever heard of someone doing. Most donation jars are basically empty anyway because people really don't care.
    Times might be hard, but stealing isn't an excuse. Especially when it's from a donation jar to help someone else out.
    Thats so terrible to steal a donation jar of 20 dollars. Its terrible how low people go just for some money.
    This is sad. That money could have been used to make a difference in someone sick and now it's being used for something not nearly important. People are just so inconsiderate.
    That is just a shame how people could go and steal things, and to go and steal money that is for someone with cancer yet. I dont think some people have feelings. It is just wrong and uncaring to do something like that.
rachel t

Japan nuclear emergency workers to return to plant - 1 views

    Conditions worsening at nuclear power plant after earthquake and tsunami. Possible damage to containment vessels could lead to leaking radiation.
    Japan is going to be a disaster if the radiation leaks.
jon k

japan radiation levels in food and water - 1 views

    there is radiation in the drinking water and in the food supply and its not safe for infants at all and any women who are pregnant need to drink bottled water.
    This is crazy that these earthquakes all the way over in Japan are affecting states over here in the U.S.
Suzie Nestico

Texas man spurned, kidnaps and assaults woman for 13 days in "horrendous" case, say cop... - 1 views

  • aggravated sexual assault after authorities say he abducted the 62-year-old woman at gunpoint, and then beat her at his home for 13 days.
    • Suzie Nestico
      Especially sad given their ages.  Just curious, Kayleen.  What drew you to this article?
    In Corsicana, Texas, autorities say Jeffrey Allan Maxwell abducted a 62-year-old woman and then beat her for 13 days. He was arrested Saturday and has been charged with aggravated kidnapping and aggravated sexual assault.
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    Accurate job with tagging, Kayleen!
    That must have been really scary the poor old lady I don't know what I would have done if i was this old.
    I chose this because it was so sad and also just sick for someone to do that to anyone, especially an old woman.
    Jeffrey Allan Maxwell, The guy's sick. Who Shackles and beats a 62 year women, for 13 days! People need some help.
    The morality of human nature can never be settled as eternally good or bad, but always unpredictable. There's ones who create inventions, cure diseases, and build nations, yet you can't balance life without having negatives. Its a shame what happens to innocent victims these days, but we can't control human emotion/consciousness. All we can do is protect who and what we know, but learn from the mistakes of our brothers and sisters for we can do better.
nate w

Libyan rebels target Ghadafis birthplace - 1 views

    Libyan rebels start to move towards Sirte, Ghadafis birthplace in search of him. they started searching houses and found that he armed residents with weapons to attack rebels.
jared p

Winner Of 319 Million still a mystery - 1 views

    Despite reports that seven state government workers held the winning $319 million ticket in the Mega Millions lottery, as of Sunday, no one had come forward to claim the prize
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    If the winners chose the cash option when buying the ticket, they will receive a one-time, lump-sum payment of $202.9 million. The jackpot was won by a group of 7 state workers, they will each receive roughly 20 million. All of the winners are from Albany.
    This is crazy, I just bought a ticket last week and i never checked it. What if I'm a millionaire right now.
    then were gonna run away forever just me and you bert
    @Joe D. Sounds like an awesome plan! However, it is surely best reserved for informal, classroom conversation versus a professional, public forum such as this. :-) What could you have said Joe that could have added value to this post?
ryan p

Knoeble's had a famous visitor? - 1 views

    Actress Elizabeth Taylor and billionaire Malcolm Forbes visited Knoebles amusement resort on May 23, 1988. It was the final stop on the Muscular Dystrophy Associations "Ride for life event", a event to raise money for research and treatment of diseases.
luke h

Shamokin fire bureau to honor firefighters - 0 views

    Shamokin fire bureau will be holding it's annual banquet for firefighters. The honoring of firefighters started in 1911 and this year marks the 100th consecutive banquet
    I think it is really good that they have an annual banquet to honor firefighters. They risk their life every time they go out to fight a fire and really are so brave. They deserved to be praised
    Absolutely, Kayleen! Good point! We can make the world just a little better by thanking those that do great things and firefighters certainly qualify!
nate w

Army Corps blows up levee to save town - 0 views

    The Army Corps has blown up a levee in Missouri to save a town. The levee released water and flooded 130,000 acres of land in order to save a town. They say this was necessary in order to save lives. The town that was saved was Cairo.
    It turned out to be a good thing because a town and people where saved and hopefully no one was hurt in the process.
    It's better the levee was ruined instead of Cairo.
Joe Derr

Murderer out on bail. - 0 views

    Seth Matthew Hornberger is accused of killing Alan Andrew Martin by stabbing him to death, and the mother and father of Martin are not happy. Hornberger faces arraignment at 8 a.m. May 18 in the Court of Common Pleas, Snyder County.
    People like that shouldn't have bail. Murderers are dangerous people and deserve their sentence.
    Joe ~ see the comment I posted above on Jared's article.
jared p

californa recalls grapes - 0 views

    The recall applies to 29 brand-packaged salads sold at Albert son's, Raley's, Sam's Club, Savemart, Signature Cafe and Wal-Mart. The recall applies to 13 states. Taylor Farms Pacific has announced the recall of grape tomatoes produced by a grower who said the vegetables might be contaminated with salmonella.
john c.

Vindication of Obama's strategy - 0 views

    "The killing of Osama bin Laden is a powerful argument for emphasizing counterterrorism over nation building in the war on terror." says Fareed Zakaria. It would be too generous to say that Osama Bin Ladens' death has to do with Obama's war on terrorism strategy.
    There going to get back at us.
    All Obama's strategy was to get high polls for next election and lieing about Osama bin laden dead is the perfect plain because he is wanted but He is a CIA agent, Why would they kill there own people?
brittany v

Snoring Solution - 0 views

    Snoring is more then just a distraction to your own sleeping it is also a health problem that people have.
    I hate when people snore! This article was very interesting.
    @Mikael ~ Great! What, specifically, was interesting about it?
brittany v

california nightmare:spending cuts vs tax extension - 0 views

    California is having rough times with taxes.People in California are being faced with paying higher taxes and painful cuts in services. Democratic governor and Republican lawmakers can't reach a compromise the people of California might not have a choice in the matter. To help close the $26.6 billion budget shortfall the state is facing, Governor Jerry Brown wants to let residents vote on extending a tax hike in effect since 2009. Jerry said the budget will be balanced.
kayleen k.

Record Flooding Possible in Nation's Heartland - 0 views

    In the Midwest, it has potential of being a "historic flooding". Flooding in Kentucky and Missouri could eclipse records set in 1937. A levee in Poplar Bluff, Missouri, failed on Tuesday. People were asked to evacuate as soon as possible. Whereas in Bell City, Missouri when the levee failed, residence were said to be in no immediate danger.
Stephanie A

Sleep apnea is it healthy - 0 views

    Sleep apnea is a common disorder in which you have one or more pauses in breathing or shallow breaths while you sleep.Breathing pauses can last from a few seconds to minutes. They often occur 5 to 30 times or more an hour. Some Signs and Symptoms are morning headaches dry through when u wake up in the morning. snoring really loud even when your awake. Risk and people who might get it is over wight people or if one or two people in your family has it you can get it to throught genes.
Robert k

Technology fix to FAA`s air traffic problems. - 0 views

    The FAA`s plans to get new technology called NextGen. The nextgen will be a more accurate Gps based network. The current radar based technology is a half of century old. This new technology can prevent collisions in the air.
    This will keep more passengers safe.
mikael h

Pope calls for peace around the world in Easter message - 0 views

    During an annual Easter message Pope Benedict the XVI called peace in the Midwest and areas in Africa. The pope also urged the restoration of "peaceful coexistence" in Ivory Coast, where a political stalemate led to violence. The pope also said that young people of Western Nations should work together for a common good. He also said that the people of these nations should build a society where poverty is defeated. Finally, the pope hopes that the victims in Japan will find consolation and hope in the after math.
    It would be nice if his ideas actually became true but they probably never will.
    People do need peace right now. There is so much fighting going on throughout the world that could be stopped.
jared p

blue shield workers locked out of work - 0 views

    BlueCross and BlueShield has been negotiating with the Local 212 Union for more than two months. After trying for awhile they could not come to an agreement and the workers were told to stay home. Although The workers were told to stay home they showed up anyways. They said that main concern in this negotiating process is a lack of job security and outsourcing that has taken place. This lockout was to ensure no interruptions in service to customers, members and providers and that the workers were told not to come to work until a new contract was ratified because of previous issues.
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