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india art n design

The Edge in Reinterpretation - Studio Wood - 0 views

    What is it about a designer that urges him to reinterpret the done thing? Check out this neonate furniture and space planning design team from Delhi, India and leave us your views…
Amira .

How Language Shapes Thought By Lera Boroditsky | Scientific American January 20, 2011 p... - 3 views

  • In Brief People communicate using a multitude of languages that vary considerably in the information they convey. Scholars have long wondered whether different languages might impart different cognitive abilities. In recent years empirical evidence for this causal relation has emerged, indicating that one’s mother tongue does indeed mold the way one thinks about many aspects of the world, including space and time. The latest findings also hint that language is part and parcel of many more aspects of thought than scientists had previously realized.
  • The notion that different languages may impart different cognitive skills goes back centuries. Since the 1930s it has become associated with American linguists Edward Sapir and Benjamin Lee Whorf, who studied how languages vary and proposed ways that speakers of different tongues may think differently. Although their ideas met with much excitement early on, there was one small problem: a near complete lack of evidence to support their claims. By the 1970s many scientists had become disenchanted with the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis, and it was all but abandoned as a new set of theories claiming that language and thought are universal muscled onto the scene. But now, decades later, a solid body of empirical evidence showing how languages shape thinking has finally emerged. The evidence overturns the long-standing dogma about universality and yields fascinating insights into the origins of knowledge and the construction of reality. The results have important implications for law, politics and education.
  • Under the Influence Around the world people communicate with one another using a dazzling array of languages—7,000 or so all told—and each language requires very different things from its speakers. For example, suppose I want to tell you that I saw Uncle Vanya on 42nd Street. In Mian, a language spoken in Papua New Guinea, the verb I used would reveal whether the event happened just now, yesterday or in the distant past, whereas in Indonesian, the verb wouldn’t even give away whether it had already happened or was still coming up. In Russian, the verb would reveal my gender. In Mandarin, I would have to specify whether the titular uncle is maternal or paternal and whether he is related by blood or marriage, because there are different words for all these different types of uncles and then some (he happens to be a mother’s brother, as the Chinese translation clearly states). And in Pirahã, a language spoken in the Amazon, I couldn’t say “42nd,” because there are no words for exact numbers, just words for “few” and “many.”
  • ...3 more annotations...
  • Languages differ from one another in innumerable ways, but just because people talk differently does not necessarily mean they think differently.
  • Research in my lab and in many others has been uncovering how language shapes even the most fundamental dimensions of human experience: space, time, causality and relationships to others.
  • Let us return to Pormpuraaw. Unlike English, the Kuuk Thaayorre language spoken in Pormpuraaw does not use relative spatial terms such as left and right. Rather Kuuk Thaayorre speakers talk in terms of absolute cardinal directions (north, south, east, west, and so forth). Of course, in English we also use cardinal direction terms but only for large spatial scales. We would not say, for example, “They set the salad forks southeast of the dinner forks—the philistines!” But in Kuuk Thaayorre cardinal directions are used at all scales. This means one ends up saying things like “the cup is southeast of the plate” or “the boy standing to the south of Mary is my brother.” In Pormpuraaw, one must always stay oriented, just to be able to speak properly.
    The languages we speak affect our perceptions of the world.
india art n design

Transforming workspaces in the IT sector - 0 views

    Flexible layouts, co-working spaces, and the work-from-home model - how will the IT sector adapt to the next big thing that challenges the way we work?
india art n design

Celebrate the art of accessorising this festive season! - 0 views

    Overdoing the décor takes away from the ambience by crowding vision and creating a sense of confusion and irritation. So, while you visit and imbibe all the 'in' things in the market today, IndiaArtnDesign gives you some spot pointers on the art of accessorising! Check them out here…
india art n design

Different strokes of design: From Marrakesh to Paris! - 0 views

    Ar. Hassan Arji takes us on a tour of his Paris home that is dotted by his passion for all things design and flaunts his signature style that is the hallmark of ARJITEC.
india art n design

A call for redefining lifestyles - India Art N Design - 0 views

    A round of applause for the next big thing in workspace culture - a coworking space that offers childcare. Check out Big and Tiny's new space designed by Zooco Estudio in Silverlake, California and leave us your views…

Can doctors make a lot of money? - 0 views

There is no one definitive answer to this question. Some doctors may make a lot of money, while others may not. It depends on many factors, including the doctor's specialty and where they work. Co...

contact learn now doctor money

started by dwaynejohnson28 on 03 Mar 23 no follow-up yet
Sultan Alkhammali

Air Pollution - 1 views

    Air pollution effects the world, human, animals, trees and every things. we got effective in our brain and our health.
John Ravis

Easy And Long Term Financial Support Without Wasting Time! - 0 views

Long Term Payday Loans Online is same day available everyone borrowers who are looking for easy and long term financial support without wasting time. The best thing about these financial schemes is...

started by John Ravis on 12 Sep 16 no follow-up yet
zack diigo85

How Can I Increase My Height - 0 views

    Gain weight technique is standard, however gain height? Extraordinary! If you are one among the short individuals who eager to induce taller at least 2 Inch from your height currently, you're in the correct track. Getting taller means anything to everyone. You gain respects from others, no a lot of rejection from the alternative sex, and your boss can even promote you since you have a nice posture of turning into a manager. So what you thing..?
Chiki Smith

The Handbook of Cheating Changed The Way I Want My Marriage to Work - 1 views

My hubby and I were married for 2 years but we have been with each other for seven years before we got married. So, it was devastating when I discovered he is cheating on me with his co-worker. I r...

relationships advice

started by Chiki Smith on 15 Nov 11 no follow-up yet
thinkahol *

Wealth Matters - Studying the Elite, Whether They Like It or Not - - 0 views

  • He cited data showing that the United States now had the second-lowest level of intergenerational income mobility in the world, after England. “If we lose this truly American thing — that you can become anything if you just work at it — then you’re really going to lose what makes America America,” he said. “It already appears that it will take a tremendous amount of time for people to bring their families out of poverty and for the wealthy to fall from the advantages they have.”
    Scholars gathered at Columbia University to focus on the elite in American society and their relationship to the non-elite.
Amira .

We Are Social Creatures: The Power of Others to Support Our Habits | Psychology Today - 3 views

  • Your attempt to change a habit means that others will need to work at their lives too. They might even grumble and resist. The good news, of course, is that eventually they will become accustomed to your new way of doing things. Humans are incredibly adaptive creatures. What was once new becomes commonplace and what was once usual becomes odd and foreign.
india art n design

Tech-ready roads soon a reality - 0 views

    The Internet has radically transformed the way we get around. Getting ready for a revolutionary breakthrough in vehicular navigation and safe driving especially for highways, @carlo-ratti-associati and Italian highway agency ANAS are all set to design a Smart Road system. Check out the story
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