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Mr. DiGi

Beautiful and Simple CSS Button Styling - 8 views

  • Particletree CSS Button Style
  • Scalable CSS Buttons Using PNG and Background Colors
  • Woork CSS buttons with icon set
  • ...5 more annotations...
  • Liquid & Color Adjustable CSS Buttons When working on a large site with multiple buttons, it can be quite tedious to make all the buttons in Photoshop. Making future adjustments on the verbiage and colors can be also be time consuming.
  • Styling the Button Element with CSS Sliding Doors
  • Bold CSS Buttons
  • Pure CSS Buttons
  • Roll Over Button
my mashable

Facebook Responds to Concerns Over Terms of Service - 0 views

    Today's hoopla over changes to the Facebook Terms of Service have prompted a rare blog post from Facebook founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg. In the post, Zuckerberg falls short of apologizing for the changes, but rather, uses the opportunity to explain why Facebook more or less keeps your content indefinitely.
Frederik Van Zande

» 8 fonts you probably don't use in css, but should - Web Design Marketing Po... - 0 views

    CSS has brought us many capabilities in terms of typography and the web, but we always seem to be limited to the same 4-5 typefaces over and over again. There is an inherant problem, if the font you specify isn't on the viewers computer it won't render in that font. So as designers and developers we end up selecting the ones that we can safely assume is available on most computers today. So most pages use Arial, Helvetica, or Georgia as their typefaces… and the world of the web remains slightly more bland.
tech vedic

This is the One for stock Android lovers. - 0 views

    "Handset makers and wireless carriers love to load up Google's Android platform with custom overlays, user interface tweaks, and third-party programs that don't ship natively with the open source operating system. That's great for them, but most power users would prefer a clean version of Android to work with, which is why the third-party ROM community is popular. Well, following in the footsteps of Samsung and it's custom S4 that was announced at Google I/O, HTC is reportedly kicking around the idea of offering a Google Edition of its One smartphone. News of the custom HTC One comes from Russell Holly over at Citing un-named sources, Holly says the Google Edition device would be offered in the U.S. first, though it's unclear if it would be carried in the Play Store like the Galaxy S4 will be. Other details are equally light and vague, though Holly claims an official announcement could come within the next two weeks, with a release likely planned for sometime this summer." By-The Xpert Crew @
tech vedic

Tips & Tricks to Improve iPhone 4S Battery life - 0 views

    While it becomes impossible to live without your iPhone 4S, you must be a bit worried about the habit of the gadget eating up all the battery at inopportune times.there are still some vital tips and tricks you can follow to improve your Smartphones battery life. Low Down The Screen Brightness Just as it goes for your laptop devices, you need to lower down the brightness of your iPhone screen, which will enhance the battery life. Adjust the screen brightness under the Settings tab. Make Use of Wi-Fi When You Can Instead of making Voice calls, downloading apps or browsing the Web over your iPhone 3G or cellular connection, it is recommended to always find a Wifi hotspot or make use of your home network. This will help you keep away not only from data charges but also will aid you have a better battery life as your device will not be searching for the data signals. Remember, if you are in an area where there is no Wi-Fi hotspot, it is better to turn off the search and it will help save the battery life of your iPhone 4S. Do Not Use The GPS Tracking Feature If you are using apps that support the feature of Automatic GPS tagging and location such as Twitter, Instagram and Facebook, your iPhone is working overtime to determine your location. If you do not want to be Geo-tag your updates and posts, must keep the GPS function off. Do Not Use The 'Fetch' & 'Push' feature If you have your iPhone 4S set to 'fetch' the data after every 30 minutes time along with numerous apps to push new alerts and messages as they happen, then you need to turn off this feature on your device. This feature is going to drain your battery. Only use the facility when you really need it otherwise keep it off. Keep Your Notifications In Check To enhance your iPhone 4S battery time, you need to limit your app notifications to just the apps you make use of more often. This actually means that you have to say 'no' to the requests for all kinds of notifications you ge
Vernon Fowler

Ten Reasons You Should Be Using a CSS Preprocessor | Urban Insight Blog - 0 views

  • 10 reasons you should consider using a CSS preprocessor
  • you can start using things like variables, mixins, and functions. It will allow you to start reusing properties and patterns over and over, after defining them just once
  • nothing is repeated
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • Both Less and Sass support nested definitions.
  • if you can write CSS, you already know how to write valid .less

Google Panda 3.3 Update - A Look at Improvements in White-Hat SEO - 0 views

    Google's latest panda update will penalize over optimized site. Panda 3.3 will give more importance to the value of your website content. If you repeat the same keywords or insert too many links, then your site will drop from its current position in the SERP pages.

How You Can Convince a Stubborn Client that Your Logo Design is Perfect? - 0 views

    In the logo design industry, disagreements with client over a particular project are common. The trick lies in convincing the client that the design does not need any further changes. Opt for a firm and yet, polite approach.
Vernon Fowler

Sass Style Guide | CSS-Tricks - 0 views

  • List @extend(s) First
  • List "Regular" Styles Next
  • List @include(s) Next
  • ...9 more annotations...
  • All Vendor Prefixes Use @mixins
  • Global and Section-Specific Sass Files Are just Table of Contents In other words, no styles directly in them. Force yourself to keep all styles organized into component parts.
  • If you find yourself using a number other than 0 or 100% over and over, it likely deserves a variable.
  • List Vendor/Global Dependancies First, Then Author Dependancies, Then Patterns, Then Parts
  • In Deployment, Compile Compressed
  • Comments get stripped when compiling to compressed code, so there is no cost.
  • Partials are named _partial.scss
  • Variablize All Colors Except perhaps white and black.
  • In your global stylesheet, @import a _shame.scss file last.

PingMag - The Tokyo-based magazine about "Design and Making Things" » Archive... - 7 views

  • Writing CSS is very much like having sex. Not everyone does it the same way and there is no particular “right” way to do it. I guess for me the similarities actually end there, seeing as writing CSS is something I do every day whereas having sex is…anyway I digress. The W3C have set the standards but beyond this, writing CSS is down to an individual’s preferences. Here are 5 little tips and ideas I’ve adopted in the last 6 months that you can use to make your CSS more streamlined, maintainable and easy to read. Written by Jon Disclaimer: The CSS example files are exactly that. They are not meant to be fully functional CSS documents. Class names in the CSS files are named merely so that you may visualise the document in your head (because there is no accompanying html), not because I condone the naming convention in them.
  • 1) Make a table of contents At the top of your CSS document, write out a table of contents. For example, you could outline the different areas that your CSS document is styling (header, main, footer etc). Then, use a large, obvious section break to separate the areas. Not only does this make your CSS look neater, but when it comes to making quick adjustments to certain areas of your website at a later date, finding the corresponding area in your CSS will be much easier. View Example File 1
  • 3) Isolate single properties that you are likely to reuse a lot If you find yourself using a single property a lot, isolate it to save yourself repeating it over and over again and also enabling you to change the display of all parts of the site that use it. View Example File 3
yc c

YUI 2: Grids CSS - 0 views

    YUI Grids CSS offers four preset page widths, six preset templates, and the ability to stack and nest subdivided regions of two, three, or four columns. The 4kb file provides over 1000 page layout combinations.
Gary Edwards

Grid design basics: Grids for Web page layouts - Opera Developer Community - 2 views

    Since tables were co-opted for layout purposes, columns have become key to many Web design layouts, and this thinking continued when CSS took over from tables (at least in the minds of savvy designers) for Web-page presentation. However, other fields of layout design don't think in arbitrary columns, they work with grids, and these form the basis for the structure of page designs. This article will provide the lowdown on grid design for Web pages. Thinking modular Grids are a template, a framework within which creativity can flourish. Too many designers spend time looking at a blank canvas, trying to figure out where elements should be positioned, but, if you have a flexible underlying grid, many such problems are already solved for you. It becomes obvious where and how elements should and can be positioned, thereby leaving you, the designer, with more time to work on graphic design and other page components.
my mashable

Social Music: Top 5 Music Recommendation Services - 0 views

    Finding great new music can be the most rewarding experience, but sometimes the effort that goes into music discovery often thwarts even the most determined of us. Pandora is great for listening to music online, but without having any foresight or direct say over upcoming tracks, it's certainly not the best there is if you're looking to achieve playlist perfection.
my mashable

Personal Branding 101: How to Discover and Create Your Brand - 1 views

    In the past few years personal branding has been discussed exhaustively throughout the Net. The difference between today and over ten years ago when it was first mentioned by Tom Peters, is the rise of social technologies that have made branding not only more personal, but within reach.
Frederik Van Zande

How to get Cross Browser Compatibility Every Time | Anthony Short | Web Design & Develo... - 0 views

  • Here is a quick summary for those of you who don't want to read the whole article: Always use strict doctype and standards-compliant HTML/CSS Always use a reset at the start of your css Use opacity:0.99 on text elements to clean up rendering in Safari Never resize images in the CSS or HTML Check font rendering in every browser. Don't use Lucida Size text as a % in the body, and as em's throughout All layout divs that are floated should include display:inline and overflow:hidden Containers should have overflow:auto and trigger hasLayout via a width or height Don't use any fancy CSS3 selectors Don't use transparent PNG's unless you have loaded the alpha
    Cross-browser compatibility is one of the most time consuming tasks for any web designer. We've seen many different articles over the net describing common problems and fixes. I've collated all the information I could find to create some coding conventions for ensuring that your site will work first time in every browser. There are some things you should consider for Safari and Firefox also, and IE isn't always the culprit for your CSS woes.
my mashable

Make Your Site More Social With Google Friend Connect's Social Bar - 0 views

    The battle over your website's community wages on. Not to be outdone by Facebook Connect and its many great implementations, Google Friend Connect, which previously tacked on Twitter integration, is now getting a bit more social.
Frederik Van Zande

8 Definitive Web Font Stacks [Design Tips & Tricks] - 0 views

    Over the last few months, I've spent more time than I intended on exploring the whole idea of fonts and typography for the Web. (My friend, typography expert Simon Pascal Klein, writes, "The former is a stylized set of glyphs of characters," while "the other [is] the whole art of creating type and setting it into the written word." For more clarification and illumination, consult Jon Tan and Mark Simonson.) In the process, I've been considering the idea of font stacks-using the well-known font-family CSS property-to list as many different fonts as possible in order to optimize the web site experience for a maximum number of users.
Frederik Van Zande

Emblematiq :: Niceforms :: Overview - 0 views

    Web forms. Everybody knows web forms. Each day we have to fill in some information in a web form, be it a simple login to your webmail application, an online purchase, or signing up for a website. They are the basic, and pretty much the only way of gathering information on the web. You basically know a web form when you see one as they always look the same and they've kept this look over the years. Try as hard as you might but web forms can only change their appearance so much. Some may argue that this is a good usability feature, and I tend to agree, but there comes a time when you just need to style web forms so that they look different. How do you do that? Niceforms comes to the rescue! Niceforms is a script that will replace the most commonly used form elements with custom designed ones. You can either use the default theme that is provided or you can even develop your own look with minimal effort.
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