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Anna Taylor

Meet Steve Floyd, Speaker at SEJ Dallas Meetup - 0 views

    As the CEO of AXZM, Steve Floyd has worked hard to build the company he always wanted to work for. Founding AXZM in the spring of 2003, Steve has since grown his agency into one of the most recognized and trusted digital marketing boutiques in North Texas. Starting his career in the early 2000′s designing for print & web - later evolving into LAMP application development and over the last 5 years, Content Strategy, SEO & Inbound. Steve is also the founder / organizer of the Dallas Content Strategy Group and Co-Chair / Founder of SEMPO NTX.
my mashable

Facebook Responds to Concerns Over Terms of Service - 0 views

    Today's hoopla over changes to the Facebook Terms of Service have prompted a rare blog post from Facebook founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg. In the post, Zuckerberg falls short of apologizing for the changes, but rather, uses the opportunity to explain why Facebook more or less keeps your content indefinitely.

CSSElite CSS Gallery - css gallery, website design gallery, web design resources, css d... - 0 views

shared by wen071 on 19 Feb 07 - Cached
  • AJ Miles (0) Bluebolt (0) Pro Landscape (0) OhYouPrettyThings (0) SUM Agency (0) Igoo (0) Young Go Getter (0) Future of Web Apps (0)

PingMag - The Tokyo-based magazine about "Design and Making Things" » Archive... - 7 views

  • Writing CSS is very much like having sex. Not everyone does it the same way and there is no particular “right” way to do it. I guess for me the similarities actually end there, seeing as writing CSS is something I do every day whereas having sex is…anyway I digress. The W3C have set the standards but beyond this, writing CSS is down to an individual’s preferences. Here are 5 little tips and ideas I’ve adopted in the last 6 months that you can use to make your CSS more streamlined, maintainable and easy to read. Written by Jon Disclaimer: The CSS example files are exactly that. They are not meant to be fully functional CSS documents. Class names in the CSS files are named merely so that you may visualise the document in your head (because there is no accompanying html), not because I condone the naming convention in them.
  • 1) Make a table of contents At the top of your CSS document, write out a table of contents. For example, you could outline the different areas that your CSS document is styling (header, main, footer etc). Then, use a large, obvious section break to separate the areas. Not only does this make your CSS look neater, but when it comes to making quick adjustments to certain areas of your website at a later date, finding the corresponding area in your CSS will be much easier. View Example File 1
  • 3) Isolate single properties that you are likely to reuse a lot If you find yourself using a single property a lot, isolate it to save yourself repeating it over and over again and also enabling you to change the display of all parts of the site that use it. View Example File 3
Bartłomiej Małysz

Creating a Slick Auto-Playing Featured Content Slider - 0 views

    nice menu building technique
    Dynamic, sliding JS based on JQuery menu with sliding images (used by,, etc.)
Frederik Van Zande

Fluid 960 Grid System | 16-column Grid - 0 views

    The Fluid 960 Grid System templates have been built upon the work of Nathan Smith and his 960 Grid System using effects from the Mootools JavaScript library. The idea for building these templates was inspired by Andy Clarke, author of Transcending CSS, who advocates a content-out approach to rapid interactive prototyping, crediting Jason Santa Maria with the grey box method.
Frederik Van Zande

CSS Transitions via jQuery Animations | Weston Ruter - 1 views

    The WebKit team has been developing some cutting-edge proposals to extend CSS with the ability to do declarative animations and other effects. This ability is key to maintaining the three-fold separation of HTML content, CSS presentation, and JavaScript behavior. Animation effects on the Web today are accomplished with JavaScript code which repeatedly changes an element's style at a certain interval in order to create an animated effect. This practice, however, violates the separation between presentation and behavior because the animation behaviors are directly changing the document's presentation (i.e. modifying the style property). Ideally, all of the animation triggers and presentation states would be declared in CSS. And this is exactly what the WebKit team has proposed in its CSS Transitions specification.
Gary Edwards

Everything You Know About CSS Is Wrong | Digital Web Magazine: Rachel Andrew - 0 views

    The easy way to use CSS2.1 to solve difficult cross-browser layout issues: CSS tables solve all the problems encountered when using absolute positioning or floats to create multi-column layouts in modern browsers. Specifying the value table for the display property of an element allows you to display the element and its descendants as though they're table elements. The main benefit of CSS table-based layouts is the ability to easily define the boundaries of a cell so that we can add backgrounds and so on to it-without the semantic problems of marking up non-tabular content as a HTML table in the document.
yc c

CSS - Contents and compatibility - 0 views

    This is an excellent resource comparing browser CSS support.
    A very readable table of CSS feature support across several current browsers.
Hussain M Elius

247 web usability guidelines - 0 views

    Guidelines for home page usability, task orientation, navigation and IA, forms and data entry, trust and credibility, writing and content quality, page layout and visual design, search usability, and help, feedback and error tolerance.
my mashable

Google Gadgets : "What's Popular" Find Popular Items Over Internet - 0 views

    iGoogle gadgets interact with the user and utilize the Google Gadgets API. Some gadgets developed for Google Desktop can also be used within iGoogle. The Google Gadgets API is public and allows anyone to develop a gadget for any need. iGoogle recently added a new gadget named " What's Popular". It seems to be similar to Digg, Reddit, Stumbleupon. where you can vote the web pages and add content you find interesti
my mashable

Concrete5 - Easier than Drupal, More Powerful Than WordPress - 0 views

    Concrete CMS, developer of next- generation open source solutions for web sites, today announced general availability of concrete5, the latest version of its popular open source Content Management System (CMS). concrete5 combines the ease-of-use of a blogging platform with the flexibility and power of a web development platform. To date, thousands of advertising and creative agencies and web developers around the world have downloaded early versions of concrete5 and used the technology to quickly and inexpensively build sophisticated web sites that can be updated by end users
yc c

Safari Reference Library - 0 views

    Explore a comprehensive collection of guides, reference, and other resources for developing web applications and content for Safari. The Safari Reference Library provides detailed information for web developers on iPhone, iPod touch, Mac, and PC. These resources include guides and articles, API reference documents, sample code, release notes, and technical notes. Use these resources to learn about Safari's developer tools, visual effects, HTML and CSS support, JavaScript and DOM support, and other features and technologies. The library is organized by Topics and Resource Types.
yc c

Zachary Johnson in Cyberspace - zachstronaut - 2 views

    I have created a monkey patch for jQuery (tested through 1.4.3) which enables you to independently set and/or animate both the scale and rotation of any HTML content with jQuery. This code uses the scale() and rotate() CSS transformations that are only supported by Webkit, Safari, Chrome, Firefox 3.5+, IE9 (Platform Preview 7+), and some versions of Opera at this time.
Vernon Fowler

CSS Sprites with Inline Images | CSS-Tricks - 0 views

  • The image is "content" while an empty div is not.
  • If you want to keep your image as part of the regular flow of the document the best you can, you can always wrap the image in a div with relative positioning
    "The "sprite" is the single, combined graphic. We can use this same theory, only instead of using background-image to show the graphic, we can use an image right in the HTML itself (inline image)."
Vernon Fowler

Now You See Me · An A List Apart Article - 0 views

  • -999em;
    • Vernon Fowler
tech vedic

How to fix annoying cursor jumping problem while typing documents on laptops? - 0 views

  • How to fix annoying cursor jumping problem while typing documents on laptops?
    Typing a document on a laptop is an annoying and frustrating experience. Perhaps, you may have noticed the cursor moving or jumping randomly, whenever you are going to type some text on a document or on a Web browser or anywhere else. It reduces the typing speed and overall performance.
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