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    Crown Capital Eco Management works with government bodies, international entities, private sectors and other non-governmental organizations in providing extensive information to the public, media and policymakers that are involved in addressing environmental issues and sustainable initiatives in a worldwide scale.

Renewable energy would save EU trillions by 20500 - Crown Capital Eco Management Renewa... - 0 views

    "The Commission The Commission by environmental campaigners forecast 3 trillion euros would generate by 2050 on their green revolution campaign- to make EU energy almost totally carbon free. Read more With emerging renewable energy alternatives today, it is highly important that they be given enough attention even early on their developmental stages. Such technologies might not be ready for commercial uses yet but their potential should be amply tested and funded. Society's modern lifestyle is in serious need of energy that can be generated and consumed and yet, not compromise the future state for generations to come; to have no anxiety that it would cause damage to the environment. The energy shift The energy shift would already create around half a million extra jobs by 2020, Crown researchersfrom German aerospace center DLR, which also specializes in energy and transport, found. It has legislated to ensure that 20 percent of the energy mix is green by the said year, as part of a set of three main environmental goals. But it has yet to achieve agreement on binding targets beyond 2020, even though non-binding roadmaps have laid out the need for a virtually carbon-free electricity mix by 2050. Commissioned by Greenpeace and the European Renewable Energy Council (EREC), the 2012 Energy evolution report lays out risk avoidance towards almost carbon-free energy. They include curbing energy demand through greater efficiency, increasing investment in wind and solar power and phasing out subsidies for carbon-intensive energy, such as coal. To bring about the energy transformation, it sees a need to invest about 99 billion euros between now and 2050 or else this will be added on the list of renewable energy scam, but it says the financial gains are much greater. Renewable energy has no fuel costs; the fuel cost savings in the energy evolution scenario reach a total of 3, 010 billion euros up to 2050, or 75 billion per year. Another benefit is job-creation, one of the

Crown Capital Management Jakarta Indonesia: Human Thirst Makes Earth Quake - Crown Capi... - 0 views

    "Human Thirst Makes Earth Quake - Crown Capital Eco Management Renewable Energy Scam Human Thirst Makes Earth Quake As we all know earthquake is a catastrophic natural disaster. Most earthquake-related deaths are caused by the collapse of structures and the construction practices play a tremendous role in the death toll of an earthquake. In southern Italy in 1909 more than 100,000 people perished in an earthquake that struck the region. Almost half of the people living in the region of Messina were killed due to the easily collapsible structures that dominated the villages of the region. Though there are some ways to prevent this from happening, it can never be considered as risk avoidance. A larger earthquake that struck San Francisco three years earlier had killed fewer people (about 700) because building construction practices were different type (predominantly wood). Survival rates in the San Francisco earthquake was about 98%, that in the Messina earthquake was between 33% and 45%) (Zebrowski, 1997). Even a moderate rupture beneath a city with structures unprepared for shaking can produce tens of thousands of casualties. Due to this fact, Crown Eco Managementdetermined that safety measures for this could not be compared to fraud prevention. Although probably the most important that we should know, direct shaking effects are not the only hazard associated with earthquakes, other effects such as landslides, liquefaction, and tsunamis have also played important part in destruction produced by earthquakes. According to the Crown researchers, some earthquakes are not natural. Human beings can actually cause them. That's the case with an earthquake in Lorca, Spain, last May. The quake measured 5.1 on the Richter scale and killed nine people. According to an analysis published in Crown Eco Management, the Lorca quake was caused by the extraction of groundwater from an aquifer near the faul

Chevron case may hurt investments: Official - Jakarta Post | Crude News - 0 views

    "Chevron case may hurt investments: Official Jakarta Post The ongoing investigation over alleged fraudulent practices within energy giant Chevron's environmental remediation project in Riau province may harm the investment climate in the Indonesia's oil and gas sector, a top official has said. Upstream oil … "

Crown Capital Management Jakarta Indonesia | Flooded summer season, Atlantic ... - 0 views

    "Crown Capital Management Jakarta Indonesia | Flooded summer season, Atlantic Ocean blames Flooded summer season, Atlantic Ocean blames Northern Europe picks on the Atlantic Ocean because of its wet summer according to a new study. The rising and falling of ocean temperature or the so called cyclical deception is seen as a major extortion on the weather. The said pattern reported will last long as the Atlantic warming persists. The research was carried out at the University of Reading and is published in the journal Nature Geoscience. The cycle of scheme investigated was known as the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation. This change sees the waters warm or cool over a period of several decades. The researchers compared three periods in this cycle: a warm state from 1931-60, a cool period from 1961-90 and the most recent warm period starting in 1990 and continuing now. The paper notes that conditions in the last warm period in the Atlantic are broadly similar to those pragmatic now. So the study compared weather conditions in Europe during the two warm Atlantic phases with those oppressed in the cool phase. One conclusion is that a warmer-than-usual Atlantic "favors a mild spring (especially April), summer and autumn, in England and across Europe." Another finding - of greatest relevance to the search for a cause of rainy summers - is that the warmth of the ocean also tends to make northern and central Europe abuse than usual. By contrast southern Europe, from Portugal to Turkey, makes victim of far less rain than normal."

Crown Capital Management Jakarta Indonesia | Giant mammoth carcass in Siberia... - 0 views


Newest Presentations on the Crown Capital Management Jakarta Indonesia Channel - 0 views

    "Presentations in this Channel Flooded summer season, Atlantic Ocean bl.. Views: 8 Added to Channel by:ianthinezoeAdded: 3 days ago Giant mammoth carcass in Siberian frost .. Views: 4 Added to Channel by:alysiapower27Added: 6 days ago "

Crown Eco Management A solution for Asian carp infestation | Crown Eco Management - 0 views

    "A solution for Asian carp infestation Brought from the East to aid in managing aquatic plants in aquaculture industries, Asian carp has been unwittingly introduced to freshwater sources of the US. Today, they are seen as a big problem in the fishing industry for their big appetite and fast breeding, overshadowing other fish for space and food in lakes. Asian carp presence has been recorded in around 18 states and are already established in the areas of Missouri and Illinois. The fish threatening to mess with the USD 7 billion sport and commercial fishing industry of the Great Lakes can grow up to 100 pounds and measure over 4 feet. Some are saying that the easy solution for this is closing the canal systems and any other point of entry of asian carps. However, such a step will certainly cost billions, not only in construction but also in lost profit from boat traffic that uses the canal system. Last resort options to prevent upsetting the marine biodiversity in the Great Lakes are harmful to other industries and would also worsen the road traffic, ergo an increase in carbon emissions. The Asian Carp Control Strategy Framework of the government is set to allocate USD 51.5 billion to protect the Great Lakes from the asian carp infestation. This program apparently involves methods to kill or drive them away, from poison pellets to soundwave-shooting underwater guns. A more permanent and beneficial solution seems to be to catch the asian carps and turn them into foodstuffs like what Schafer Fisheries in Illinois is doing. Schafer has been selling 10 million lbs of asian carp across the world, satisfying a demand for them in other parts of the world while helping their locality get rid of a major headache. Asian carps can be processed into food products like sausage, jerk, hotdogs and can also be included in fertilizers. Even if this one industry will not be enough to totally stop the proliferati

alysiapower27 - Mod DB | Crown Capital Eco Management - | Crown Capital Management Ja... - 0 views

    "Latest Screens Blog RSS FeedReport abuseLatest Blog: Guiding Principles | Crown Capital Eco Management Share on twitterShare on facebookShare on redditShare on emailShare on stumbleuponShare on favoritesMore Sharing Services 0 0 comments by alysiapower27 on Oct 9th, 2012 Guiding Principles                                                       Independence  Although Crown cooperates with various organizations, we maintain our being an independent body, free from control of any particular government, state or institution and unimpaired by their own respective interests. Public Awareness  Educating and enlisting the public to secure and maintain the quality of our natural resources is one of our priorities. We believe that by having well-informed and knowledgeable people, especially in the government sector will make it possible to maximize the benefit of existing legislation, and creating more, in order to preserve our e nvironment. Sustainability  A long-term responsibility of preserving resources for future generations that cover economic and environmental factors. Sustainability enables the environment to be productive and diverse enough to host humanity along with other living organism through effectively managing human impact on the ecosystem based on information provided experts. Taking steps towards sustainability is a difficult challenge as it entails international and local law, individual lifestyles and urban planning. Measures should be implemented on re-evaluating work practices, altering general living conditions and making new technologies in order for a sustainability goal to be accomplished. Accountability  Crown Capital Eco Management also aims to raise awareness of our society getting trapped in progress with only the short-term concerns in mind for failure to protect and conserve our natural resources could lead to irreversible consequences not only in the future civilization but

Disclaimer | Crown Eco Management - 0 views

    "Crown Capital Eco Management group does not guarantee that any transmission of data over the Internet is completely secure. We cannot ensure or warrant the security of any information you transmit to us and such transmission is done at your own risk. And while it is our responsibility to minimize, at best, the disruption caused by technical errors, some data on this site may have been structured in formats that are not bug-free. Thus, we cannot guarantee that our website will not be interrupted. This website and all its content included in or linked to this website are provided in an "as is" and "as available" basis, with no warranties or representations of any kind (express, implied and statutory, including but not limited to the warranties of title and noninfringement and the implied warranties of merchantibility and fitness for a particular purpose), all of which Crown Eco Group disclaims to the fullest extent permitted by law. Your use of this website and its content is at your sole risk. To the fullest extent permitted under relevant law, in no event shall Crown Capital Eco Management Group or its employees be liable for any damages (including, without limitation, consequential, special, incidental, indirect or similar damages, personal injury, profit and data loss, business interruption or any other commercial damages or losses) arising out of or in relation with the use or performance of this website or its content. Upon a request by the Crown Eco Group, you agree to indemnify, defend and hold harmless the Crown Eco Group and its employees and agents from all claims, liabilities and expenses that may arise from your use or misuse of our site."

Crown Eco Management A solution for Asian carp infestation | Crown Eco Management - 0 views

    "A solution for Asian carp infestation Brought from the East to aid in managing aquatic plants in aquaculture industries, Asian carp has been unwittingly introduced to freshwater sources of the US. Today, they are seen as a big problem in the fishing industry for their big appetite and fast breeding, overshadowing other fish for space and food in lakes. Asian carp presence has been recorded in around 18 states and are already established in the areas of Missouri and Illinois. The fish threatening to mess with the USD 7 billion sport and commercial fishing industry of the Great Lakes can grow up to 100 pounds and measure over 4 feet. Some are saying that the easy solution for this is closing the canal systems and any other point of entry of asian carps. However, such a step will certainly cost billions, not only in construction but also in lost profit from boat traffic that uses the canal system. Last resort options to prevent upsetting the marine biodiversity in the Great Lakes are harmful to other industries and would also worsen the road traffic, ergo an increase in carbon emissions. The Asian Carp Control Strategy Framework of the government is set to allocate USD 51.5 billion to protect the Great Lakes from the asian carp infestation. This program apparently involves methods to kill or drive them away, from poison pellets to soundwave-shooting underwater guns. A more permanent and beneficial solution seems to be to catch the asian carps and turn them into foodstuffs like what Schafer Fisheries in Illinois is doing. Schafer has been selling 10 million lbs of asian carp across the world, satisfying a demand for them in other parts of the world while helping their locality get rid of a major headache. Asian carps can be processed into food products like sausage, jerk, hotdogs and can also be included in fertilizers. Even if this one industry will not be enough to totally stop the proliferation of Asian carp, it can at least be a major step in finding a sol

Guiding Principles | Crown Capital Eco Management - 0 views

    "Independence Although Crown cooperates with various organizations, we maintain our being an independent body, free from control of any particular government, state or institution and unimpaired by their own respective interests. Public Awareness Educating and enlisting the public to secure and maintain the quality of our natural resources is one of our priorities. We believe that by having well-informed and knowledgeable people, especially in the government sector will make it possible to maximize the benefit of existing legislation, and creating more, in order to preserve our e nvironment. Sustainability A long-term responsibility of preserving resources for future generations that cover economic and environmental factors. Sustainability enables the environment to be productive and diverse enough to host humanity along with other living organism through effectively managing human impact on the ecosystem based on information provided experts. Taking steps towards sustainability is a difficult challenge as it entails international and local law, individual lifestyles and urban planning. Measures should be implemented on re-evaluating work practices, altering general living conditions and making new technologies in order for a sustainability goal to be accomplished. Accountability Crown Capital Eco Management also aims to raise awareness of our society getting trapped in progress with only the short-term concerns in mind for failure to protect and conserve our natural resources could lead to irreversible consequences not only in the future civilization but to the whole ecosystem itself. Along with the recognition that the environment is needed for us to survive is the realization that we must answer for its sustainability and be responsible for managing the great resources we are entrusted with. Independence Our group strives to make every sector of our society, especially the public, recognize the need for transparency in what is and will be happening t

Guiding Principles | Crown Capital Eco Management - Wellsphere | Crown Capital Manageme... - 0 views

    " Guiding Principles | Crown Capital Eco Management Team Crown Capital Eco Management works with government bodies, international entities, private sectors and other non-governmental organizations in providing extensive information to the public, media and policymakers that are involved in addressing environmental issues and sustainable initiatives in a worldwide scale. Though our group does not personally conduct research, we analyze and review both recent and old data on technical and socio-economic sectors that are relevant to our field, which is environment preservation. We are composed of volunteer professionals in the scientific sector, supported by various agencies around the world. Our group is an independent organization supporting programs involving climate change, biodiversity, organic pollutants and greenhouse gases, to name a few."

Guiding Principles | Crown Capital Eco Management - Squidoo - 0 views

    "About the company Crown Capital Eco Management Crown Capital Eco Management works with government bodies, international entities, private sectors and other non-governmental organizations in providing extensive information to the public, media and policymakers that are involved in addressing environmental issues and sustainable initiatives in a worldwide scale. Though our group does not personally conduct research, we analyze and review both recent and old data on technical and socio-economic sectors that are relevant to our field, which is environment preservation. We are composed of volunteer professionals in the scientific sector, supported by various agencies around the world. Our group is an independent organization supporting programs involving climate change, biodiversity, organic pollutants and greenhouse gases, to name a few. Guiding Principles Independence Although Crown cooperates with various organizations, we maintain our being an independent body, free from control of any particular government, state or institution and unimpaired by their own respective interests. Public Awareness Educating and enlisting the public to secure and maintain the quality of our natural resources is one of our priorities. We believe that by having well-informed and knowledgeable people, especially in the government sector will make it possible to maximize the benefit of existing legislation, and creating more, in order to preserve our e nvironment. Sustainability A long-term responsibility of preserving resources for future generations that cover economic and environmental factors. Sustainability enables the environment to be productive and diverse enough to host humanity along with other living organism through effectively managing human impact on the ecosystem based on information provided experts. Taking steps towards sustainability is a difficult challenge as it entails inte

Crown Capital Eco Management - 0 views

    "Crown Capital Eco Management Crown Capital Eco Management works with government bodies, international entities, private sectors and other non-governmental organizations in providing extensive information to the public, media and policymakers that are involved in addressing environmental issues and sustainable initiatives in a worldwide scale. Though our group does not personally conduct research, we analyze and review both recent and old data on technical and socio-economic sectors that are relevant to our field, which is environment preservation. We are composed of volunteer professionals in the scientific sector, supported by various agencies around the world. Our group is an independent organization supporting programs involving climate change, biodiversity, organic pollutants "

Giant mammoth carcass in Siberian frost : Crown Capital Management Jakarta Indonesia - 0 views


    Giant mammoth carcass in Siberian frost

    Yevgeny Salinder, an 11-year old Russian b

Crown Eco Management Flooded summer season, Atlantic Ocean blames | Crown Eco Management - 0 views

    "Flooded summer season, Atlantic Ocean blames Northern Europe picks on the Atlantic Ocean because of its wet summer according to a new study. The rising and falling of ocean temperature or the so called cyclical deception is seen as a major extortion on the weather. The said pattern reported will last long as the Atlantic warming persists. The research was carried out at the University of Reading and is published in the journal Nature Geoscience. The cycle of scheme investigated was known as the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation. This change sees the waters warm or cool over a period of several decades. The researchers compared three periods in this cycle: a warm state from 1931-60, a cool period from 1961-90 and the most recent warm period starting in 1990 and continuing now. The paper notes that conditions in the last warm period in the Atlantic are broadly similar to those pragmatic now."
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