YourView - 0 views
YourView aspires to give Australians a stronger democratic voice. It has the unique ambition to present what we really think about major public issues, and giving that collective wisdom a role in the national political discourse. By "what we really think" we mean the considered collective viewpoint - ideally what Australians as a whole would think if they were better informed about major public issues and if they had more time to reflect and deliberate about those issues. YourView's aims are thus consistent with those of the deliberative democracy movement.
Werbach cpdp gamification 2013 - 1 views
Twiplomacy | Mutual relations on Twitter - 2 views
Prototyping in Public Services - Nesta - 0 views
Technology | Global Pulse - 0 views
With more than 5 million users, "We the People" want to be heard online | digiphile - 1 views
WikiRendum - 0 views - 2 views
Regulation Room - 1 views
Regulation Room is designed and operated by the Cornell eRulemaking Initiative (CeRI) and hosted by the Legal Information Institute (LII). The site is a pilot project that provides an online environment for people and groups to learn about, discuss, and react to selected rules (regulations) proposed by federal agencies. It expands the types of public input available to agencies in the rulemaking process, while serving as a teaching and research platform.
About CPB | - 1 views
The Future of Hospitals game - 0 views
For over 100 years, the hospital has been the core of our healthcare system, and a pillar of every community-the central hub where people enter and leave this world, and where scientific discoveries become life saving procedures. But in the last couple decades, technological, social and economic forces have chipped away at this model. As these trends continue-making traditional clinical environments punishingly expensive to run, and increasingly less necessary for many healthcare needs - the future of the community hospital is uncertain. This is the premise of our new Foresight Engine game on the Future of the Hospital-a 24-hour collaborative forecasting game playing from 12pm EST (9am PST) January 8 to 12pm EST (9am PST) on January 9, 2013!
Parliament - 2 views
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