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Contents contributed and discussions participated by Courtney Wilson

Courtney Wilson

NASA - Snapshots From Space Cultivate Fans Among Midwest Farmers - 0 views

    "[Noreen] Thomas [a farmer] enjoys this view from hundreds of miles above Earth's surface -- not just for the beauty, but the utility. She is among a growing group of Midwest farmers who rely on satellite imagery from Landsat to maximize their harvest and minimize damage to their fields. It's become another crucial tool like their tractors and sprinklers."
Courtney Wilson

Science for a Hungry World Videos - 1 views

    Videos include: - What is the Global Food System? - Land Use Change and Agriculture - Food Security - Water and Agriculture - Climate Change, Agriculture, and NASA
Courtney Wilson

OpenTopography - 1 views

    "The OpenTopography Portal is a GEON Project initiative to build an online system that provides integrated access to high-resolution topographic data, web-based processing tools, and enables the user community to share knowledge, experiences and resources."
Courtney Wilson

Basic Google Maps Heat Map - 1 views

    "Tixik Heatmaps - Lets you add a basic heat map to a simple Google Maps display."
Courtney Wilson

Easy Heat Maps From Spreadsheet Data With OpenHeatMap - 1 views

    "The OpenHeatMap site lets you create heat maps and choropleths from uploaded spreadsheet data (CSV format), or Google Docs Spreadsheet data (which makes it continuously updatable). It supports location coding by latitude/longitude coordinates, or by a large number of name/code attributes (e.g. address, FIPS code, zip code, state, province, country). And as a bonus, you can also have time as a variable, letting you create animated heatmaps or choropleths."
Courtney Wilson

A to Z of areas of biodiversity importance - 0 views

    "Use the A to Z to find out about different areas of biodiversity importance. These include internationally recognised protected areas such as World Heritage Sites and Ramsar Sites, as well as the many approaches used to prioritise areas for conservation effort and protection including Biodiversity hotspots and Key Biodiversity Areas. "
Courtney Wilson

What Are Species Worth? Putting a Price on Biodiversity by Richard Conniff : Yale Envir... - 1 views

    When officials gather for an international summit on biodiversity next month, they might look to remind the world why species matter to humans: for producing oxygen, finding new drugs, making agricultural crops more productive, and something far less tangible - a sense of wonder.
Courtney Wilson

Google Earth: Learn - 2 views

    "You can use Google Earth to simply search for a place or try one our advanced features, such as recording a tour or importing GPS data. Whether you're learning to use Google Earth for the first time or you're already an expert user, here are some tools to help you explore further. "
Courtney Wilson

How I use wikis in my classroom - 2 views

    1. Lesson Summaries 2. Collaboration of Notes 3. Concept Introduction and Exploratory Projects 4. Dissemination of Important Classroom Information beyond the Classroom 5. Individual assessment projects
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