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Sue Hellman

WebTools4u2use » WebTools4U2Use - 0 views

    Wow! a wiki about tools! I can only hope that the teacher librarians in our district one day become these kinds of resource people.
Dwayne Abrahams

Time Sheet Calculator - 5 views

    time sheet calculator allows for input of up to 14 time periods (in hours and minutes), and totals them. It also calculates hours worked by inputing start time and end time.
Maggie Verster

JiT2U: Web 2.0: This mobile module is meant to gently introduce the concepts and potentials of Web 2.0 tools for educators and learners. - 10 views

    Welcome to Just in Time Training To You (JiT2U) : Web 2.0 Tools. This mobile module is meant to gently introduce the concepts and potentials of Web 2.0 tools for educators and learners.
Ako Z°om

ABC News - ahead of the curve - 0 views

    it's ahead curve... some are very unuseful but some are real news, and it's a rapid overview to understand...
    to know more easily by news... at ABC ... videos
Ako Z°om

SIMILE Project - 0 views

    some addons for firefox, but also some good javascript-codes
    some good but dev webtolls... but all is tehre ? oops and the javascripts codes ? or ? ... to re-read
Ako Z°om

HTML Playground, html, css reference by example - 0 views

    about to learn html ?? ooh try and try more there...
Ako Z°om | create and connect - 0 views

    just to make by web2 flash app; a logo with some begin' stuff, get to continue the draw for yours...
Ako Z°om

Feed43 : Convert any web page to news feed on the fly - 20 views

    this site makes any feeds from any sites .. rss are yours now ...
Ako Z°om

lingro: The coolest dictionary known to hombre! - 22 views

    a very easy and rapid translator ... in ajax too. just take time to copy the adress of the site, then use the lingro by clicking on every words you want to know ! with an history too.
    a rapid translator
Shane Stevens

Redistricting Project - 8 views

    A redistricting application that allows your students to draw congressional districts anyway they wish. A nice gerrymandering, and math, too.
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