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Dwayne Abrahams

Time Sheet Calculator - 5 views

    time sheet calculator allows for input of up to 14 time periods (in hours and minutes), and totals them. It also calculates hours worked by inputing start time and end time.
Jeff Johnson

How to fix Microsoft Word's spell-checker. - By Chris Wilson - Slate Magazine - 0 views

    There's no reason why spell-check dictionaries need to be so behind the times. All the technology to build a relevant, timely spelling database already exists in search engines like Google and Microsoft's own Live Search, which have a vast vocabulary of words and names and update their dictionaries in near real time. Microsoft Word may not have heard of Marky Mark, but a Live Search or a Google query for Mark Walberg includes results for the actor, who has an "h" in his last name.
Jeff Johnson

LiveGraph: The real-time data graph plotter - 0 views

    Plot and explore your data in real-time! LiveGraph is a framework for real-time data visualisation, analysis and logging.
AJ Tivol

3 Models of Value in the Real Time Web - ReadWriteWeb - 0 views

  • Paul Buchheit, the man who built the first versions of both Gmail and Adsense, says the real time web is going to be the next big thing.
  • But what's the point? What's in it for us, as users? We offer below three models of value that we suspect will be found in the Real Time Web. They are the concepts that underly the vision described above at the top of this post. Those concepts are Ambiance, Automation and Emergence. This is just an initial exploration of ideas, reality will undoubtedly be more complicated shortly. We welcome your participation in thinking about this part of the fast-approaching future of the web.
    The Real Time Web may include instant updates about information, automated notification of changed information, and the emergence of hot topics.
David Wetzel

How to Beat the Fear of Losing a Presentation - 13 views

    How many times have you prepared an updated or new dynamic math or science PowerPoint or Keynote presentation for class and it would not open in school? Also, how many times has it happened to your students when it's time to give a class presentation? Now you need to postpone their presentation to another day, disrupting even the best planning.
Linda Nitsche - 0 views

    All purpose time and date site. World clock, time zone converter, meeting planner.
Julie Haney

MentorMob Lets Instructors Compile Learning Playlists -- THE Journal - 10 views

    "The Internet is the first place most people turn to find information and learn virtually anything, but there's no sense of organization--you have to stumble through, often running into dead ends along the way," said Chinosorn. "At MentorMob, our community members sort through all the content, choose the best snippets and lace them together into a step-by-step course. With MentorMob, you spend more time learning and less time searching."
Gail Braddock

Free PerioS Download - 0 views

    free time lapse photography software for a while now and finally found Perios. Perios is a tiny download and very, very simple to use. For my first movie I set the software to record one frame every five seconds but I feel I need to continue experimenting for improved results. Once the software captures all the still pics you have to export them as a movie file. I then added all the credits and music in Movie Maker. Too easy!!! The only hassle I had with the software was trying to get it to work with a webcam. I eventually just stuck with the built in camera in my laptop. Possible time Lapse Subjects - flower blooming / plant growth - spider spinning a web - tracking shadow movement throughout a day - artwork being made - a classic game of chess - the classroom working - lego construction - snail race - decomposing fruit - butterfly hatching - traffic outside your window for surveys - is the movement of the lunchtime crowd fractal? - fill up and ant farm and record tunnel creation - growing of crystals - your fish tank - clouds across the sky / storm coming
Allison Kipta

The Facebook "video message" spammer worm is making rounds again - 0 views

    If you received a Facebook message similar to these: ---------- Hey funny. Between You and a Friend Today at Time/Date Is that you making love?!: Long link to video download web site here ... ---------- or ---------- Hi my friend. Between You and a Friend Today at Time/Date Who and when made this video of you?!!!: Long link to video download web site here ... ---------- DELETE it. Do NOT click the link. If you clicked the link, do NOT download the file! If you downloaded, do NOT click/run the file! If your Facebook profile is suddenly sending spam-like messages to all your friends (similar to those above), please read the instructions for removing the Koobface worm. If the worm is a variant of Koobface.A, there may be instructions and antivirus data files (update, dat file, signature, etc.) or a remover application specific to the variant. Don't panic. There is no good reason to format a hard drive to get rid of a virus. Most antivirus software can do a good job of cleaning up. As this thing relies on an internet connection to propagate, please unplug your network cable. Follow the removal instructions for your operating system, and scan your computer with updated antivirus software. I think any one of the popular antivirus applications (and some spyware progams) will take care of it as long as what you're using has the latest virus definitions/signatures/dat file/updates, etc. W32.Koobface.A Free stuff here that may help: Browser Security Tests: AVG Anti-Virus Free: Ad-Aware Spyware Remover: Spybot Search & Destroy
Jeff Johnson

SightSpeed Video Conferencing & Video Chat - 0 views

    SightSpeed is the award-winning provider of Internet video chat and voice calling for friends and family, and video conferencing solutions for businesses. We make it easy to install and set up so you can... Connect with everyone in your network, face to face, anyplace Save time, hassle, and money spent on travel Help save our environment by minimizing your carbon footprint! Our patented video technology ensures you get the best possible video and sound quality every time, unlike other online video services. SightSpeed offers the highest-quality, full-motion 30 frames per second video with clear audio and no annoying delay.
Jeff Johnson

ScreenFlow - 0 views

    ScreenFlow is a brand new application for creating amazing screen recordings on your Mac. Using a unique new screen capture system, powerful enough to capture the contents of your entire desktop at the same time as your video camera, microphone and computer's audio, you'll be creating incredible screencasts in no time. The finished result is a Quicktime movie, ready for publishing to your website or blog.
Cerese Godfrey

Cerese's Conversations - Cerese Godfrey [CereseG] on Plurk - 0 views

shared by Cerese Godfrey on 26 Sep 09 - Cached
  • cfox2saysalong the bottom there is a plurk lottery where
  • g_teachasksGingerTPLC to check her PPsKathsaysgood evening all. Just got home from Baker class. 24 students in class this evening. Lots of questio
  • CereseGhatesto think of going to work the rest of this year. I am so tire of this upheavals!!...111/11StacysaysSo, if you're 15 and you cry, you can get through to the male judges?...51/11Stacysaysshould I shovel now or wait until tomorrow?...12g_teachsaysdownloaded a chess app for my iPod4bknittlewonderswhich of my plurk pals will be heading to EduCon....2McTeach Seriously, I absolutely hate leaving a meeting feeling that angry at how MY time is of no value to administrators!...1elainejsaysday was mtgs from start to now. Yikes! Need to go to the groc then home to take something for my throat....Godtessshareshave you seen My Blackberry is not Working? ...3Amy Cordova I am tired!1/11Stacysayscheck it out: contracts negotiated, proposals written - now wait on 6 boards to approve or deny, 15 others are onboard!...9angiemc99askswhen something has to go in your day...what do you drop? (Due to lack of time)
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • via Pinterest
Allison Kipta

Web Meeting, Document Sharing | ShowDocument - 1 views

    Show Document is a Net Meeting platform for instantaneous and spontaneous online meetings where people can work together on the same document at the same time. All the Net Meeting collaborative services can be used to work together at the same time. The web meeting platform offers the following interactive services
Fred Delventhal

Story Something: Create personalized children's stories instantly. - 22 views

    "Create personalized children's stories instantly. Turn any time into story time. It's free. 1. Add the details about your children and family -- what do your kids call Mom? Dad? Grandma? 2. Tell us what kinds of stories your kids like. 3. Have new personalized stories based on your child's age and interests delivered to you automagically."
David Wetzel

Top 10 Online Tools for Teaching Science and Math - 24 views

    Why use Web 2.0 tools in science and math classes? The primary reason is they facilitate access to input and interaction with content through reading, writing, listening, and speaking. These tools offer enormous advantages for science and math teachers, in terms of helping their students learn using Web 2.0 tools. For example: * Most of these tools can be edited from any computer connected to the Internet. Teachers can add, edit and delete information even during class time. * Students learn how to use these tools for academic purposes and, at the same time, can transfer their use to their personal lives and future professional careers. * RSS feeds allow students to access all the desired research information on one page. * Students learn to be autonomous in their learning process.
Maggie Verster

Instapaper: Save interesting web pages for reading later - 8 views

    Instapaper gives you a Read Later bookmark.When you find something you want to read, but you don't have time, click Read Later. Come back when you have time, or read your articles on the go.
Duane Sharrock

Medical devices powered by the ear itself - MIT News Office - 1 views

  • Health Sciences and Technology (HST) demonstrate for the first time that this battery could power implantable electronic devices without impairing hearing.
  • The devices could monitor biological activity in the ears of people with hearing or balance impairments, or responses to therapies. Eventually, they might even deliver therapies themselves
  • “In the past, people have thought that the space where the high potential is located is inaccessible for implantable devices, because potentially it’s very dangerous if you encroach on it,” Stankovic says. “We have known for 60 years that this battery exists and that it’s really important for normal hearing, but nobody has attempted to use this battery to power useful electronics.”
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  • The ear converts a mechanical force — the vibration of the eardrum — into an electrochemical signal that can be processed by the brain; the biological battery is the source of that signal’s current. Located in the part of the ear called the cochlea, the battery chamber is divided by a membrane, some of whose cells are specialized to pump ions. An imbalance of potassium and sodium ions on opposite sides of the membrane, together with the particular arrangement of the pumps, creates an electrical voltage.
  • Low-power chips, however, are precisely the area of expertise of Anantha Chandrakasan’s group at MTL
  • The frequency of the signal was thus itself an indication of the electrochemical properties of the inner ear.
  • in cochlear implants, diagnostics and implantable hearing aids. “The fact that you can generate the power for a low voltage from the cochlea itself raises the possibility of using that as a power source to drive a cochlear implant,” Megerian says. “Imagine if we were able to measure that voltage in various disease states. There would potentially be a diagnostic algorithm for aberrations in that electrical output.”
  • “I’m not ready to say that the present iteration of this technology is ready,” Megerian cautions. But he adds that, “If we could tap into the natural power source of the cochlea, it could potentially be a driver behind the amplification technology of the future.”
    "For the first time, researchers power an implantable electronic device using an electrical potential - a natural battery - deep in the inner ear."
    "All of D-Lab's classes assess the needs of people in less-privileged communities around the world, examining innovations in technology, education or communications that might address those needs. The classes then seek ways to spread word of these solutions - and in some cases, to spur the creation of organizations to help disseminate them. Specific projects have focused on improved wheelchairs and prosthetics; water and sanitation systems; and recycling waste to produce useful products, including charcoal fuel made from agricultural waste."
Dianne Rees

e-Learning Acupuncture: Take your students back in time with video! - 14 views

    YouTube Time Machine tool allows you to find videos relating to particular historical periods
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