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Lisa M Lane

HOW TO: Add Captions To Your YouTube Videos - 11 views

    YouTube has a global audience, so if you want to reach as many people as possible, you'll have to make sure subtitles are available for your videos. You'll want closed captioning to reach the deaf and hard of hearing, too. Thankfully, that process has shifted from relatively easy to an absolute breeze in recent months. Here's how to make it happen.
Vahid Masrour

Google Plus: Is This the Social Tool Schools Have Been Waiting For? - 21 views

  • it may well be the granular level of privacy afforded by Google+ that is the key to making this a successful tool for schools
  • many schools and teachers have still been reluctant to "friend" students
  • that "always public" element of Twitter that makes many nervous
  • ...4 more annotations...
  • it's also about sharing with the right people. Circles will allow what educational consultant Tom Barnett calls "targeted sharing," something that will be great for specific classes and topics
  • Skype has become an incredibly popular tool to bring in guests to a classroom via video chat -
  • teachers are already talking about the possibility of not just face-to-face video conversation but the potential for integration of whiteboards, screen-sharing, Google Docs, and other collaborative tools
  • Google + seems like the solution for someone like me who wants to use the web to have conversations about school topics with students and parents and yet not have students and parents have access to my personal posts.
    • Vahid Masrour
      Parents and students on different Circles. You know you want it!
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