Colleges may feel that they can't afford to provide any space and time for improving teaching. They may blame faculty members, students, or even society for a lack of innovation in education — and those charges may well be fair. But colleges unwilling to plant the seeds for change shouldn't be surprised that they grow nothing.
Contents contributed and discussions participated by Rudy Garns
Twitter Newbies FAQ - 0 views
Streamline It Part I: Diigo or Bust : Metanoia - 1 views
Here I was using Diigo, Delicious, Google Notebook, and Zotero for my researching, bookmarking, annotating, and sharing. While all strong tools in their own right, it is pretty clear looking at this list that this is what some would call OVER DOING IT!
The Connected Classroom: DIG-ging diigo... - 0 views
But I recently read something, somewhere that diigo had a new improved tool bar and started to read up on the other Diigo features including the ablility for messaging, creating lists of bookmarks, the ability to turn bookmarks into slideshows, tagrolls and linkrolls, a Firefox sidebar, a Facebook application, blog integration
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