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Roger Morris

Successfully Launched My writer Career… Thanks John - 1 views

I want to express my gratitude to John who helped me become the writer I want to be. Before meeting him, I thought that I was born to be a novel writer and I almost believed it after receiving 400 ...

started by Roger Morris on 10 Oct 12 no follow-up yet
Jennifer Carey

Mind Mapping in my Classroom with MindMeister - 0 views

    Chance to win free Mind Meister Pro licenses

Sept 24 - Teaching and Learning Weekly | Education Futures | - 0 views

    An online newspaper that collects together the week's news relating to teaching and learning - particularly for those interested in finding resources and inspirational stories about education.


    Top 10 Big #eLearning eNews for #backtoschool 2012 : GlogsterEDU , EdFuture, CLASS2GO , Stanford University, Google Course Builder , GTA , Google Teachers Accademy, Wiziq Academic , TedEd , TreeHouse, Dell , Dell Social Inovation , StudyHall .Follow
debra doukas

Digital Rights and Responsibilities - Digital Citizenship - 0 views

    This site is based on the book "Digital Citizenship in Schools" by Mike Ribble and Gerald Baily
Greg O'Connor

Open Library - 0 views

    The World's classic literature at your fingertips. Over 1,000,000 free ebook titles available.
Tammie Wright

Memrise - the fun way to learn anything - 0 views

    An online learning tool that uses flashcards augmented with mnemonics to boost the speed and ease of learning.
Jennifer Carey

The iPad Classroom - Tom Daccord: Consumption, Curation, & Creativity - 0 views

    Blogging from the iPad Summit Conference
Jennifer Carey

The iPad Classroom - The Cloud - 0 views

    Blogging from the pre-conference (iPadsummit 2012)
Bernice Maysonet

Recursos para maestros de Puerto Rico - 0 views

    "Este grupo tiene como objetivo compartir todo tipo información que pueda ser útil en la sala de clases."
Heidi Pike

Effects of Food Regulation in the Progressive Era | DocsTeach: Activities - 0 views

    National Archives "webquest" type activity
Heidi Pike

Extending Suffrage to Women | DocsTeach: Activities - 0 views

shared by Heidi Pike on 14 Nov 12 - No Cached
    National Archives lessons (webquest type)
Nancy Mercado-Franco

150 herramientas gratuitas para crear materialres didacticos online - 0 views

    Este sitio web te brinda infinidad de herramientas para que explores las mismas y adoptes aquellas que sean más pertinentes a tu clase.
Nancy Mercado-Franco

Las matemáticas auxiliadoras de la geografía - 0 views

    Este módulo interactivo es de mi autoria. Este tiene como propósito familiarizar al alumno con los conceptos básicos del sistema de coordenadas cartesianas. Este se centra en el estudio de los planos cartesianos y su aplicación en el campo de la geografía.
Nancy Mercado-Franco

12 métodos para aprovechar Twitter en la educación - 0 views

    En este artículo se presentan doce métodos para utilizar la red social Twitter con fines educativos.
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