+++CHAPTER 109 Leicester's Evidence Against Anti-Toxin.URL - 0 views
darkbird18 Wharry on 27 May 14The statistics already furnished (collated from various sources) comprise a sweeping condemnation of the use of anti-toxin, but Leicester people will be anxious to know whether the results in their own borough coincide with the teaching of other towns and countries of the world. The evidence Leicester supplies is no less emphatic and conclusive as to the utter worthlessness of anti-toxin as a curative agent for diphtheria.
darkbird18 Wharry on 27 May 14The statistics already furnished (collated from various sources) comprise a sweeping condemnation of the use of anti-toxin, but Leicester people will be anxious to know whether the results in their own borough coincide with the teaching of other towns and countries of the world. The evidence Leicester supplies is no less emphatic and conclusive as to the utter worthlessness of anti-toxin as a curative agent for diphtheria.