NetworkWeaver - Weaving System Shifting Networks - 1 views
Brian G. Dowling on 01 Feb 20The Network Weaver Consultants Network is a loosely affiliated group of consultants who provide a wide range of Network services for organizations, Networks and communities. Some of the consultants have taken a 5-month intensive practicum on Network consulting led by June Holley and Kristin Johnstad. However, there is no vetting process for this page: anyone who has experience can put their name on this site. Make sure you contact the consultants directly to access more detail about their experience, interests and availability. The map below shows the Network Weaver Consultants and Services. Click and hold on a consultant's node to focus on who they're affiliated with and what service they provide, click and hold on a service node to focus on which of the consultants provides that service. Keep scrolling past the map for the consultants' bios.