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Brian G. Dowling

Cutting Through the Complexity: A Roadmap for Effective Collaboration - 0 views

    Collaboration is appealing in concept but challenging in practice. While extensive resources-including ones from the Community Tool Box, The Intersector Project, and online to support collaborative efforts, the fact remains that we human beings are simply not very good at making "we" work. And yet, most changemakers today acknowledge that to address the complex social and environmental challenges we face we must learn how to collaborate-across organizations, sectors, networks, and differences. Effective Collaboration must become a reality, not just an aspiration.
Brian G. Dowling

OuiShare : Connecting the Collaborative Economy - 0 views

    OuiShare is a global community and think and do-tank. Our mission is to build and nurture a collaborative society by connecting people, organizations and ideas around fairness, openness and trust. We believe that economic, political and social systems based on these values can solve many of the complex challenges the world faces, and enable everyone to access to the resources and opportunities they need to thrive. OuiShare activities consist of building community, producing knowledge and incubating projects around the topics of communities and the collaborative economy, as well as offering support to individuals and organizations through professional services and education. Started in January 2012 in Paris, OuiShare is now an international leader in the collaborative economy field. A non-profit organization which has rapidly evolved from a handful of enthusiasts to a global movement in dozens of countries in Europe, Latin America and the Middle East, our network of expert Connectors engage hundreds of members and contributors worldwide.
Brian G. Dowling

Home - Collaborative Community - 2 views

    Collaborative Community is an enabler of transformational change in corporations, local government, social movements, and not-for-profit organisations. Wherever there are people that want to strengthen the communities they are part of, we can help. The manager trying to improve collaboration in her team. The support officer tasked with a community engagement initiative. The business owner wondering where the idea for their next product is going to come from. The environmental manager hoping to embed a culture of environmental awareness in their organisation. To these, and others, we say 'draw on our expertise and experience in fostering collaborative communities'.
Brian G. Dowling

Los Angeles Regional Collaborative - 0 views

    The Los Angeles Regional Collaborative for Climate Action and Sustainability (LARC) is a network of local and regional decision-makers ensuring a sustainable Los Angeles County prepared for the impacts of climate change. It is one of seven regional collaboratives in California supporting climate change science, policy and planning efforts across sectors. LARC's climate mitigation and adaptation work is driven by cutting edge research on local climate impacts and information management systems. As LA's sole climate collaborative, LARC's network includes climate practitioners from city and county government, regional agencies, non-profits, businesses, and academia. 
Brian G. Dowling

The Creating Health Collaborative - 0 views

    The Creating Health Collaborative is a group of innovators working individually to understand and create health 'beyond the lens of health care'. The Collaborative is run by a nine-person Executive that believes our struggle to meet the growing demand for care is underpinned by an inability to see health as more than just 'the absence of disease'.
Brian G. Dowling

Home The Intersector Project - 0 views

    The Intersector Project is a non-profit organization that seeks to empower practitioners in the business, government, and non-profit sectors to collaborate to solve problems that cannot be solved by one sector alone. We conduct research in intersector collaboration and convey our findings to leaders in every sector to help them design and implement their own effective collaborative initiatives.
Brian G. Dowling

News | Sharitories - 0 views

    Sharitories is a global project with a very practical scope: to create a Collaborative Territories Toolkit for local policy-makers around the world who wish to implement collaborative or sharing initiatives in their local areas and help them thrive. Sharitories was born in June 2014 through OuiShare, a global community and think and do-tank with the mission to build and nurture a collaborative society by connecting people, organizations and ideas around fairness, openness and trust.
Brian G. Dowling

Twyfords - Specialists in Collaboration - 0 views

    Our approach to work is Appreciative and Deliberative and encourages shared learning. We provide strategic advice to our clients. Experience has taught us that we make the greatest difference in the world when we work with decision-makers to build their organisational readiness to collaborate with their stakeholders. We do this strategic work by building relationships with our clients, understanding their needs and working closely with them as they collaborate with their stakeholders to help find enduring solutions to complex dilemmas. We believe that conversations build relationships and that relationships are an essential ingredient of enduring solutions.
Brian G. Dowling

The Democracy Collaborative - 0 views

    The Democracy Collaborative was established in 2000 to advance a new understanding of democracy for the 21st century and to promote new strategies and innovations in community development that enhance democratic life. Our goal is to change the prevailing paradigm of community economic development-and of the economy as a whole-in the United States toward a new emphasis and system based on: Broadening ownership and stewardship over capital Democracy at the workplace Stabilizing community and emphasizing locality Equitable and inclusive growth Environmental, social, and institutional sustainability The Collaborative is a national leader in the field of community development through our Community Wealth Building Initiative. The Initiative sustains a wide range of projects involving research, training, policy development, and community-focused work designed to promote an asset-based paradigm and increase support for the field across-the-board.
Brian G. Dowling

About Tamarack - Supporting Community Engagement, Collaboration, Development - 1 views

    Founded in 2001, Tamarack is a charity that develops and supports learning communities to help people collaborate and to co-generate knowledge that solves complex community challenges. Our deep hope is to end poverty in Canada.
Brian G. Dowling

Bridging Health & Community - 1 views

    We're innovators. We're curious. And we're dissatisfied with the status quo. We're dedicated to strengthening the field of practice that bridges health and communities. Bridging Health & Community aims to transform how we approach health so that it goes beyond health care and public health to include fostering community agency. Based in Seattle, WA, with an office in London, UK, we do our field-building work through convening and coaching. We share the fruits of our work with a view to further describing and strengthening the field of practice that bridges the health sector and those that foster community agency. We met through the Creating Health Collaborative, an international group of innovators exploring health from the perspective of communities. By sharing our work through the Collaborative, we learned of the critical link between a community's ability to make purposeful choices and its health.
Brian G. Dowling

The Massive Small Declaration - 0 views

    The Smart Urbanism Research and Development Collaborative was established five years ago as an independent, free-thinking, open-source organisation. It focuses on what a better, appropriate 'new normal' for urbanism might look like in an increasingly complex, informal and local world. Massive Small is our way of showing how we can do this. Our team has collaborated on a number of groundbreaking publications from writing national policy, urban design guidance and a range of polemics on the subject of urbanism.
Brian G. Dowling

Design Impact » Design and the Social Sector - 0 views

    Design Impact collaborated with the Tarsadia Foundation, Newport Beach, CA in 2013 to launch the publication Design and the Social Sector: A Guide to Partnering. Funded by the Tarsadia Foundation, the purpose of this guide is to provide practical insights, tips and tools developed specifically for designers interested in working with non-profits on social design projects. It includes a wealth of information on building healthy relationships, evaluating your own capacity, setting realistic expectations, and developing strong collaborative goals.
Brian G. Dowling

Public Conversations Project - 2 views

    Public Conversations Project fosters constructive conversation where there is conflict driven by differences in identity, beliefs, and values. We work locally, nationally, and globally to provide dialogue facilitation, training, consultation, and coaching. We help groups reduce stereotyping and polarization while deepening trust and collaboration and strengthening communities. At the core of many of today's most complex social problems is a breakdown in relationships that leads to mistrust, gridlock, and fractured communities. Public Conversations' method addresses the heart of this breakdown: we work to shift relationships, building the communication skills and trust needed to make action possible and collaboration sustainable.
Brian G. Dowling

Strategic Doing - Do More Together - 0 views

    Strategic Doing teaches people how to form collaborations quickly, move them toward measurable outcomes and make adjustments along the way. In today's world, collaboration is essential to meet the complex challenges we face.
Brian G. Dowling

Open Streets Project | Opening Streets to People, Sharing Resources, Transforming Communities - 0 views

    The Open Streets Project is a collaboration between the Alliance for Biking & Walking and The Street Plans Collaborative. The goal of the project is to share information about open streets and increase the number, size, and frequency of initiatives occurring across North America.
Brian G. Dowling

Economic Development Administration - 0 views

    The U.S. Economic Development Administration's investment policy is designed to establish a foundation for sustainable job growth and the building of durable regional economies throughout the United States. This foundation builds upon two key economic drivers - innovation and regional collaboration. Innovation is key to global competitiveness, new and better jobs, a resilient economy, and the attainment of national economic goals. Regional collaboration is essential for economic recovery because regions are the centers of competition in the new global economy and those that work together to leverage resources and use their strengths to overcome weaknesses will fare better than those that do not. EDA encourages its partners around the country to develop initiatives that advance new ideas and creative approaches to address rapidly evolving economic conditions.
Brian G. Dowling

Innovation in Collaboration - 0 views

    Surely, people could be empowered to share and exchange their opinions, particularly if they knew their views would be taken seriously and result in better services, better products and better facilities for themselves, their family, and their friends. In a nutshell, people could become real 'communities of influence'. Imagine the savings, imagine the efficiencies, and imagine the returns. Couldn't greater gains also be made if the providers and commissioners of services were prepared to work together? Rather than feeling uncomfortable about sharing information, why not make collaboration the norm.
Brian G. Dowling

e-Deliberation™ is a secure web-based collaborative process to support groups create strategy and achieve a meeting of the minds - 1 views

    e-Deliberation™ is a collaborative platform for decision making and strategy building. It is used by teams and communities to resolve multi-stakeholder & multifaceted challenges and problems. Your team has the ideas and experience needed to solve almost any problem or challenge. The difficulty lies in making these ideas emerge and weave them into great decisions, policies, and strategies. e-Deliberation makes this easy. Use the e‑Deliberation™ online platform to support your people achieve a meeting of the minds. Way beyond just consulting people or getting feedback, this is collaborative deliberation.
Brian G. Dowling

The Democracy Collaborative Facebook - 0 views

    Advancing a new understanding of democracy for the 21st century and promoting new strategies and innovations in community development that enhance democratic life. Promoting new strategies and innovations in community development that enhance democratic life. The Collaborative is a national leader in the field of community development through our Community Wealth Building Initiative. The Initiative sustains a wide range of projects involving research, training, policy development, and community-focused work designed to promote an asset-based paradigm and increase support for the field across-the-board.
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