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Brian G. Dowling

Smartcitizenry - 1 views

    A SmartCitizenry co-operative is for you and your neighbours, Everyone is local and what you do together is local. Together you work out what needs you have that together as a co-op you can solve. It could be energy needs, home help and support, waste management, recycling - whatever is important to you that you can't do alone to get the impact and make the difference that is needed. Everything you do is building community one action at a time.
Brian G. Dowling

| Leadership in the co-creation of positive change facilitated by conversations for meaningful action. - 2 views

    Design with Dialogue (DwD) is an open Toronto-based community of practice for dialogue as co-creation. DwD has the ultimate purpose of facilitating change and meaningful action in our organizations, communities, collaborative projects and as individuals. We learn and play together through participatory design, strategic dialogue, creative arts and emerging facilitation methods.
Brian G. Dowling

Community Land Trusts, Urban Land Reform and the Commons - Commons Transition - 0 views

    "To promote the wider arguments in the book, Lewis and Conaty produced a series of very short articles. The following Special Report features their series on Community Land Trusts, Mutual Home Ownership, the Garden City Model and the Co-operative Land Bank. The Garden City Model merits special attention, as Garden Cities that took land out of the market were a full expression of radical socialist and Co-operative eConomy planning. Nowadays, a number of parts of the world are showing an interest in reviving them."
Brian G. Dowling

Sustainability Context Group - 2 views

    The SustyContextGroup is a network of thought leaders and practitioners advancing the notion of Sustainability Context, a performance acCounting principle that assesses "the performance of the organization in the Context of the limits and demands placed on environmental or social resources at the sectoral, local, regional, or global level" (to quote the Global Reporting Initiative, GRI, which Coined the Concept in 2002). Corporate Sustainability Architect Bill Baue and Center for Sustainable Organizations Executive Director (and The MultiCapital SCorecard Co-Author) Mark McElroy Co-founded the Group in early 2012 to nurture the growing global Community of practice of passionate individuals and organizations who see the vital necessity of inCorporating this Concept in Corporate sustainability measurement, management and reporting.
Brian G. Dowling

COVID-19, Climate Change, and Equity - Climate Interactive - 0 views

    "Below you can find our resources which explore intersections of the COVID-19 crisis, climate change, equity, and beyond. Dr. Elizabeth Sawin, CO-Director and CO-Founder of Climate Interactive, reflects on how systems thinking approaches are necessary during this time. Her ideas highlight the need for applying a multisolving lens - emphasizing that as we find solutions to address one crisis, we can remediate and prevent other issues. "
Brian G. Dowling

The Framework That Will Make You Understand E-participation - CitizenLab - 1 views

Brian G. Dowling

Devon Doughnut - 0 views

  • Welcome! We are the Devon Doughnut collective, a group of Devon Doughnut Makers on a mission to co-create the first iteration of a Devon Doughnut. We are asking, “could a dashboard of some kind help to provide a picture of how Devon is faring ecologically and economically? Would this be useful to people living and working here? If so, how, and to do what?”
    Welcome! We are the Devon Doughnut collective, a group of Devon Doughnut Makers on a mission to co-create the first iteration of a Devon Doughnut. We are asking, "could a dashboard of some kind help to provide a picture of how Devon is faring ecologically and economically? Would this be useful to people living and working here? If so, how, and to do what?"
Brian G. Dowling


    The vision of the Forum is a world transformed into a flourishing planet that is inclusive and just. The Forum's mission is to urgently co-create and amplify transformational infrastructure and initiatives that systemically support the emergence of that future aligned with and going beyond Agenda 2030 and its Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Brian G. Dowling

The way to modern direct democracy in Switzerland | Swiss History - 2 views

    "When it comes to political co-determination by citizens, Switzerland is the undisputed world champion. More than one third of all referendums ever held at national level worldwide have taken place in Switzerland. The historical origins of direct democracy in Switzerland are just as interesting as the continuing topical nature of citizens' rights themselves. We provide below an overview. "
Brian G. Dowling

Sacred Headwaters - 1 views

    Welcome to Sacred Headwaters, a bi-weekly newsletter that aims to guide a co-learning process about the existential issues and planetary limitations facing humanity and about how we can reorient civilization in a way that will enable us to thrive for centuries to come.
Brian G. Dowling

Four Rivers - Campus Co-Evolve - 0 views

    The Four Rivers: a course for r.evolutionary changemakers is much more than a course. It's a fledgling learning community of people who are exploring and co-creating a new sense of self, authentic ways of relating to one another, growing an enlivening culture, and designing wiser systems. This course is also about making a collective contribution to the possible human that we can become only when supported by the power of transformative teaching-learning communities.
Brian G. Dowling

One World Trust - APRO - 1 views

    "APPA can be applied in a variety of contexts and with a wide range of participants. Its primary value lies in its emphasis as a process of lasting engagement and dialogue among stakeholders. APPA combines the framework of Appreciative Inquiry and the tools of Participatory Learning and Action (PLA). Its objective is to find and emphasise the positive, successes and strengths as a means to empower communities, groups and organisations to plan and manage development and conservation. [It] uses the cycle of the 4D�s: Discovery, the act of appreciation: the best of what is and what gives life to the community, group or organisation; Dream, envisioning and impact: what might be, creating a positive image of a preferred future; Design, co-constructing the desired future: what should the ideal be, a process of dialogue, consensus and further inquiry; Delivery, sustaining: how to empower, learn, adjust and sustain." (Source: PPM&E Resource Portal)
Brian G. Dowling

Introducing the Systems View of Life into Organizations with Fritjof Capra | Sustainable Brands - 0 views

    In this webinar Simon Robinson, co-author of Holonomics: Business Where People and Planet Matter, will discuss with Fritjof the importance to global brands of developing their own systems view of life, and what guidance and inspiration change agents working with brands can learn.
Brian G. Dowling

Best of Blog: Co-opting Complete Streets - Strong Towns Blog - Strong Towns - 1 views

    The idea of a Complete Street is Compelling in almost every way, but when the engineering profession begins to adopt it wholesale, we need to pause and look at the outComes. Are we getting Complete Streets, or are we getting Complete Roads. The difference is tremendous and will impact the financial viability of an approach to building places that is long overdue.
Brian G. Dowling

Institute for 21st Century Agoras - 0 views

    Democracy made Athens a dynamic, creative force 2500 years ago. Even then, however, democracy was fragile, sometimes stupid, and short-lived. Plato held it in low esteem and Aristotle likened it to "mob rule." Why, then, do we want to create 21st Century Agoras. What we want to create are communities energized by vibrant participative democracy. In our Information Age as old hierarchies prove dysfunctional, it is imperative that human communities have flexible ways to tap their wisdom and power. We do not believe that unstructured discussion on the Athenian model is adequate for dealing with the complexities of the Information Age. It was not adequate even for the simpler (by an order of magnitude as determined by a metric called Situational complexity Index) situations of that bygone age. The Information Age challenges us to make participative democracy a liberating force in the world today. Research and proven methodology, aided by networked computing, has resolved at least one basic dilemma of democracy:   How can we hear perspectives of all the stakeholders, make collective sense of them, and reach decisions and act on pressing issues? The approach that overcomes this dilemma and multiple other hindrances to dialogic democracy is called the Structured Dialogic Design (SDD). The Agoras Institute convenes these dialogues as co-Laboratories of Democracy. This process is a fusion of the theory of Generic Design Science and the consultative practice of Interactive Management, both developed over the last 30 years by Dr. John Warfield and our founder, Aleco Christakis.
Brian G. Dowling

NCDD Resource Center » Core Principles for Public Engagement - 1 views

    The Public Engagement Principles (PEP) Project was launched in mid-February 2009 to create clarity in our field about what we consider to be the fundamental components of quality public engagement, and to support President Obama's January 21, 2009 memorandum on open government. The following principles were developed collaboratively by members and leaders of NCDD, IAP2 (the International Association of Public Participation), the co-Intelligence Institute, and many others.
Brian G. Dowling

Welcome | Transition Network - 0 views

    What does Transition Network do? Transition Network is a charitable organisation whose role is to inspire, encourage, connect, support and train communities as they self-organise around the Transition model, creating initiatives that rebuild resilience and reduce co2 emissions. Ultimately it's about creating a healthy human culture, one that meets our needs for community, livelihoods and fun. We're here to support you.
Brian G. Dowling

About Tamarack - Supporting Community Engagement, Collaboration, Development - 1 views

    Founded in 2001, Tamarack is a charity that develops and supports learning communities to help people collaborate and to co-generate knowledge that solves complex community challenges. Our deep hope is to end poverty in Canada.
Brian G. Dowling

Welcome to the Center for communication & Civic Engagement - 1 views

    The Center for Communication and Civic Engagement is dedicated to understanding Communication processes and media technologies that facilitate positive citizen involvement in politics and social life. CCCE is located in the Department of Communication at the University of Washington, and Co-sponsored by the Department of Political Science. Students and faculty at the center work together on original research, new educational programs, policy reCommendations, and Web-based citizen resources. 
Brian G. Dowling

WEBINAR | Rethinking Democracy: Strategies That Put Citizens at the Centre - 0 views

    This webinar features Max Hardy, a Citizen Engagement expert from Australia, and profiles some new thinking that reimagines our understanding of democracy in action and offers approaches that honour the wisdom and practicality of ordinary people. Listen as Max and Sylvia reimagine how ordinary citizens are invited and engaged as co-creators of the community's shared vision of its future.
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