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Brian G. Dowling

Cooltown Beta Communities - 0 views

    We help build enthusiastic communities of future owners, tenants and customers for progressive, urban real estate developments targeting creatives committed to a triple bottom line vision. We use the modern market and product development system of crowdsourcing (ie Wikipedia, YouTube, Linux), applied to the authentic placemaking principles of natural cultural districts. For a more complete description of the program, check out our visual guide to crowdsourced placemaking and economic development, crowdsourcing Cool Places for Creatives and peruse how our clients are taking advantage of crowdsourced placemaking in the examples prominently displayed on this site.
Brian G. Dowling

Pipeline | Creative Crowdsourcing | Georgia Tech - 0 views

    Pipeline is free, open-source software for crowdsourcing creative projects. It's based on 5+ years of social computing research by a team at Georgia Tech. Learn about Pipeline's features, try our demo, and tell us what you think. You can also follow the latest updates on our blog.
Brian G. Dowling

How Crowdsourcing And Machine Learning Will Change The Way We Design Cities - 0 views

    How Crowdsourcing And Machine Learning Will Change The Way We Design Cities
Brian G. Dowling

The Walmart Index: Results of our Big Box Data Collection Are In - Strong Towns - 0 views

    Two weeks ago, we announced a crowdsourced database project in collaboration with Urban3 that aims to collect information on tax productivity of big box stores in comparison with other, more compact developments. We invited your submissions from towns, suburbs and cities across the country. Below is a preliminary map of that data, created by Josh McCarty.
Brian G. Dowling

Greater Places | The Community for Urban Design. - 0 views

    GreaterPlaces is a crowdsourced "How-To" manual for creating great communities - cities, suburbs and rural areas.   Think of a Pinterest or Houzz for community design. WHAT IS COMMUNITY DESIGN? Community design is about people, the places we live, and the spaces we share.  Community design is also about how we come together and make decisions that affect our communities and neighbors: from crossroads in the country to homeowners' associations in the suburbs to new apartments in the city.
Brian G. Dowling - 1 views

    Facebook page - Anyone can join the Participedia community and help crowdsource, catalogue and compare participatory political processes around the world. All content on Participedia is collaboratively produced and open-source under a Creative Commons License. Explore: Search, read, download and gain insight from our database of cases, methods, and organizations. Create: Help improve the quality of this knowledge resource by editing existing content or publishing your own. Teach: Use Participedia in the classroom as a tool to engage students and showcase their research.
Brian G. Dowling

Stanford Crowdsourced Democracy Team - 1 views

    Our mission is to scale up collaboration and decision-making. We envision an era in which large communities can deliberate and brainstorm with one another on important issues with the aid of intelligently designed algorithms and digital communication platforms.
Brian G. Dowling

Metabolism of Cities Data Hub - 0 views

    The Metabolism of Cities Data Hub serves as a central repository for a wide variety of information pertaining to urban metabolism in cities around the world. Whether you are looking for resources on a city's infrastructure, stocks and flows, biophysical characteristics, or more, the Data Hub's well-defined structure allows users to easily search through available information. As an ongoing project, this tool is continuously improved through crowdsourcing uploads of new data and information sources. Contribute to this ongoing project, fulfill your information needs, and explore what the Data Hub has to offer!
Brian G. Dowling

Building and Connecting Communities for the Future | World Future Society - 0 views

    This eventually will lead to a new concept, "mobile networked governance." Community leaders will develop knowledge-connection processes that harness the vast resources of disparate community members. We'll soon see a shift from radical individualism to many new levels of deep collaboration. Ultimately, this mobile networked governance will be transformational, creating a new decision-making structure that engages as many people in the community as are interested.
Brian G. Dowling

Main Street Crowd - 0 views

    Main Street Crowd is designed to bring projects directly to the investors who are most likely to be looking specifically for projects of that kind. We do this with our exclusive network of Clowdz™. Here's how it works:
Brian G. Dowling

Crowdfunding Offerings, Limited - 0 views

    On April 5, 2012 the Crowdfund Act of 2012 The best solution payday loans was approved. This groundbreaking legislation enables start-ups and existing businesses an opportunity to raise funds for their companies directly from the public who can invest small amounts of money in return for shares in the company. Americans will be allowed to invest in ways that have historically been reserved only for the wealthy. Together, America's entrepreneurs and investors will launch the next great ideas of our time!
Brian G. Dowling

Popularise - Build your city - 0 views

    Popularise is the online platform that shares the power to build new places in your neighborhood with local residents like you How often have you thought, "Why doesn't someone turn that vacant building down the street into a bakery, bar, or restaurant?" Now you have the ability to be directly involved in transforming your neighborhood, rather than waiting for someone else to do it. By joining other people in your area on Popularise, you can create the kind of cool, authentic places you want in D.C. Submit your own ideas, and vote for what to build on projects posted by real estate developers and local business operators.
Brian G. Dowling

Thrive: Calgary - 0 views

    a dynamic and inclusive network of Calgarians committed to community economic development. Calgarians the chance to learn about community economic development and work with others to make a change that matters by focusing on four main activities of community economic development.
Brian G. Dowling

Thrive Calgary Facebook - 0 views

    Calgary's Community Economic Development Network Mission Thrive brings together people and organizations (voluntary, public and private sector) to advance Community Economic Development in Calgary to open doors to the possibilities of good jobs for all, a strong local economy, affordable housing, opportunities for low income Calgarians, vibrant neighbourhoods and a sustainable city.
Brian G. Dowling

Public Lab: a DIY environmental science community - 1 views

    The Public Laboratory for Open Technology and Science (Public Lab) is a community -- supported by a 501(c)3 non-profit -- which develops and applies open-source tools to environmental exploration and investigation. By democratizing inexpensive and accessible Do-It-Yourself techniques, Public Lab creates a collaborative network of practitioners who actively re-imagine the human relationship with the environment. The core Public Lab program is focused on "civic science" in which we research open source hardware and software tools and methods to generate knowledge and share data about community environmental health. Our goal is to increase the ability of underserved communities to identify, redress, remediate, and create awareness and accountability around environmental concerns. Public Lab achieves this by providing online and offline training, education and support, and by focusing on locally-relevant outcomes that emphasize human capacity and understanding.
Brian G. Dowling

The GovLabAcademy - 1 views

    The GovLab Academy aims to apply the principles of innovation to education by "unbundling" knowledge -access to a la carte content, tools and instructors; "bundled' knowledge - content organized by expert-instructors to jumpstart learning; and providing mentorship, fellowship and feedback to enable mastery.
Brian G. Dowling

Imagine Lismore - 0 views

    Lismore City Council is kicking off a 14-month community-wide conversation where we are inviting you to share your views about what you would like for your community, your quality of life, your family, your employment or business opportunities, your facilities, your environment and your ability to have your say about future decisions for your place.
Brian G. Dowling

Transition Network | Transition Towns | The Circular Economy - 1 views

    Transition is a movement that has been growing since 2005. It is about communities stepping up to address the big challenges they face by starting local. By coming together, they are able to crowd-source solutions. They seek to nurture a caring culture, one focused on supporting each other, both as groups or as wider communities.
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