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Brian G. Dowling

Decision-making wheel - Cornwall Council - 0 views

    "We are working to become a carbon neutral council and combat climate change, making changes to how we work to reduce the greenhouse gases and carbon emissions that we produce. We also have a duty to consider social justice and make sure that Cornwall's residents are not worse off. In looking after the environment, we need to make sure that we do not disadvantage anyone. We have introduced a new tool to help us make decisions that combat climate change and do not disadvantage the people of Cornwall. The new tool, our decision-making wheel, is based on the Kate Raworth Doughnut Economics model"
Brian G. Dowling

Institute for Local Government - 0 views

    Mission, Goal, Vision and Values The Institute for Local Government promotes good government at the local level with practical, impartial and easy-to-use resources for California communities. Goal The Institute's goal is to be the leading provider of information that enables local officials and their communities to make good decisions. Vision The Institute envisions a future in California in which: People value their local public institutions. Local agencies effectively deliver public services. All segments of the community are appropriately engaged in key public decisions. Decision-makers make informed policy choices based on their best sense of the public's interest.
Brian G. Dowling

Public Lab: Public Comment - 0 views

    What is Public Comment? Public commenting is a process that allows individuals, organizations, agencies, and businesses to provide input on proposed environmental decisions. (From the Environmental Law Institute Ocean Program) Public comments are important for a variety of reasons. When it comes to environmental decisions, a good aim is to get as many people to submit comments as possible. Often the "other side" (ie: big industries) will comment asking for rules to be more lax -- the specific ask totally depends on what the issue is. The point of getting a lot of people involved and submitting comments is to balance out the "other side" requests -- if more people ask an agency for better protections, then it gives them the support they need to make decisions that will better protect environmental resources.
Brian G. Dowling

Slow Democracy - 0 views

    In Slow Democracy, community leader Susan Clark and democracy scholar Woden Teachout describe how citizens around the country are breathing new life into their communities. Large institutions, centralized governments, and top-down thinking are no longer society's drivers. New decision-making techniques are ensuring that local communities-and the citizens who live there-are uniquely suited to meet today's challenges. In Slow Democracy, readers learn the stories of residents who gain community control of water systems and local forests, parents who find creative solutions to divisive and seemingly irreconcilable school-redistricting issues, and a host of other citizen-led actions that are reinvigorating local democracy and decision making.
Brian G. Dowling

Democracy Beyond Elections - 1 views

    Democracy Beyond Elections is a collaborative, national campaign dedicated to transformative democracy rooted in community led decision making.  It is not enough to get the right person elected or to know that those closest to the issues are closest to the solutions - we must act on this knowledge and put real decision making power in community hands. This means equipping community-members often ignored, pushed out, or marginalized by our current democratic systems with the tools, resources, and opportunities to deeply engage in democratic processes. This means committing to radically reimagine what participation and civic engagement really entail - including tangible and consequential power sharing. And this means expanding our definition of democracy to extend between and beyond elections in participatory practices that include everyone.
Brian G. Dowling

Institute for Applied Economics - Los Angeles County Economic Development Corporation - 0 views

    The Institute for Applied Economics at LAEDC performs objective research for a wide range of clients, detailing economic impact of development, business operations, and regulation, as well as providing intelligence about specific industry clusters, labor force, and workforce development issues.  The Institute's reports provide decision makers with critical information from which to make informed decisions.  In addition to providing on-demand research per client requirements, the Institute also provides foundational research to ensure LAEDC's combined programs for economic development are on target, ranging from our collaboration with workforce investment boards to major initiatives such as the L.A. County Strategic Plan for Economic Development.
Brian G. Dowling

AmericaSpeaks - 0 views

    Through our innovative deliberative tools such as our 21st Century Town Meeting®, more than 160,000 people across the country and around the world have had an impact on their communities. These tools give citizens an opportunity to have a strong voice in public decision-making within the increasingly short timeframes required of decision-makers. As a result, citizens can impact decisions and those in leadership positions can make more informed, lasting decisions.
Brian G. Dowling

What Is Community Heart & Soul? | Orton Family Foundation - 1 views

    Community Heart & SoulTM reconnects people with what they love most about their town and translates those personal and emotional connections into a blueprint that serves as the foundation for future community decisions. It's a barn-raising approach to community planning and development designed to increase participation in local decision-making and empower residents to shape the future of their communities in a way that upholds the unique character of each place.
Brian G. Dowling

e-Deliberation™ is a secure web-based collaborative process to support groups create strategy and achieve a meeting of the minds - 1 views

    e-Deliberation™ is a collaborative platform for decision making and strategy building. It is used by teams and communities to resolve multi-stakeholder & multifaceted challenges and problems. Your team has the ideas and experience needed to solve almost any problem or challenge. The difficulty lies in making these ideas emerge and weave them into great decisions, policies, and strategies. e-Deliberation makes this easy. Use the e‑Deliberation™ online platform to support your people achieve a meeting of the minds. Way beyond just consulting people or getting feedback, this is collaborative deliberation.
Brian G. Dowling Facebook - 0 views

  • is your source to view and comment on Federal government regulations (a.k.a. rules) from nearly 300 agencies. To make AN OFFICIAL COMMENT ON A REGULATION please visit Your comments do make a difference in Federal decision-making.
Brian G. Dowling

Twyfords - Specialists in Collaboration - 0 views

    Our approach to work is Appreciative and Deliberative and encourages shared learning. We provide strategic advice to our clients. Experience has taught us that we make the greatest difference in the world when we work with decision-makers to build their organisational readiness to collaborate with their stakeholders. We do this strategic work by building relationships with our clients, understanding their needs and working closely with them as they collaborate with their stakeholders to help find enduring solutions to complex dilemmas. We believe that conversations build relationships and that relationships are an essential ingredient of enduring solutions.
Brian G. Dowling

Results That Matter Team - Better results through strategy, measurement, and collaboration - 1 views

    "Community governance" refers to the processes for making all the decisions and plans that affect life in the community, whether made by public or private organizations or by citizens. For community governance to be effective, it must be about more than process, it also must be about getting things done in the community. And what gets done must make a difference. So, it is crucial to measure results. But what should be done, and what results should be measured? There is no standard answer. The most important results vary from one community to another, and different people within a community have different perceptions about what the community should try to improve and how success should be measured. So, it is vital to engage citizens in deciding what to do and to engage them in deciding what results to measure or what performance goals or targets to measure against. Then, when targeted results are achieved, they will be results that matter to the people of the community.
Brian G. Dowling

Institute for 21st Century Agoras - 0 views

    Democracy made Athens a dynamic, creative force 2500 years ago. Even then, however, democracy was fragile, sometimes stupid, and short-lived. Plato held it in low esteem and Aristotle likened it to "mob rule." Why, then, do we want to create 21st Century Agoras. What we want to create are communities energized by vibrant participative democracy. In our Information Age as old hierarchies prove dysfunctional, it is imperative that human communities have flexible ways to tap their wisdom and power. We do not believe that unstructured discussion on the Athenian model is adequate for dealing with the complexities of the Information Age. It was not adequate even for the simpler (by an order of magnitude as determined by a metric called Situational Complexity Index) situations of that bygone age. The Information Age challenges us to make participative democracy a liberating force in the world today. Research and proven methodology, aided by networked computing, has resolved at least one basic dilemma of democracy:   How can we hear perspectives of all the stakeholders, make collective sense of them, and reach decisions and act on pressing issues? The approach that overcomes this dilemma and multiple other hindrances to dialogic democracy is called the Structured Dialogic Design (SDD). The Agoras Institute convenes these dialogues as Co-Laboratories of Democracy. This process is a fusion of the theory of Generic Design Science and the consultative practice of Interactive Management, both developed over the last 30 years by Dr. John Warfield and our founder, Aleco Christakis.
Brian G. Dowling

Forum for the Future - 0 views

    Forum for the Future US brings all of Forum's system innovation, futures and sustainable business tools and expertise to solve sustainability challenges across North America. Working with major businesses including Target, Walmart and McDonald's, smaller companies like Method and Annie's, and NGOs such as The Rainforest Alliance, we have helped reshape the business models and convene the coalitions capable of creating lasting change. We believe that only by keeping a keen eye on what the future might hold can we make sound decisions for the longer term. We also believe that the key systems that we rely on, like food and energy, are broken and in need of complete transformation. Forum equips its Network members with the knowledge, training and practical tools to innovate. We provide them with a platform for collaboration where they can test solutions and make their successes bigger and better.
Brian G. Dowling

Home | The Hum - 0 views

    If you are trying to organise in a collaborative team, you may be asking yourself: ​ "How do we include people in decisions without spending so much time in meetings?"   "How do we set priorities, distribute tasks and stay aligned on shared goals?"   "If we don't have managers, how do we get feedback, resolve conflict and stay accountable?" ​ You are not alone! We've faced these dilemmas in our own decentralised organisations, and we can help you get unstuck.
Brian G. Dowling

Global Assessment for a New Economics, University of York - 1 views

    GANE brings together 1000s of experts, decision-makers, and citizens across the world to synthesize new economics knowledge from science and practice, to drive policy, business, and social action.
Brian G. Dowling

Smart City Hub: cutting edge intelligence for smart city leaders - 2 views

    Smart City Hub is founded in 2016 to provide cutting edge intelligence for professionals and decision makers working in smart cities worldwide.
Brian G. Dowling

Building and Connecting Communities for the Future | World Future Society - 0 views

    This eventually will lead to a new concept, "mobile networked governance." Community leaders will develop knowledge-connection processes that harness the vast resources of disparate community members. We'll soon see a shift from radical individualism to many new levels of deep collaboration. Ultimately, this mobile networked governance will be transformational, creating a new decision-making structure that engages as many people in the community as are interested.
Brian G. Dowling

City Reps Talk 6 Big Barriers to Taking Climate Action - Next City - 0 views

    But an increase in local control couldn't do away with every barrier. The C40 report identifies six main challenge themes standing in the way of city action: 1) the relationship between a city's authority and the authority of different levels of government, including national and international; 2) the structure, culture, priorities, planning, decision-making and financial practice within city government; 3) the need to communicate the costs and benefits of engaging in pro-climate actions; 4) engaging and collaborating with stakeholders in and outside of government; 5) forging an effective working relationship with the private sector; and 6) funding climate action.
Brian G. Dowling

Jefferson Center - 0 views

    We're a nonpartisan nonprofit that engages Americans directly to solve shared challenges and craft better policy. Our mission is to strengthen democracy by advancing informed, citizen-developed solutions to challenging public issues. We advance the public interest by creating opportunities for in-depth citizen education and deliberation that generates informed, inclusive solutions to today's toughest problems. To ensure the work of citizens makes an impact, we cultivate creative partnerships and pursue high-impact organizing and outreach strategies that help decision makers and the broader public work together effectively.
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