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Bruce Vandal

Pathway to the Baccalaureate | - 0 views

    Case study on how one community college moved their students to bachelor's attainment.
Bruce Vandal

Baccalaureate Attainment and College Persistence of Community college Transfer Students... - 0 views

    Paper examining the variables associated with persistence and transfer of Community College Transfer Students. Cites math remediation as one critical barriers.
Bruce Vandal

Bachelor's Degree Completion Across State Contexts: Does the Distribution of Enrollment... - 0 views

    Study by Josipa Roksa that finds that states with higher percentage of enrollments in community colleges actually have higher BA attainment rates.
Bruce Vandal

Do Community Colleges Provide A Viable Pathway To A Baccalaureate Degree? - 0 views

    Paper by Bridget Terry Long and Michael Kurlaender looking at the viability of the community college for bachelor's degree attainment. Concludes that students are 14.5 percent less likely to earn a BA if they start at a community college.
Bruce Vandal

Using Community Colleges to Control College Costs: How Much Cheper Is it? - 0 views

    Paper examining the potential of decreasing college costs by enrolling in a community college. Finds that when considering bachelor's degree attainment that costs are lower at master's levels four-year institutions.
Bruce Vandal

Community College Student Success: What Institutional Characteristics Make a Difference? - 0 views

    Developed by Community College Research Center for the Achieving the Dream Initiative on institutional factors related community college student success.
Bruce Vandal

AACC Statement on Community Colleges and Baccalaureate Attainment - 0 views

    American Association for Community Colleges statement on the low BA attainment of students who start at community colleges.
Bruce Vandal

Guest Post: Community Colleges Are Not a Silver Bullet for Closing Completion Gap | New... - 0 views

  • Among students who begin in a two-year college, only 12 percent of underrepresented minority students and 16 percent of other students transfer to a four-year institution. Among transfers, only 55 percent of the minorities and 61 percent of other students earn a bachelor’s within six years of transferring. In sum, then, only about seven percent of minority students—and 10 percent of nonminority students—who begin in a two-year college earn a bachelor’s degree from any institution in these large systems within 10 years of starting college. These rates are far lower than for students who begin even in nonselective four-year colleges.
  • . That’s not good for young people, many of whom are now trying to navigate their futures with high debt and no degree. Moreover, if we continue down this same road—spending precious grant dollars in our four-year colleges on students who don’t need financial aid and simply dumping low-income students and students of color into community colleges, even slightly better funded ones—it won’t be good for our country, either. Kati Haycock is the president of the Education Trust, a national organization she founded in 1990 to promotes high academic achievement for all students at all levels—pre-kindergarten through college. According to the group's website, the organization's mission "is to close the gaps in opportunity and achievement that consign far too many young people—especially those from low-income families or who are black, Latino, or American Indian—to lives on the margins of the American mainstream." Before founding the Education Trust, Haycock was executive vice president of the Children's Defense Fund, the country's largest child advocacy organization. Her views are her own and do not necessarily reflect those of the New America Foundation.   Suggested Reading Memo to Colleges: Don't Leverage Pell Grant Funding Away Abandoning the Mission at Public Universities Guest Post: A Question of Priorities at Public Colleges Reality Check: The Privatization of Public Higher Education     A new way to join the conversation has improved and expanded comments by switching to Disqus. You must log in to particpate in the conversation, but may do so in several different ways -- by using a Twitter, Facebook, or OpenID account you already have or by creating a Disqus account that can be used on hundreds of sites across the web. Your email address, which is required for a Disqus account, will not be publicly displayed. And if you log in with Twitter or Facebook, you have the option of publishing your comments in those streams as well. Please pay careful attention to the options presented at sign-in, and cross-post or not as you see fit. Add New CommentRequired: Please login below to comment. Subscribe to all comments by emailShare on    Share this comment on...Configure options...Login and PostYou must be logged in to post a comment.Showing 0 commentsSort by Popular nowBest RatingNewest firstOldest first  Subscribe by email Subscribe by RSS Loading comments... 
  • We can’t afford to waste this much talent. Indeed, a recent report from the independent, congressionally chartered Advisory Committee on Student Financial Assistance painted a stark picture of the consequences of current attendance patterns. According to the committee’s calculations, the combination of three forces—the increasing cost of college, insufficient need-based grant aid, and an enrollment shift among college-qualified students toward the two-year sector—resulted in a loss of between 1.7 and 3.2 million bachelor’s degrees over the last decade.
    Piece from Kati Haycock from Ed Trust on the movement to push more students, particularly low-income students toward two-year institutions and the potential impact on bachelor's degree attainment
Bruce Vandal

Mortgaging Our Future - 0 views

    Paper from the Committee on Student Financial Assistance that addresses affordability issues. It sights research on the low bachelor's degree attainment rates of students who start at community colleges.
Bruce Vandal

Shifts in College Enrollement Increase Projected Losses in Bachelor's Degrees - 0 views

    Report from Advisory Committee on Student Financial Assistance on the shift in college enrollment away from 4-year colleges to 2-year colleges has cost the nation millions of bachelor's degrees.
Bruce Vandal

Grand Rapids Community College Equivalency Policy - 1 views

    Grand Rapids Community College Articulation Policy. Provides guidelines for transferring non-credit courses to college credit.
Bruce Vandal

Continuing Education and Economic Development Articulation Procedures (CEED) - 0 views

    Policy from Community College of Baltimore County on articulation of non-credit courses into academic credit
Bruce Vandal

Report from Pantheon Group on Success of Corinthian Colleges - 0 views

    Report completed by Pantheon Group on Corinthian Colleges impact and cost effectiveness.
Bruce Vandal

News: How Students Fare at For-Profits - Inside Higher Ed - 0 views

    Recent research done by Corinthian Colleges suggest that For-Profit Colleges are a good investment, vis a vis public community colleges
Bruce Vandal

A New Paradigm for Economic Development: How Higher Education Institutions Are Working ... - 0 views

    Rockefeller Center report showing how higher education contributes to regional economies through applied research, innovation and increasing college attainment.
Bruce Vandal

Nature of Innovation Report - 1 views

    Report on the nature of innovation at community colleges. Surveyed leaders and focused on community colleges to understand the innovation process
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