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Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

Welcome to Linux: The Stone Age OS | FOSS Force - 0 views

    "Ken Starks "You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete." -R. Buckminster Fuller"
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

Why Microsoft needed to make Windows run Linux software | Ars Technica - 0 views

    "Perhaps the biggest surprise to come from Microsoft's Build developer conference last week was the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL)."
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

Start-up sells a stamp-sized Linux server for $5 | Computerworld - 0 views

    " A start-up has completed a crowdfunding campaign for a stamp-sized Linux server development kit that has integrated Wi-Fi and on-board flash storage for DIYers to build hardware for IoT applications. "
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

Linux vs. Windows device driver model: architecture, APIs and build environment compari... - 0 views

    "Last updated on May 31, 2016 Authored by Dennis Turpitka 4 Comments Device drivers are parts of the operating system that facilitate usage of hardware devices via certain programming interface so that software applications can control and operate the devices. As each driver is specific to a particular operating system, you need separate Linux, Windows, or Unix device drivers to enable the use of your device on different computers. "
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

Why and How Should We Build a Basic Income for Every Citizen? by Marshall Brain - 0 views

Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

Introducing Mob programming: The best team technique you've (probably) never heard of |... - 0 views

    "For software design and development (and many, many other tasks), productivity is always a high priority -- and in pursuit of this is a seemingly never-ending supply of new methods, from Kaizen "continuous improvement" to newer ones like Agile and Lean."
    "For software design and development (and many, many other tasks), productivity is always a high priority -- and in pursuit of this is a seemingly never-ending supply of new methods, from Kaizen "continuous improvement" to newer ones like Agile and Lean."
my serendipities

Group Intelligence, Enhancement, and Extended Minds - 3 views

  • What, then, determines how smart a group of collaborating individuals is? The researchers find three individual-level features that correlate in a statistically significant way to collective intelligence.
  • First, the greater the social sensitivity of group members, the smarter the group. Second, the more turn-taking within the group, the better the group performs. And third, the more women in the group, the higher the group IQ.
  • groups with more women are smarter because women tend to be more socially sensitive than men.
  • ...7 more annotations...
  • increasing the information-sharing abilities of group members using “electronic collaborative tools” might enhance the intelligence of the group itself (without necessarily increasing the intelligence of individual group members).
  • increasing the raw intelligence of individual group members cannot guarantee a smarter group. A group of cognitively enhanced individuals with extremely high IQs (because of their enhancement) thus might fail to outperform a group of “normals” if those “normals” prove to be more socially sensitive than their enhanced rivals.
  • the central component of the extended mind thesis is called the Parity Principle. It states that “if, as we confront some task, a part of the world functions as a process which, were it to go on in the head, we would have no hesitation in accepting as part of the cognitive process, then that part of the world is (for that time) part of the cognitive process.”
  • Thus, according to the Parity Principle, inanimate objects like a pad of paper, a calculator, a computer, Wikipedia, an iPhone, and so on, can all, under just the right conditions, constitute a literal component of one’s cognitive system – of one’s mind.
  • another mind can indeed become a feature of one’s own cognitive system (on the condition that the Parity Principle is true
  • Our minds are made in such a way that trauma, and negative experience is slowly buried up, or forgotten. Our minds do seem designed with self preservation measures to try and protect our psyche. Now with a memory that is always accurate, and that is always accessible, what will that do to our minds? My concern is what our limitations add to our selves. I am unsure of what the world would be like if I didn't forget things. There are somethings we choose to forget, or ignore, or believe despite the evidence. Our emotions do seem somewhat disconnected from our experiences, especially as time goes on. Stockholm Syndrome is a wonderful example, despite the worst possible conditions a loyalty and an affection grows between a captor and their captive.
  • With the ability to share memories, or worse, to forcibly access others memories, this wonderful world enhancement will help us build, may be utterly devoid of privacy. A world where nothing is sacred, except knowledge, and that you may no longer own your own life. Simply, everyone's life, everyone's knowledge and everyone's experiences, may simply become public domain.
    Hmmm... I enjoyed this article. My experience of the extended mind is that it is not enclosed in a groups collective intelligence but part of the morphogenic field. Our global brain. We can access any time. There is one piece he mentions about: But there's also the more speculative possibility, not mentioned by Woolley et al, of enhancing the social sensitivity of group members. What would happen if group members took, for instance, a pharmaceutical of some sort that enabled them to be more socially sensitive towards each other? What if some sophisticated technology were available that augmented the individual's ability to better listen to the ideas of others - to let others have time to speak and to be intellectually open to opposing views? I began to test this in group settings with a good amount of success. It is difficult to measure though. I have tested with flower essences. one particular called shasta daisy which supports individuals and groups to achieve an ever deepening sense of community and experience of Oneness. My seminars are mostly about mind (topics like socialmedia, collective intelligence, new economy) yet I try to make them integral and include other body/mind, spirit. We do meditate. In the seminars where I don´t use the flowers there is a different feeling to it. Its very difficult to describe. Its a sense of a field.
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

Konsthack | KH000 // Kopimashin - 0 views

    "2015 // Peter Sunde Kolmisoppi The Kopimashin creates an endless amount of copies of a specific audio track (gnarls barkley's crazy). The audio track is copied to /dev/null, a unix data pipe for avoiding permanent storage. The Kopimashins lcd display consists of three rows of information, the serial number of the mashin, amount of copies created and the dollar value it represents in losses for the record labels (Downtown Records / Warner Music), currently represented by USD1,25 per copied piece."
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

Global food shock perilously close, new report shows | Inhabitat - Green Design, Innova... - 0 views

    " by Charley Cameron Share on Facebook Pin Tweet+ A new report envisions a nightmare scenario in which just three climate change-driven disasters could lead to global food shock, resulting in food riots as the price of basic crops skyrockets and stock markets experience significant losses. The risk assessment, which was produced by insurer Lloyd's of London-with support from the UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office and vetted by academics from a number of institutions-shows just how close humanity may be to catastrophic collapse by mid-century unless significant changes are made to slow global warming."
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

DigitalOcean's Hacktoberfest campaign fosters nearly 50K GitHub pull requests | Opensou... - 0 views

    "In 2014, cloud hosting provider DigitalOcean decided to encourage contribution to open source software projects, so they sponsored Hacktoberfest. More than 500 participants completed the challenge by making at least 50 commits to projects. This year, DigitalOcean wanted to focus on improving projects"
    "In 2014, cloud hosting provider DigitalOcean decided to encourage contribution to open source software projects, so they sponsored Hacktoberfest. More than 500 participants completed the challenge by making at least 50 commits to projects. This year, DigitalOcean wanted to focus on improving projects"
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