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Maggie Verster

Mathematics Learning: Learning Times tables - 0 views

    Parents complains that with OBE all the basics like times tables are not being drilled. Here are a few ideas for just that!
Maggie Verster

How eating chocolate can help improve your maths - 0 views

    Eating chocolate could improve the brain's ability to do maths, a new study suggets. Jipeeeeeeeeeee- off to buy choccies
Maggie Verster

Compute anything and everything: instant statistical and graphical data - 0 views

    This site makes it possible to see (most) knowledge in real terms statistically and graphically. Basically it means that you can now compute anything! Applications for the maths lit classroom means that you have access to instant statistical data (some only for the US though). You can even put your birthdate in and see how old you are in weeks, years...eashh
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