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Clif Mims

EduBloggerCon/Classroom 2.0 "LIVE in San Antonio" 2008 - 0 views

    Live Roulette from Australia, Fun and Free! Now you can play Real "" Live Roulette for Fun in Australia on a brand new website, Using the latest internet streaming technologies, Fun Live Casino lets you join a real game happening on a real table in a real casino, all broadcast Live! You can see other real players in the casino betting on the same results you do giving you ultimate trust in the results as they are not generated 'just for you', like other casino gaming products such as 'live studios' or computer generated games. Its amazing to think next time your really in the casino that you might be on camera, and people online might be watching! The future is scary! Imagine that one day soon this will be the only way people would gamble online because the internet is full of scams, you have to be super careful, and why would you play Online Roulette any other way except from a Real Casino you can visit, see, hear and trust! Amazingly this site is completely Free and has no registration process, no spam, no clicks and no fuss. Just Instant Fun "" Free Live Roulette! Give it a try, its worth checking out! ""Australia's Online Fun Live Casino! Backlink created from
Ruth Howard

An Idea Worth Spreading: The Future is Networks « emergent by design - 27 views

  • It’s now become so incredibly complex and enmeshed, that each of us now has access to EVERY SINGLE PERSON ON THE PLANET in less than 6 steps. Even with billions of people on the planet, we can reach literally anyone in 6 steps. That means we can access anyone’s resources in 6 steps. Their skills, their knowledge, their capital, their influence. Any resource.
  • ANET in less than 6 steps. Even with billions of people on the planet, we can reach literally anyone in 6 steps. That means we can access anyone’s resources in 6 steps. Their skills, their knowledge, their capital, their influence. Any resource.
  • e’ve transitioned past the point of scarcity.
  • ...32 more annotations...
  • There is no longer such thing as scarcity.
  • There are only misallocated resources.
  • It happened right under our noses
  • strengths “come naturally.”
  • If you have any connection with your strengths
  • My strength is the ability to see patterns. It’s what enabled me to write this post. People call me “insightful.” I have the ability to see stuff that other people don’t see, even when it’s staring them right in the face. (I’ve been calling this process “metathinking,”
  • I started writing about the patterns I was seeing. Explaining trends I was seeing in simple language, distilling down big concepts into words that people could “get.
  • they’ve provided you with a free resource. They’re publicly exposing you to their network.
  • What I did was go to I looked at all the Top Lists that were interesting to me, and started following every single person who I thought I could learn from. That means I looked through their tweetstream to see if it was filled with potentially useful links to info, and I also clicked through to their personal website.
  • This takes effort and time. It’s work. And it’s unpaid. So why on Earth would you waste your time doing this? Because something interesting happens when you start sending people links to information that they can turn around and apply in the real world,
  • It builds trust. This was literally a revelation for m
  • As I started interacting more with these real life humans in an online space, I couldn’t understand why people were being so nice to me and sharing information with me and providing me with resources.
  • Do you know how this makes me feel? Empowered.
  • All of this free giving and sharing actually does something tremendously valuable. It enables us.
  • It’s networks. The answer is networks. Networks solve the problem of complexity
  • It turns out, life is EXACTLY like a game. If you can access the right resources, you can win. Now here’s the kicker. Everyone can win.
  • complex system can only function with independently acting agents who collaborate.
  • a globally cooperative society, as we’ve assumed. She showed, in practice, that this could actually work.
  • This whole online thing is essentially a simulation – it mimics the actual world
  • Turns out, we’re all actually in this together, all trying to figure out a way that we can all utilize our strengths, connect, collaborate, and survive. If helping each other and building trust is the way to make it work, let’s make it work.
  • Networks self-organize.
  • The point is that we want to build trust
  • What happens when your entire organization of people, as a unit, is a network in itself, but each person also has their personal networks of relationships to draw on, which extend beyond the organization?
  • The world will keep moving. It’s accelerating at an accelerating rate. The ONLY WAY to deal with it is not to cling to the old hierarchies and silos and pride and egos. We have to understand that we can only deal with this as a fully connected system. And the really crazy part is: we already have everything we need to make this happen. It’s already in place.
  • All that needs to change is the mindset.
  • We’ll be flexible, adaptive, and intelligent, because we’ll be able to quickly and freely allocate resources where they’re needed in order to make change.
  • If you think so too, pass it on.
  • I thought that made this an idea worth spreading.
  • It’s an option that seems not only possible, but preferable, and comes with a plan that’s implementable immediately.
  • A missing element, in my view, is a simple way for participants to tangibly contribute to the growth of the network. I would love to see a curated version of woven into blogs like EBD, where ideas for enhancing the network could be proposed. These crowdfunding/crowdsourcing elements might spark donations of funds and time to enrich the commons and help the network to grow.
  • Systems – biological, social and economic – are driven by avoiding risk and moving forward. Moving forward is life – no choice. Avoiding risk is the constraints and dangers of the environment – no choice. But life does make a choice.
  • that the transparency provided by social media, especially in its revealing the structure of networks, drives the growth of trust.
    awe and some! Complexity connectivity simplified Blogpost by Vanessa Miemis

Technical Chart patterns - 1 views

stock market trading education online chart patterns

Jeff Johnson

Content used to be king (learning in an online world) - 0 views

    There was a time when books, newspapers, magazines and journals were the prime source of content and information.  It was always your move! navigating the authority maze,  enjoying slow reading of (limited) information sources in order to gain a knowledge base that matched a particular curriculum outline. This was when content was king and the teacher was the sage on the stage. Now communication is the new curriculum, and content is but grist to the mill that churns new knowledge. Why?  I came across a few good reads this week that set me thinking and wondering about the changes that we must support in our teaching and in our library services.
Hare Marke

Buy Twitter Retweets - 100% Real | Secure & Instant - 0 views

    Buy Twitter Retweets Introduction One of the most widely used social networking sites on the internet today is Twitter. Twitter may be a very helpful tool for marketing and promoting your goods and services, whether you run a little business or a major organization. Buying Twitter retweets is one of the best ways to achieve this. The Advantages of Purchasing Twitter Retweets: Your tweets are viewed and shared by a bigger audience when you buy Twitter retweets, which can assist to broaden the exposure and reach of your company. Also, purchasing Twitter retweets can aid in increasing the engagement levels of your tweets, which can further enhance the reputation and image of your brand. Buy Twitter Retweets In conclusion, purchasing Twitter retweets can be a highly advantageous strategy to advertise your brand on this well-known social platform. Buying Twitter retweets is a great option to think about if you want to enhance your Twitter marketing strategy. Introduction: Can you describe what Twitter is and how it might be useful? Users of Twitter, a somewhat well-liked social media network, can post up to 280-character "tweets" to convey quick updates or ideas. Twitter can still be useful for people and businesses even though it is not as popular as sites like Facebook or Instagram. The following three advantages of purchasing Twitter retweets: More visibility: More people will see your tweets when you purchase Twitter retweets, which may improve traffic to your website or blog (if you include links in your tweets). If you want to grow your brand's visibility or your online following, this can be helpful. 2.Twitter retweets can also increase the amount of engagement on your tweets, which can result in additional likes, comments, and shares. This may help you if you want to raise your engagement rate, which is a metric used to assess the effectiveness of your social media marketing initiatives. Buy Twitter Retweets Increased credibility: Having a lot of Twitt

c - 100% Cheap Verified BM For sale - 0 views

    Buy Verified Facebook Business Manager Introduction Facebook Business Manager is a tool that was designed to help businesses advertise on the platform. It's an easy way for Facebook users to create and manage their pages, as well as a useful tool when it comes to running ads on Facebook. But like many things in life, there are two sides of the coin: there's what you think is right and then there's how people actually use these tools! Nowadays, it's very important that your business has its own verified Facebook manager account so that you can run successful ad campaigns across your target audience. Buy Verified Facebook Business Manager from us and get started with ads today. Buy Verified Facebook Business Manager from us and get started with ads today. We sell the best quality verified facebook business manager accounts. We have a variety of verified facebook business manager accounts for sale. We have verified facebook business manager accounts for all types of businesses, including: Real Estate Agents Lawyers and Attorneys Accountants and Tax Advisors How do you get your Facebook business manager verified? You need to apply for a verified account. You will then be required to fill in a form and submit your documents, which may include proof of identity, financial status and tax records. Buy Verified Facebook Business Manager Once your application is approved by Facebook, you will receive an email with further instructions on how to proceed with verification. Buy Verified Facebook Business Manager Verified Facebook Business Manager How do you verify the manager of your Facebook business page? Provide a government-issued ID. Provide your business address. Provide a phone number. Provide a business email address What is the quality of your Facebook account purchases? Our Facebook account sales are the best quality. We sell verified accounts, real accounts and active accounts. We also have a section where you can buy verified Facebook pages from al
    Buy Verified Facebook Business Manager Introduction Facebook Business Manager is a tool that was designed to help businesses advertise on the platform. It's an easy way for Facebook users to create and manage their pages, as well as a useful tool when it comes to running ads on Facebook. But like many things in life, there are two sides of the coin: there's what you think is right and then there's how people actually use these tools! Nowadays, it's very important that your business has its own verified Facebook manager account so that you can run successful ad campaigns across your target audience. Buy Verified Facebook Business Manager from us and get started with ads today. Buy Verified Facebook Business Manager from us and get started with ads today. We sell the best quality verified facebook business manager accounts. We have a variety of verified facebook business manager accounts for sale. We have verified facebook business manager accounts for all types of businesses, including: Real Estate Agents Lawyers and Attorneys Accountants and Tax Advisors How do you get your Facebook business manager verified? You need to apply for a verified account. You will then be required to fill in a form and submit your documents, which may include proof of identity, financial status and tax records. Buy Verified Facebook Business Manager Once your application is approved by Facebook, you will receive an email with further instructions on how to proceed with verification. Buy Verified Facebook Business Manager Verified Facebook Business Manager How do you verify the manager of your Facebook business page? Provide a government-issued ID. Provide your business address. Provide a phone number. Provide a business email address What is the quality of your Facebook account purchases? Our Facebook account sales are the best quality. We sell verified accounts, real accounts and active accounts. We also have a section where you can buy verified Facebook pages from al
José Romão

Need simple video converter for schools - 78 views

Take a look at Cleaner. Two ways you can use this. - give students direct access to manage their own conversions (useful if ...


David Wetzel

12 Expert Twitter Tips for the Classroom: Social Networking Classroom Activities That E... - 0 views

    A dozen activities are presented for using an online education technology tool to engage students in classroom activities to develop a better understanding of concepts.

Is English Language So Popular because of the USA? - 0 views

Americans might tend to inflate the influence of the United States in the history of the spread of English. Before the World Wars, particularly WWII, the US was a bit player on the world stage. The...

english quiz online

started by puzznbuzzus on 17 Feb 17 no follow-up yet
J Black

Educational Leadership:Literacy 2.0:The World at Our Fingertips - 0 views

  • Teaching students to contribute and collaborate online in ways that are both safe and appropriate requires instruction and modeling, not simply crossing our fingers and hoping for the best when they go home and do it on their own.
  • "Now more than ever, students need teachers who can help them sort through choices, apply technology well, and tell their stories clearly and with humanity."
  • Among our authors' guidelines for promoting the skills crucial to using social media well: Value reading and writing more than ever; Blend digital, art, oral, and written literacies; and Teach students to search, evaluate, summarize, interpret, and think and write clearly.
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • As a result, the way we communicate, read, write, listen, persuade, learn from others, and accomplish community actions is changing. Or, as someone said when we were planning this issue of Educational Leadership, "Literacy—it's not just learning to read a book anymore."
Denise Menchaca

The Differentiator - 12 views

  • will identify the patterns of the transaction model of communication using textbooks to create a report
  • Report
    Step by step wizard that guides you through bloom's taxonomy. Useful for creating objectives and thinking through projects (online and face to face). Consider this a brainstorming tool that will help you break out of the box and differentiate your lessons.
    Use Bloom's revised taxonomy to create differentiated lessons and activities.
Dennis OConnor

e-Learning Online: Website Investigator: See you at NECC 2009! - 0 views

  • Website Investigator: Information Forensics Goes to School
  • The purpose of this session is to provide participants with an understanding of efficient methods for evaluating online information and to demonstrate effective ways to teach these information fluency skills in classrooms.The new generation of NETS standards for students (ISTE, 2007), is based on the premise that efficacy and productivity depends on students’ abilities to conduct research and manage digital information fluently. An essential skill is the ability to evaluate information from a variety of sources and media.This session directly addresses this information fluency standard by helping participants…1. Understand the role of investigation (information forensics) in evaluating information:• Two types of searching: how investigation differs from speculation;• Determining when investigative searching is necessary and when it is not;• Effective means of finding critical information with limited clues;• Using specialized search engines and browsing techniques to track down information;• Analyzing results to determine credibility of the source and content.2. Observe effective methods for helping students exercise speculative search skills:• Off-line 'readiness' activities;• Group and individual Search Challenges;• Interactive tutorial games;• Think-aloud searches;• Evaluation reporting;• Group discussion about credibility.
Judy Robison

Infinite Thinking Machine - 0 views

    powerful web resources that use the increasing amount of primary source materials online and have the power to engage students using digital tools and their desire to express themselves.
Nigel Coutts

PZ Sydney Network becomes PZ Australia - The Learner's Way - 1 views

    The PZ Sydney Network has achieved many of its goals in the past five years. Most importantly the network has been able to provide high-quality professional development to many educators through free events large and small and both face-to-face and online. The PZ Sydney Network has been able to expand its reach and in recognition of this is transforming to become the PZ Australia Network.
Paul Welsh

Author Nicholas Carr: The Web Shatters Focus, Rewires Brains | Magazine - 16 views

  • Dozens of studies by psychologists, neurobiologists, and educators point to the same conclusion: When we go online, we enter an environment that promotes cursory reading, hurried and distracted thinking, and superficial learning. Even as the Internet grants us easy access to vast amounts of information, it is turning us into shallower thinkers, literally changing the structure of our brain.
  • What we’re experiencing is, in a metaphorical sense, a reversal of the early trajectory of civilization: We are evolving from cultivators of personal knowledge into hunters and gatherers in the electronic data forest. In the process, we seem fated to sacrifice much of what makes our minds so interesting.
    • Paul Welsh
      In light of these studies, learners could benefit from a "concentration protocol" for isolating the passage from the edge distractions and at least temporarily turning off notifications
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