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Video -- Animals, Travel, Kids -- National Geographic - 21 views

    For Monday's Class! Make sure you comment!
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    Cool :D
    I just found out how to comment and that was pretty cool.
    I watched a couple videos, but I couldn't find the certain video you wanted!
    we watched it in class it was cool but i couldn't find it when i wanted to watch it again
    We watched it in class but cool
    that was cool. Did you know slime is expensive. One time I was on salesman and it sells for like 500!!!
    Wow Miley... 500 that's a lot
    hagfish are really cool. what does this have to do with what we are learning
    my computer wouldn't load it and i was like NOOOO!
    Good for him, I should do that to my 8 year old coisin who is afraid of dogs! I mean she isnt afraid of her dog that is like the same weight as her, but she is afraid of my puppy who is as light as a new born baby :P Cool!
    irk my moms friends son is scared of my dog she's tiny and he's not scared of big dogs! isn't that weird!
    oops i ment ikr
    That was very interesting. Everyone in my family loves dogs. What does this have to do with what we're learning?

Earthlike Planet Found Orbiting at Right Distance for Life - 5 views

    Very cool!
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    That is sooooo cool!!!!
    That is Amazing!!!!
    that is awesome
    that is just so amazing
    Thats like, we are probally gonna live there in a couple years! :p Im sure there will be lots more planets discovered in the future and people just like us saying the same thing :D

BBC News - Magnetic bacteria may be building future bio-computers - 13 views

    That is so cool!!!!
    Ya it is!
    That is so awesome that they can make electronic things from living things!

bionic hand - YouTube - 4 views

    it is a very cool hand :P but at the end he goes on the motorcycle no smart
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    His hand is kind of creepy but how did he loose his hand?
    Watch it again wray it says he was playing with fireworks Really cool Parker thats awesome
    Oh i wasn't really paying atention but still he was stupid for playing with fireworks.
    Thats really awesome Parker!!!!
    Thats awesome he can move his hand like it was actually there! :)
    Thats cool, and helpful! They will probally have a bionic things for every part of the human body sooner or later!! :p lol But seriously!!

Earthquakes 101 - YouTube - 11 views

    Please watch before Thursday's class!- make a comment, even as simple as, 'completed' to show that you've watched it! Thanks! :)
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    i would hate 2 be in an earthquake that bad :( it would be scary
    yeah it would be especially if you were watching hundreds of people dieing
    imangen that in cayman a big earthquake that whould be really freky
    That would be really scary to be in an earthquake that big!!!!
    THat would be scary megan it would!!!
    Yeah and remember what we learned in Geography. in japan they build skyscrapers for apartment buildings imagine being at the top during an earthquake!
    Wow, that just confirms I'm not moving to L.A or Anchorage.
    did u see the size of the cracks in the road!
    and the one we felt compared to that was nothing
    I never knew a 5 minute video could hold so much information :D And I would hate to be there when that happened (so sad that all those people died
    That was AWKWARD!!!
    9.2 thats big
    big earthquakes
    So much damage:(
    me and wyatt watch it and it was good and cool
    Sad. So much damage happened.

Solar storm - 2 views

    That is so cool, but kind of scary!! :D
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    Karina showed me it the other day. I so agree it would be scary!
    That's very interesting yet very scary. I'm scared for the future now. :O
    Same here!

Pictures: 7 Volcanoes Erupting Right Now - 4 views

    That is cool. I like the one with the half cooled lava.
    That is awesome!!!! I really like the one with all the city lights in the background!!!!
    no the best one is the one in Italy

TeacherTube Videos - - 7 views

    Try to watch before tomorrow's class if you get a chance- only 5 minutes long and will really help you understand the material if you preview this first!
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    I already have a pretty good idea of what we are going to learn!
    It is wierd how there are so many different types of faults!
    no wonder there are so many different landforms is so many different places :)
    I liked it
    it was sad to see the damage that the earthquake caused :(
    FAULTS!! :p it's cool how you find a video for everything we are learning Ms. Caitlin! :D
    Thats cool
    complete now

Rock Cycle Song- to 'life is a highway' :) - 5 views

    That is sooooo... catchy Iv'e already got it stuck in my head and it will definetily help me have a better understanding of Igneous, Sedimantary, and Metamorphic rock.
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    It is catchy, and like wray said, it will definetily help me with the Igneous, Sedimentary, and Metamorphic rocks!!
    I love the song! It is so catchy!!!
    LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So Catchy
    "theres a world inside the earth's surface,where rock changes to igneous!" love it! it's catchy stuck in my head

Video -- Acid Rain: Invisible Menace -- National Geographic - 4 views

    Watch before Monday!
  • ...6 more comments...
    It would not let me watch it ( it would not load I loded it for like 20min but it still won't work)
    whoa that's freaky
    It wholdnt load :( for like twenty min and still would after
    My computer wouldn't let it load. I really wanted to watch it!!! :(
    I just got it to load it took forever but that's really cool
    it wouldn't load i really wanted to watch it.
    Thta is very intereseting!!!!
    it was cool

Giant, Dinosaur-Age Islands Found in Deep Sea? - 4 views

  • Giant, sunken pieces of an ancient continent from the time of the dinosaurs may have been discovered deep in the Indian Ocean, scientists say.The two fragments, called microcontinents, are possibly leftovers from when India, Antarctica, and Australia were part of a supercontinent known as Gondwana (see a map of Earth during this time.)
  • What the scientists found surprised them. Rather than the normal basalt rock of most seabeds, the scientists pulled up chunks of granite, gneiss, and sandstone—rocks normally found on continents. (See pictures of different types of rock.)
  • Some samples even contained fossils, said team member Joanne Whittaker, a marine geophysicist at the University of Sydney in Australia."It's quite clear that these two plateaus are little fragments of Gondwana left behind as India moved away from Australia," Whittaker said.
    I can't believe that they found chunks of granite, gneiss and sandstone which are supposed to be on continents :)
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    That is amazing that scientists found pieces left over from Gondwana and chunks of granite, gneiss and sandstone which are only found on land. Cool! ;)
    wow it is so how the scientist found the chucks of granite i wish that i could find stuff like that :)
    Thats cool sunken pieces of an anccient continent! i wonder if they can find any dinosour fossils
    That is wierd that they found chunks of granite, gneiss, and sandstone. And that they found remains of a continent!
    That's awesome. Maybe they might find a NEW continent, or maybe one is going to build up!! That would be cool too!
    We would know if there is another continent because satellite photos from space
    good point but couldn't we see it from an airplane or a helicopter

Introducing the 2011 Nobel Prize winners | Science News for Kids - 3 views

  • The Nobel Prize for chemistry also went to a scientist who surprised the world with his findings. On an April morning in 1982, Israeli chemist Daniel Shechtman mixed together two minerals and created something that he’d thought was impossible. Before Shechtman’s discovery, scientists thought that atoms and molecules inside crystals were packed together in a repeating, symmetrical pattern. Without repetition, there couldn’t be a crystal. But on that April morning, Shechtman didn’t see repetition. Instead, in his mineral mixture he saw patterns that never repeated.
  • At first, other scientists didn’t believe him. Shechtman said his work was ridiculed by other researchers. His boss even told him to read up on the basics about crystals. Still, Shechtman knew what he’d seen. His work wasn’t published until 1984. Since then, chemists have changed the definition of crystals to include solid materials like Shechtman’s quasi-crystals. Other kinds of quasi-crystals have been created, and naturally occurring quasi-crystals have been found in Russia.
  • “But he stuck to his guns, and with time researchers found that this unique crystal structure was actually right.”
    uh oh! Check this out... what did we get wrong in class? why do you think that it isn't 'common knowledge' by now?
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    That is cool. We said in class that the crystals pattern is always repeating the same pattern but mixing two minerals together changed the patterns so that it isn't repeating.
    Yea, that is cool like wray said. That means that maybe some more things we say in class is out of date or is turning iut of date as im typing right now!! :D
    Oh yeah, we did get that wrong!
    oops... :)

Space "Egg," Meteorite Yield All-New Minerals - 3 views

  • Two new minerals that formed during the birth of our solar system have been found inside meteorites, new research shows.The new discoveries—krotite and wassonite—are particularly exciting for scientists, who have found only about 60 minerals that can be traced to the solar system's beginnings 4.5 billion years ago.
  • "By studying this mineral, we can understand a little bit more about the solar system," NASA's Nakamura-Messenger said. "Four-and-a-half billion years ago, there was a region that had the exact conditions to make this mineral."What's more, this may not be the only new mineral in the Yamato 691 meteorite."The wassonite was surrounded by a couple of other unknown mineral[s]," Nakamura-Messenger said.Likewise, another new mineral, called brearleyite, has been identified next to krotite, Caltech's Ma added—details to be revealed in August in American Mineralogist.
    Very cool- it's not just new organisms that scientists discover these days!
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    That is so awesome that they found 2 new minerals!!!!
    That is awesome Megan. I love what the The minerals are named!!!! :)
    Whoah, i wonder if scientists will find anymore minerals in the next few years, maybe even in the next hundred years!! would be so cool if they named a mineral Kalie!!!! XD
    The picture makes it look like undercooked pie

Meteors Brought Gold to Earth? - 2 views

    • Caitlin Hutchinson
      Check out the links and let the rest of the class know what they're about! :)
  • Scientists studying rock samples have evidence that gold was delivered to Earth's surface by meteors! The evidence indicates that about 3.9 billion years ago, a huge "firestorm" of meteors brought gold and other precious metals to the planet.
    That's so cool!! :) I wonder how if that every 3 billion years if meteors bring gold down to earth.
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    That's awesome, now i wonder if aliens are real!?!? I'm not crazy! :D It's possible, just like how gold was delivered to Earth's surface by meteors is possible! :p
    That is so amazing. I wonder if they will bring gold down to Earth's surface again!
    That's cool!

Conflict minerals: What to do about Congo? | GlobalPost - 1 views

  • When President Obama signed the Dodd-Frank Act into law, much of the conversation and debate was centered on its goal of reforming Wall Street and its potential to prevent another financial crisis
  • But within the act, which came into effect on April 1, 2011, is also a provision dealing specifically with eastern Congo. The section requires American companies to ensure the raw materials they use to make their products are not tied to the conflict in Congo, by auditing the mineral supply chains
  • tin, tantalum, tungsten and gold, known today as conflict minerals
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  • Why are tin, tungsten, tantalum and gold so strategic? If you want to build airplanes, computers, TV sets, cell phones and so forth, you can’t make that technology without these minerals. They are key to technological advancement today.
    Have you heard of conflict minerals before? Or conflict diamonds? Take a look at this article.  What do you think? What else can you tell us about conflict minerals by researching them more? How does this impact us? 
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    I haven't heard of conflict minerals but i have a pretty good idea of what it means.
    I didn't know that there is such thing as conflict minerals!
    Are we going to learn about conflict minerals in Science this year? or next year? or the year after that? or the year after that? or the year after that? or..... :p
    I'm with Megan I didn't know there was such thing as aconflict minerals!?

Wanted: Garbage collectors in space | Science News for Kids - 1 views

  • Wanted: Garbage collectors in space
  • A sprawling garbage heap floats high above Earth. It contains fragments of broken-down satellites and pieces of used rockets, as well as a few unusual objects like gloves and cameras accidentally dropped by astronauts. The problem isn’t going away; it’s getting worse.
  • The number of pieces of space garbage gets larger every year. Around the world, space agencies worry about the trash because even small bits of litter — no larger than the fingernail on your pinkie — can cause serious damage to satellites or spacecraft.
    Not to do with Rocks- But cool article about something we probably don't think about a lot!
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    Thats odd that there is trash in space!!!!
    That is wierd that pieces of garbage is floating around in space. Is waste really getting tat bad?
  • space.....that is very wierd. I wonder if it is part of the problem of air pollution?!?!
    We really need to control our garbage
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