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SAVED, SANCTIFIED and SINGLE: When God's Plan Excludes Marriage « Reflections in the WORD - 0 views

    I was never going to get married. No amount of wanting it on my end would make it happen, no amount of trying could undo this truth. I was simply not ever going to get married.

10 Scriptures of Hope for the Single Mom | buzitnow - 0 views

    When I was a mother raising children alone, I possessed one certain Bible. I wrote notes in the margins beside verses that pertained to my circumstances, asking God to apply that truth to my need. My Bible was my diary (much like the little pink one with a lock on it that I hid under my pillow when I was eight years old). Then when I married Rich 25 years ago, I purchased another Bible, one accompanied with fresh-smelling neon markers.
Jason Turner

Baptist Church in Yorba Linda - 0 views

    If your curious about God, or deeply committed to Him, this link has something remarkable for you...whether you're single, young, old or belong to a large family.

Romantic US Valentine's day Wishes Images Gifts for Lovers - - 0 views

    Love is a special feeling that change the world of every individual. Every Single person can't leave without love and no one knows when it is going to happen, it just happens suddenly so for US peoples we have arranged Love Messages Gif Pictures HD Wallpaper Dating Party Ideas Celebration for all Valentines Week Rose Teddy Chocolate photos Quotes Greetings Cards.

The Shadows of Sawtooth Ridge by Bernie McAuley - 0 views

    An American POW returns home after the Vietnam War only to find that his life has changed drastically. He is now a single father of two. The family ranch that he grew up on is about to be sold to someone else, and his career as an airline pilot is in jeopardy due to his recurring nightmares.

Miracles in Mozambique: How Mama Heidi Reaches the Abandoned | Christianity Today | A Magazine of Evangelical Conviction - 0 views

  • "I was playing in front of the office," says Sergio Mondlhane, now in church leadership in Pemba. "She approached us, kneeled down, and asked our names. I remember that she smelled good. She gave us candy, and she said she would come to see us again." But the children were skeptical, because they had heard that before. Heidi did return, however. Jacinto Maria Rageje said, "She was the one who led us to Jesus. The biggest thing was, she cared for every single one. We couldn't believe it. We didn't need people to bring stuff. We needed someone to pay attention to us." Baker brought food when she could. She organized repairs for facilities. She befriended the staff and eventually moved into a renovated house on the base.
  • While his wife was sick, Rolland visited the Toronto Airport Vineyard Christian Fellowship (now known as Catch the Fire), where the controversial Toronto Blessing revival of the mid-1990s had broken out. It was marked by ecstatic manifestations of the Holy Spirit, most notably "holy laughter." Hearing his report, Heidi became convinced that she desperately needed to visit Toronto. Against medical advice, she signed herself out of the hospital and took the long flight to North America. While visiting her parents in Laguna Beach, she was rehospitalized. Again, she checked herself out. At the first meeting in Toronto, her lungs opened up. She spent much of the following days draped on the floor, praying and being prayed for. Never before, she says, had she experienced the love of Jesus in such a tangible way.
  • One night, she had a vision of Jesus in which she literally ate his flesh and drank his blood. He spoke to her about the children who so burdened her. "There will always be enough," he said. Heidi took it that they were not to pull back or limit their program. They were to care for every child they encountered and to count on Jesus to provide. As he had cared for her, he would for them.

The Cape Town Commitment - Lausanne Movement - 0 views

  • Discerning the will of Christ for world evangelization
  • Unreached and unengaged peoples
  • thousands of people groups around the world for whom such access has not yet been made available through Christian witness
  • ...16 more annotations...
  • pastor-teachers. We will make every effort to identify, encourage, train and support them in the preaching and teaching of God’s Word
  • evangelism at the centre of the fully-integrated scope of all our mission, inasmuch as the gospel itself is the source, content and authority of all biblically-valid mission
  • Oral cultures The majority of the world’s population are oral communicators, who cannot or do not learn through literate means, and more than half of them are among the unreached as defined above. Among these, there are an estimated 350 million people without a single verse of Scripture in their language. In addition to the ‘primary oral learners’ there are many ‘secondary oral learners’, that is those who are technically literate but prefer now to communicate in an oral manner, with the rise of visual learning and the dominance of images in communication.
  • Christ-centred leaders
  • only those whose lives already display basic qualities of mature discipleship should be appointed to leadership
  • Leaders must first be disciples of Christ himself
  • authentic Christian leaders must be like Christ in having a servant heart, humility, integrity, purity, lack of greed, prayerfulness, dependence on God’s Spirit, and a deep love for people
  • ability to teach God’s Word to God’s people
  • long-term work of teaching and nurturing new believers
  • long that God would multiply, protect and encourage leaders who are biblically faithful and obedient
  • accountability within the body of Christ
  • focus more on spiritual and character formation, not only on imparting knowledge or grading performance, and we heartily rejoice in those that already do so as part of comprehensive 'whole person' leadership development
  • Half the world now lives in cities. Cities are where four major kinds of people are most to be found: (i) the next generation of young people; (ii) the most unreached peoples who have migrated; (iii) the culture shapers; (iv) the poorest of the poor
  • All children are at risk. There are about two billion children in our world, and half of them are at risk from poverty. Millions are at risk from prosperity. Children of the wealthy and secure have everything to live with, but nothing to live for.
  • God can and does use children and young people - their prayers, their insights, their words, their initiatives - in changing hearts
  • For God to send labourers into every corner of the world, in the power of his Spirit; For the lost in every people and place to be drawn to God by his Spirit, through the declaration of the truth of the gospel and the demonstration of Christ’s love and power; For God’s glory to be revealed and Christ’s name to be known and praised because of the character, deeds and words of his people. We will cry out for our brothers and sisters who suffer for the name of Christ;  For God’s kingdom to come, that God’s will may be done on earth as in heaven, in the establishment of justice, the stewardship and care of creation, and the blessing of God’s peace in our communities. B)    We will continually give thanks as we see God’s work among the nations, looking forward to the day when the kingdom of this world will become the kingdom of our God and of his Christ.

Make disciples with the film "The Hope" - in many languages - 0 views

  • The Hope The Story of God’s Promise for All People a powerful chronological overview of God’s redemptive story from Genesis to Revelation
  • Available in these languages (more coming)
  • They all wanted something that: had the production quality to reach even the most media sophisticated cultures, was about an hour was sensitive to the culture in which they were ministering, and told the whole story, creation through Christ.
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • There are four major sections comprised of 12 chapters and 36 biblical events. Four discussions can be built around the four sections. At a deeper level, a 12 unit Sunday school program or Bible study can be built around the 12 chapters. Finally, at a more detailed level, 36 classes could be built around the 36 biblical events.
  • Show The HOPE in a single showing or in sections (over a period of days, weeks or months), or both SECTION ONE - 15:09 min. Introduction - 3:11 The Universal Question - Is There a Purpose? The Voice - Recorded for All Time in a Book Chapter 1 - In the Beginning - 4:51 The Story Begins with God - His Attributes Creation - A Reflection of Gods Power & Nature Chapter 2 - The Choice - 3:07 The Tree of Life and The Tree of Knowledge The Rebellion of Satan and The Creation of Hell
Joel Bennett

IE7Pro - The Ultimate Add-On for Internet Explorer 7 - 0 views

    A single addon that makes IE7 into the browser it could have been. A few tab-management features, including crash recovery and tab history ... moving the menu where "it belongs" ... enabling inline-search, mouse gestures, ad blocking, spell checking, greasemonkey scripts, as well as super drag-and-go, exporting a web page as an image, and quick proxy switching ... and plugins! 
    Is this Maxthon?
Hans Neukomm

Death - 2 views

    After a loving life - loving all and sharing with all The single most loving experience ever will be to experience death

How To Date any Girl You Want | buzitnow - 0 views

    What do women want? This is a question that has baffled men since the beginning of time and we men are no closer to understanding women than we were when we huddled around an open fire every night and lived in caves. Why are women so hard to decipher? Simply because we try to understand them from a man's point of view without understanding the basic premise that women think differently from men. In fact, women have completely different wiring than men and we will never be able to understand them on a logical level, which is how we approach most everything.
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