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in title, tags, annotations or urlChristian Adoptions - 0 views
Adoption Organization Texas - 0 views
Many prospective donors ask this question before making a donation to a non-profit organization, unsure of how their hard-earned money is actually going to be used. They want to help the Providence Place mission of providing adoption services and life-skills training to young adults with disabilities, but they also want to make sure their money is going into the right hands and is being used for the proper purposes.
Talking About Adoption - 0 views
Sarah Reiter is Providence Place's Adoption Outreach Coordinator. Sarah ReiterWhen she talks about her job, her brown eyes shine and her shoulder-length hair swings as she emphasizes a point she's making. At 24, she may seem young for the responsibility she has, but it's clear she's able to talk easily with troubled young women her age or younger.
Diversity in the Home - 0 views
How to Support the Adoption Community! - 0 views
Any caring and compassionate person who wants to support the community of adoption agencies, prospective parents, birthmothers, and children can do so. There are many ways to engage with the community and advance the loving goal of adoption agencies.
Who Do I Talk to About Adoption? - 0 views
Preparing to Meet A Birth Mother - 0 views
Meeting a potential birth mother can be the beginning stages of one of the most exciting events in one's life. But in the excitement, it's important to remember your priorities in seeking to add a new member to your family, while also remembering to honor the priorities of the birth mother you are meeting as well.
Interesting Use of Logos in Web Design - 0 views
Adoption Agency San Antonio - 0 views
With all the countless adoption agencies available to you, finding the right one to help expand your family can seem like an overwhelming process. But research is very important for avoiding headaches and issues when it comes to selecting an agency. Here are three tips to remember when deciding on an adoption agency.
The Center for Higher Independence Honors Students with Disabilities at January Ceremony - 0 views
The Center for Higher Independence, a division of Providence Place in San Antonio, TX continues to flourish. They will recognize the top students participating in the program, as they do every month, in an effort to show appreciation for the hard-working young men and women seeking an independent lifestyle as young adults.
Tips for Couples Considering Adoption - 0 views
What Are Your Options When Faced with an Unplanned Pregnancy? - 0 views
Being the care provider and sole guardian of a child is a tremendous responsibility. It's a never-ending duty. It's also a rewarding experience. You will play a major role in shaping the person they grow up to be. You are not only their parent, but also their support system in every way imaginable.
Tips for Expecting Mothers - 0 views
Establishing a Good Relationship with a Birth Mother - 0 views
Once you've completed your birth mother search, meeting a likely birth mother is nerve wracking and scary. This first encounter can establish an impression and understanding between both parties. The way you two get along will heavily influence whether or not a birth mother wishes to follow through with the adoption process.
Exploring Your Options and Different Types of Adoption - 0 views
Adopting a child means more than simply filling out an application. If you and your significant other have contemplated adoption, it's important to know all your options. When looking into adopting a child, you have the choice between adopting through an agency, independently, domestically and/or internationally.