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Several ways to reach the unreached of the world - 0 views

  • increasing number of national sending agencies and associations. This is especially true among newer Churches who send workers from the first or second generation of believers. Central and East Asia as well as Eastern Europe are encouraging examples of this in the past decade. Growing numbers of countries are forming sending structures to facilitate sending workers from their nations to the world. Most countries with sizeable evangelical populations have mission associations that connect and resource mission structures within the country.
  • The North is learning to work as equals with or even serve under the leadership of those from the Global South.
  • Affinity partnering networks have formed across agencies for shared vision and focus. This focus might apply to a people, a region or a religious bloc. Such networks provide partnership, shared resources, research initiatives and, in some cases, umbrella groups serving pioneer workers from all agencies reaching the target peoples.
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  • Experts in business, industry, education or other fields serve
  • some serve through agencies, others go on their own or with loose connections to networks
  • when open doors and natural peer networks already exist for lawyers, engineers, architects and entrepreneurs
  • Believers living in diaspora are increasingly a strong mission force.
  • There are strengths and weaknesses involved in each method, and finding new ways forward is never tidy. Pray that devoted followers of Christ might, with passion, urgency, wisdom and discernment, seize available opportunities to more effectively reach the world’s least reached.
  • In the past 20 years, more Muslims than ever before have come to Christ, more workers serve in Muslim heartlands, more agencies focus on these regions and more sustained intercession is given for these peoples precious to God.
  • Political crises in Buddhist strongholds such as Tibet, Thailand and Cambodia similarly caused increased interest in the Buddhist world, long a tough mission challenge with little progress. Mongolia, Cambodia and Vietnam, all strongly influenced by Buddhism, now see unprecedented Christian growth. A trickle of first fruits is also occurring among Tibetan peoples. May the rest of the Buddhist world soon experience the same.
  • The upheaval in the Hindu world has likewise drawn greater attention to this large swathe of the human population. Civil war and continued turmoil in Nepal, unrest, religious violence and persecution in certain parts of India and the continued plight of the Dalits/Untouchables have all attracted prayer, mobilization and ministry on a great scale. This, in turn, has yielded incredible growth in the Church in Nepal and India. Pray, however, for an awakening of focus and a harvest force to work among higher caste and middle class Hindus.
J. B.

Too missional for abortion? - 0 views

    Anthony Bradley criticizes what might be some hypocrisy in hipster/missional Christianity when it comes to social issues.
    Anthony Bradley criticizes what might be some hypocrisy in hipster/missional Christianity when it comes to social issues.

Choosing the Right Mission Agency | TentMaking Ideas - 0 views

  • Organizational Vision & Values Philosophy of Team Countries of Work View of Contextualization Pre-field Requirements

The Great Commission | Operation World - 0 views

  • Vital, supportive home fellowships of believers who are willing to pray the missionary out to the field and keep him or her there through the years of greatest effectiveness. This is difficult to maintain with rapid changes and turnovers in membership and in the pastoral team in most congregations. Congregations must see themselves as local launching pads for the essential task of global mission
  • The harsh realities of spiritual labour soon dispel the imagined glamour of pioneer missionary work. Both the missionaries and the churches that send them need to have realistic expectations, adequate support on every level and unflinching devotion to the task.
  • Many missionaries live sacrificially for Christ, in harsh and demanding contexts, with simple lifestyles and neither present nor future guarantees of income or security. This is especially the case for those from newer sending nations where churches do not yet appreciate the importance of financial support for mission. missionary lifestyles also need to be sensitive to the living standards of the contexts in which they work.
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  • Missionaries must be more vigilant on the field than in home situations. They need to be able to discern between cultural differences and spiritual opposition, but the spiritual authority to resist evil attacks is even more vital. These can come through many means, including physical health and disease, attacks upon the mind and attitude, in relationships and in physical threats such as violent attacks and hostage taking.
  • assurance that God has guided one to a particular ministry is often the only anchor to retain workers in difficult situations, misunderstandings, broken relationships and “impossible” crises. Pray that none may leave a place of calling for a negative or superficial reason, but only because of a positive leading from God.
  • Success should be understood as having been achieved when the missionaries are no longer needed for the role for which they came. The ideal goal of all missionaries should be to train their own replacements from among local believers.

The Cape Town Commitment - Lausanne Movement - 0 views

  • Discerning the will of Christ for world evangelization
  • Unreached and unengaged peoples
  • thousands of people groups around the world for whom such access has not yet been made available through Christian witness
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  • pastor-teachers. We will make every effort to identify, encourage, train and support them in the preaching and teaching of God’s Word
  • evangelism at the centre of the fully-integrated scope of all our mission, inasmuch as the gospel itself is the source, content and authority of all biblically-valid mission
  • Oral cultures The majority of the world’s population are oral communicators, who cannot or do not learn through literate means, and more than half of them are among the unreached as defined above. Among these, there are an estimated 350 million people without a single verse of Scripture in their language. In addition to the ‘primary oral learners’ there are many ‘secondary oral learners’, that is those who are technically literate but prefer now to communicate in an oral manner, with the rise of visual learning and the dominance of images in communication.
  • Christ-centred leaders
  • only those whose lives already display basic qualities of mature discipleship should be appointed to leadership
  • Leaders must first be disciples of Christ himself
  • authentic Christian leaders must be like Christ in having a servant heart, humility, integrity, purity, lack of greed, prayerfulness, dependence on God’s Spirit, and a deep love for people
  • ability to teach God’s Word to God’s people
  • long-term work of teaching and nurturing new believers
  • long that God would multiply, protect and encourage leaders who are biblically faithful and obedient
  • accountability within the body of Christ
  • focus more on spiritual and character formation, not only on imparting knowledge or grading performance, and we heartily rejoice in those that already do so as part of comprehensive 'whole person' leadership development
  • Half the world now lives in cities. Cities are where four major kinds of people are most to be found: (i) the next generation of young people; (ii) the most unreached peoples who have migrated; (iii) the culture shapers; (iv) the poorest of the poor
  • All children are at risk. There are about two billion children in our world, and half of them are at risk from poverty. Millions are at risk from prosperity. Children of the wealthy and secure have everything to live with, but nothing to live for.
  • God can and does use children and young people - their prayers, their insights, their words, their initiatives - in changing hearts
  • For God to send labourers into every corner of the world, in the power of his Spirit; For the lost in every people and place to be drawn to God by his Spirit, through the declaration of the truth of the gospel and the demonstration of Christ’s love and power; For God’s glory to be revealed and Christ’s name to be known and praised because of the character, deeds and words of his people. We will cry out for our brothers and sisters who suffer for the name of Christ;  For God’s kingdom to come, that God’s will may be done on earth as in heaven, in the establishment of justice, the stewardship and care of creation, and the blessing of God’s peace in our communities. B)    We will continually give thanks as we see God’s work among the nations, looking forward to the day when the kingdom of this world will become the kingdom of our God and of his Christ.

Bible translation and mission : Bible translation and the cross-cultural DNA of the church - 0 views

  • over the centuries the major peoples that have most persecuted Christians have been those who were evangelized, but never had the Scriptures in their own language
  • wherever a missions thrust resulted in the early translation of the Scriptures and the absorption of its contents into the culture, the Gospel light has rarely been extinguished even if terrible persecution has come—examples being the Armenians, Georgians, Copts of Egypt, the Ethiopians and the Russians
  • The importance of a people proudly having their own version of the Bible cannot be under-estimated for the preservation and advancement of its culture.
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  • Missionaries are often accused of “destroying cultures”. The 20th Century demonstrated that it was actually the Missionaries who preserved and ennobled cultures when the Scriptures were translated. It was rather the insensitivity, greed and ecological degradation of soldiers, traders, loggers, drug cartels that have done the damage. Without the translation of the Bible, many languages and cultures will disappear. Many cultures where the Gospel has been preached but do not have the Scriptures will be anaemic and without a strong Christian core embedded in their corporate life.

GFA - Gospel for Asia - 0 views

    - mission highly effective and minizing cultural borders by native missionaries - share the love of Jesus Christ with those who have never before heard His name. - 10/40-window - India, Afghanistan, Pakistan - radio, bibles, help

Asia - 0 views

  • The increase in the number of Muslim Background Believers (MBBs). The hatred and violence of Islamist extremists most likely contribute to many Muslims’ disillusion and greater openness to the gospel. While there are pockets of particularly momentous change, the inflow of Muslims into the Kingdom of God is indeed happening through much of the Muslim world, albeit under the radar and on a modest level in many areas. Dreams and visions from the Lord, combined with encounters with Scripture and demonstrations of God’s love, play a large role in many of these testimonies. Other major factors include specific and sustained intercession for the Muslim world, increased efforts to reach them, more sensitive cultural approaches and the widespread use of media – satellite television programmes, radio and film/video. The impact of the Internet in communicating the gospel, leading Muslims to faith in Jesus and discipling new believers cannot be overstated.
  • Missions vision. The vast majority of Kingdom increase in this region is through the faithful witness of indigenous believers sharing the good news village by village and town by town. But the gospel has rarely jumped across ethno-linguistic or caste boundaries. This is changing as the South Asian Church increasingly commits to reach the least reached groups in its region – of which there are literally thousands.
Dan J

Obama's Secret Vault - HUMAN EVENTS - 0 views

    "On Glenn Beck's Jan. 7 show, he was rightly puzzled regarding the exact purpose of President Barack Obama's Dec. 16 signing of an executive order "DESIGNATING INTERPOL AS A PUBLIC INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION ENTITLED TO ENJOY CERTAIN PRIVILEGES, EXEMPTIONS, AND IMMUNITIES." Beck spoke for a host of other government watchdogs when he said on the air: "We've been asking ever since it was signed: Why? Who can tell me what special interest group asked for this? If it were about terror, why not tell us that when he signed it? This Congress attacks our CIA and FBI, but Interpol gets immunity? Why? It makes no sense." Glenn, I agree. But I think I recently have seen behind the veil on the White House's covert mission and mystery with Interpol. The rest of Obama's executive order reads: "By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, including section 1 of the International Organizations Immunities Act (22 U.S.C. 288), and in order to extend the appropriate privileges, exemptions, and immunities to the International Criminal Police Organization (INTERPOL), it is hereby ordered that Executive Order 12425 of June 16, 1983, as amended, is further amended by deleting from the first sentence the words 'except those provided by Section 2(c), Section 3, Section 4, Section 5, and Section 6 of that Act' and the semicolon that immediately precedes them.""
Dan J

Israeli Robots Remake Battlefield - - 0 views

    "TEL AVIV, Israel - Israel is developing an army of robotic fighting machines that offers a window onto the potential future of warfare. Sixty years of near-constant war, a low tolerance for enduring casualties in conflict, and its high-tech industry have long made Israel one of the world's leading innovators of military robotics. WSJ's Charles Levinson reports from Jerusalem to discuss Israel's development of robotic, unmanned combat systems. He tells Simon Constable on the News Hub how they are deploying unmanned boats, ground vehicles and aerial vehicles. "We're trying to get to unmanned vehicles everywhere on the battlefield for each platoon in the field," says Lt. Col. Oren Berebbi, head of the Israel Defense Forces' technology branch. "We can do more and more missions without putting a soldier at risk." In 10 to 15 years, one-third of Israel's military machines will be unmanned, predicts Giora Katz, vice president of Rafael Advanced Defense Systems Ltd., one of Israel's leading weapons manufacturers. "We are moving into the robotic era," says Mr. Katz. Over 40 countries have military-robotics programs today. The U.S. and much of the rest of the world is betting big on the role of aerial drones: Even Hezbollah, the Iranian-backed Shiite guerrilla force in Lebanon, flew four Iranian-made drones against Israel during the 2006 Lebanon War. When the U.S. invaded Iraq in 2003, it had just a handful of drones. Today, U.S. forces have around 7,000 unmanned vehicles in the air and an additional 12,000 on the ground, used for tasks including reconnaissance, airstrikes and bomb disposal. In 2009, for the first time, the U.S. Air Force trained more "pilots" for unmanned aircraft than for manned fighters and bombers."
Judith Bell

Adoption Organization Texas - 0 views

    Many prospective donors ask this question before making a donation to a non-profit organization, unsure of how their hard-earned money is actually going to be used. They want to help the Providence Place mission of providing adoption services and life-skills training to young adults with disabilities, but they also want to make sure their money is going into the right hands and is being used for the proper purposes.

When Addiction Hits Your Family: Top 3 Ways to Fight Back | buzitnow - 0 views

    When addiction invades a family, it doesn't politely knock on the front door and ask to come in. It comes in like a bat out of hell with a bloody vengeance. Addiction's sole mission is to destroy relationships, health, finances, hopes, dreams, and sanity… but it doesn't stop there. In its quest for pain and destruction, addiction goes after anyone who stands in its way. This includes the addict and the family. The families are left in the wake of addiction feeling hopeless, powerless and broken. They have had addiction consume most areas of their lives (if not all) and are paying the price of addiction even though they are not addicts themselves. Though the family can't ultimately stop the addict from self-destruction, there are some things they can do to regain their footing and start taking their power back from addiction.

Amazing facts of learning to become a Barista - 0 views

    Every profession demands training to become an expert and to bring out the best-hidden skills of the professionals, every novice requires a teacher. Coffee education offers so many benefits, from someone's career progression or whether is it job satisfaction to just get a deeper understanding regarding coffee-making skills. A barista is a coffee artist. You will want to make sure that your coffee business has the best baristas, employees who know the difference from a cappuccino and a latte. A perfect cup of coffee is enough to taste its originality and experience its worth. To all those who want to pursue this coffee, excellence can join classes to learn the industry-level expertise at The Canadian Barista & Coffee Institute in Vancouver and Calgary. All trainers provide fresh and unique content which is not available in the market and is as competitive as it should be. They are deeply concerned about course content and do not provide any other irrelevant course offering which will reroute students and be the cause of their money wastage. Their mission is to demystify coffee and to make barista classes more informative and more accessible. At the end of your course completion, they offer a certificate. The certification accomplishment adds to the career capital of a learner, which proves a brighter future. This helps to strengthen the CV of a struggler in the market to start a coffee business or a barista to pursue a career as a coffee professional. This is a very economical option for all the learners who are seeking to gain the coffee knowledge and expert level skills.

Why Jesus was named "Jesus" - 0 views

    We can say that every Christian is today aware of the mission that brought Jesus into the world.

Asia Harvest - 0 views

shared by C L on 13 Oct 12 - Cached

The Power of Presence by Jay Stiegelmeyer | CMA Resources - 0 views

    the church has left the building
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